I farm these in Uleguerand Range while leveling npc. Does it seem to anyone else that the drop rate on these has lowered since buffalo started dropping Uleguerand Milk? Or is it just me :p
The NPC that sells these Requires a "Tier 3" Shop. Meaning its like the rose chick who sells Lacquer Logs in Ru'Lude.
You need to buy 10k worth of junk to upgrade her to Tier II, then 250k Worth of junk to Upgrade to Tier III, where she sells Buffalo meat.
This Resets every JP midnight.
So you'll need to either get you or some friends to spend nearly 250k, or go farm it... Either way the NPC isn't reliable source unless your server's cooks regularly buy the Cheese (Her Tier 1 Item) it massive quantities on a daily basis. (its used in Marinara Pizza)
Either way if shes already at Tier III, You can buy em cheap, If not i don't think its worth 250k in order to buy them, They're a real simple farm.
drop rate may well have been adjusted. Farming /thf it takes me a little over 2 hours to farm a full stack. Of course, with the price of a stack dropping to about 20k, it's not the moneymaker it once was.
Drop rate is trash on the buffalo and even worse on the Giant Buffalo. At least if you farm the buffalo near D8 you can have a chance at poppin the NM. Good luck.
Unfortunately for farmers (and good i guess for cooks), due to the 2009 new years event, prices on this will not recover to pre-event levels for a looooong time. Many people stockpiled as much as they could buy and will be flooding the AH for at least a few months to come, i'd imagine.