Waxing Gibbous (88%) at 7:35 game time. I caught my first crescent fish. By 8:45 game time of the same day, I caught the 4 I needed for guild points. Being day time didn't seem to affect it.
Fly Lure does indeed best at the Lake in East Sarutabaruta. However I cannot really confirm moon phase theory. But I can on the occasions I've fished these for GP's there is a noticeably better bite rate during night time hours.
I noticed I started getting bites for these at night time. I had spent a good 20 minutes here beforehand and started pulling them in after the time shift. Might want to try fishing them at night.
Stood in East-Saruta for 30 minutes, with Fly lure, and landed nothing but monke-onke, neer even seen any of these.
Wildly variable catchrate, or more influenced by moon than normal?
Crescent moon?