just FYI, waaay more than 20 of these sell per day. I personally regularly sell 18+ in a day (one and a half batches).
Truely, this is a fast moving consumable and there's no reason at all to undercut them. stuff that sells quickly like this is how you make your money with Cooking. Keep that in mind before you undercut, folks.
Sells fast all the items are sold from an npc and used to fight BCNM's and Maat. Very good skill up item just dont go undercutting the price it sells really. undercutting is bad for you in the end becaue other crafters are going to cut you and so on. We all Leveled our craft to make or save gil think about the larger effects of undercutting when skilling up
Anything listed on this site that says "Very Fast" and has more than about 16~ sold a day is actually an inaccurate number since the website can only update the price history so many times an hour and only the last 10 sales are shown in-game, it wont be able to pick up if more than 10 were sold and record that information which throws off the real number of items sold per day.
Don't undercut just because you couldnt wait the 3 hours to sell your stock. I can guarantee you will sell your stock "Very Fast" if you know how to manipulate the prices on the auction house if you know how to sell without dropping the price
Rav hit the nail on the head. These sell way too fast to be undercut, but I always see them drop 200gil in 2 days... STOP BEING IMPATIENT! Are you not making these to make gil? Why shoot yourself in the foot then?
To better measure profit, and how much people loose at a certain point, heres the break down of costs, NPCing the ingredients most likely the cheapest so that will be used,
3x (180-220)=540-660
same NPC so fame is the same, highest fame cost of ingredients is 579, lowest fame 708, including crystals add give or take 125 for the crystal cost, most servers at this time seem to be at 1500/ stack, 1500/12=125, then take into account random breaks that will happen its which will atleast be 125 for the crystal, then AH Fee, lets think, 700-850 cost+fee, selling for low prices takes down profits, which then means if you break you will loose x amount of sales worth of profit, theres no problem selling these fast, hmmmmmm