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Root » Scrolls » White Magic
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 4
Rate Slow (0.995 sold/day)
Median 200,000
Max 200,000
Min 170,000
Average 192,600
Last 200,000
Price History
3 Days Ago200,000
4 Days Ago200,000
4 Days Ago190,000
4 Days Ago180,000
GilPrice History3/33/93/143/183/240k50k100k150k200k250kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 25, 2025CaldiaPilmpia200,000
Mar. 25, 2025IlovehootersSquishi200,000
Mar. 25, 2025JennellCheryil190,000
Mar. 25, 2025AclilChilltown180,000
Mar. 24, 2025MrmariuMnchnairbiskitz180,000
Mar. 23, 2025ThetoecutterGustus170,000
Mar. 23, 2025OriginalpandaTruths200,000
Mar. 22, 2025CrickersShirouma180,000
Mar. 21, 2025PlovdivEmolga180,000
Mar. 18, 2025FlightDelarz180,000
Comments (11)
Siren.Vagustae[Report] Score: 12
Quest: "Sorcery of the North"
2008-05-18 13:09:39
Shiva.Caput[Report] Score: 10
San d'Oria reputation 4 needed.
Then head to Fei'Yin and kill
Underground Bats, Ore Golems or Shadows,
to get a Chestkey dropped.
This key is a really rare drop even with Treasure Hunter 2.
I killed like 200 Bats to get a Key.
After you got a Key dropped,
just find the chest,
get the Fei'Yin Magic Tome and
Head back to Quest starter NPC
(Eperdur - Northern San d'Oria)located at M-7.
2008-07-26 17:13:36
Asura.Andradi[Report] Score: 8
It might be worth mentioning that the droprate of the key from Shadows, while still fairly low, is a lot higher than the other mobs that drop it.
2009-02-09 18:55:51
Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud[Report] Score: 0
I got my key from one of the ore golems. they drop a lot of mythril ore with TH2 so bring fire crystals if you have goldsmithing for a little extra farming on the side.
2009-05-27 14:50:41
Odin.Mrbananana[Report] Score: -1
was just in fei' yin today. went to qu' bia zone and killed the 4 shadows to the east of it and got a 2 fei' yin chest key drops. i hope this helps maybe higher drop rate from them or just me being lucky.

went as 69drg/war

no TH.
2009-03-16 00:09:58
Bahamut.Calyxx[Report] Score: -1
They must have made the droprate better for this key was 65drk/whm and got two key drops in an hour or so. shadows have the best drop rate and weaker than the bats
2009-04-02 15:53:35
Alexander.Bloodrain[Report] Score: -1
As BLM73/WHM36 and the treasure hunter from the mog-tablets, i got my key on my 6th Shadow. was 11% moon at the time. It's not too hard, but much better drop rate than the other mobs.
2009-06-17 15:53:44
Sylph.Taranstryker[Report] Score: -1
Can be purchased from Amalasanda (Tenshodo HQ) in Lower Jeuno for 34,656 gil
2018-11-21 07:24:38
Phoenix.Teedee[Report] Score: -2
I killed 6 bats with TH3 attained the key and got the chest i found the chest first that way i knew where to go and killed bats around that location and got the key item quickly and attainted the Scroll
2009-07-04 21:54:00
Pandemonium.Aravol[Report] Score: -2
Shadows is a 5% drop rate, bats are 1% i think. as 75 DRK/37thf it didnt take me too long. check ffxiatlas for chest spots. its helpful.
2009-04-01 08:22:41
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