Dropped From
All mobs that are Easy Prey or higher and marked as dropping an Wind Crystal. Must have Signet, Sanction, or Sigil active.
Drops from these mob families:
Bat Trios
Evil Weapons
Giant Bats
Mamool Ja
NPC Sell Price: ~13 - 15 gil
Synthesis: Uses the power of wind to carve materials.
It may be wise to instead sell these in a town with a guild that uses a lot of them (i.e. Sandy > woodworking) you'd save gil on tax and still make a fast sell. I just don't see what the big deal is, jeuno is jeuno.
Not real sure why the price has fallen so much considering it cost 201 gil a stack just to put them on the market. That mean your making 99 gil a stack......You can make more selling to a NPC. Come on people use a little common since. Bring the prices back up to 1k a stack at least don't give all the profits to the crafters. I'm just saying
I question why people sel crystals on the Jeuno AH. The taxes area killer. You're better off AHing them off in your home nation and only spend 8 gil in taxes as apposed to the 80-120+ gil tax.
Well, considering that Jeuno allows the nations to come together as one, would you rather be selling something to one nation that only is (If all nations populations are equal) 33.33-% or would you sell it when everyone can see it and get to it?