You can either Farm these, or Craft them. It takes
1x Wind Crystal
4x Beehive Chips
Or if you are new to the game and you wish to farm to gain money or just get you'r craft skills up, they drop from,
Bumblebee: West Sarutabaruta - East Sarutabaruta
Giddeus Bee: Giddeus
Maneating Hornet: North Gustaberg -South Gustaberg
Giant Bee: East Sarutabaruta - West Sarutabaruta
Huge Wasp: Konschtat Highlands - La Theine Plateau
Killer Bee: Tahrongi Canyon
I farmed 4 stacks of these, 7 stacks of beehive chips. Friends farmed 2 1/2 stacks of beehive chips and 1 stack of honey in the same time my 45 thf farmed the 7bhc/4honey. I then crafted, from the beehive chips, 12 more stacks of honey. Then w/ alchemy crafted these into echo drops. We have 21 stacks +3 left over echo drops at the end of a 5 hour journey of boredom.