For all you fishermen out there that are trying to get this for your guild rank or skill, here is something that i got from an old fishing guide, hope it helps.
Level 27-33
Target Fish: Giant Catfish (16/31), Dark Bass (18/33)
Location: Bastok Markets (Storage of Water), Carpenter's Landing (Central), Davoi (Pond), Giddeus (Pond), La Theine Plateau, Rolanberry Fields (Lake), West Sarutabaruta (Pond)
Rod: Carbon, Clothespole, Composite, Fastwater, Glass Fiber, Halcyon, Hume, >MITHRAN<, Single Hook, Tarutaru, Willow, Yew
I tend to pull anywhere from 1 to 4 of these out of the freshwater pond in my mog garden every day. Some days there are none, but they're quite commonly in there.