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Root » Food » Fish
Info [Wiki] [BG Wiki] [FFXIDB]
Stock 8
Rate Slow (0.319 sold/day)
Median 2,000
Max 10,000
Min 1,000
Average 2,069
Last 2,000
Price History
1 Days Ago2,000
4 Days Ago2,000
5 Days Ago2,000
7 Days Ago1,000
GilPrice History1/51/282/243/63/1605001,0001,5002,0002,500Export to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Vendor Prices
Name Zone Price
Babubu Port Windurst Guild Merchant
Mendoline Selbina Guild Merchant
Graegham Selbina Guild Merchant
Price History (25)
Mar. 23, 2025ZuneskylarMonkeyer2,000
Mar. 20, 2025LywerdNesrin2,000
Mar. 19, 2025VespurBaelfire2,000
Mar. 18, 2025LywerdTailortim1,000
Mar. 16, 2025ZuneskylarSkelabella1,960
Mar. 15, 2025LywerdFredforger1,000
Mar. 13, 2025DeloreanTinkiewinkie2,000
Mar. 8, 2025LilsaltyYorumi2,000
Mar. 6, 2025FiirisBaelfire2,000
Mar. 6, 2025FiirisBaelfire2,000
Last Seen
Bahamut.Psykii PM7,5001Port Jeunoabout 5 hours ago
Showing 1 to 1 of 1 entries
Comments (12)
Siren.Pyzon[Report] Score: 7
Guild Points Value: 300 / 2880
2007-06-17 12:46:22
Asura.Malkavius[Report] Score: 6
Zehruhn Mines (Bridge) with minnow. Lu Shang's 100% bites are catfish.
2012-06-15 08:29:42
Ifrit.Rikirocket[Report] Score: 5
For all you fishermen out there that are trying to get this for your guild rank or skill, here is something that i got from an old fishing guide, hope it helps.

Level 27-33

Target Fish: Giant Catfish (16/31), Dark Bass (18/33)

Location: Bastok Markets (Storage of Water), Carpenter's Landing (Central), Davoi (Pond), Giddeus (Pond), La Theine Plateau, Rolanberry Fields (Lake), West Sarutabaruta (Pond)

Rod: Carbon, Clothespole, Composite, Fastwater, Glass Fiber, Halcyon, Hume, >MITHRAN<, Single Hook, Tarutaru, Willow, Yew

Bait: >Frog Lure<, >Minnow<, Robber Rig, Rogue Rig, Sinking Minnow, Trout Ball

Favorite Setup: Mithran + Frog Lure at the unnamed lakes in La Theine Plateau cancelling all Arrowwood Logs or monsters

The Catfish will come up "(!!!)"
2009-11-01 14:02:48
Phoenix.Leadleaf[Report] Score: 4
Very common freshwater yield in mog garden.
2013-07-29 11:09:31
Lakshmi.Ravont[Report] Score: 3
You Can catch these in Vunkerl Inlet(S). I fished near the OP there with a Composite an Sinking Minnow.
2008-04-04 12:25:54
Odin.Kirra[Report] Score: 3
NPCs to Fishing Guild for 149 each.
2010-04-21 13:28:42
Asura.Thorva[Report] Score: 3
Giant Catfish: [jahy-uh nt] [kat-fish]

noun, plural (especially collectively) giant catfish (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) giant catfishes.

1. A man pretending to be a woman to get items from a linkshell leader.
2017-02-18 18:58:33
Remora.Raistlins[Report] Score: 2
I caught these in Bastok Market near the home point with a Clothepole & Minnow
2008-09-17 11:19:23
Valefor.Acex[Report] Score: 2
Port San d'Oria with Lu Shang's and Sinking Minnow: 100% Giant Catfish catch
2012-12-29 11:02:58
Caitsith.Tisi[Report] Score: 2
I tend to pull anywhere from 1 to 4 of these out of the freshwater pond in my mog garden every day. Some days there are none, but they're quite commonly in there.
2015-01-13 10:54:40
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id:1430 Cooking (84)
Total Cost29,833