Probably the best attatchment for endgame puppetmasters. This part combined with ice maker and loudspeaker II with a fully merited magic skill for automaton, creates just about enough damage as a AM II. Howver there is a glitch that happens with this part sometimes where the ice maker will calculate the damage before adding the accuracy. Thus sometimes leglecting the tranquilizer to have any effect because the ice maker removes all the ice maneuvers to calculate damage.
The prices for the high end automaton parts used to be way lower when people were cheating and duping TOAU BCNM Drops. SE Should consider providing more ways to obtain these. Same goes for R3.
I'd imagine prices were also lower then because people were actually doing events (such as ANNMs) and quests (such as Targeting the Captain) back when they dropped items of value. It is my sincerest hope SE adds automaton attachments to Abyssea Pyxides to help out newer Puppetmasters.
If you have ever done Scouting the ashu talif for these u will know that the droprate is incredibly low. it takes 3 ppl to enter, so a party of 3 ppl, with <% chance of getting 1 ??? box item a week puts 3+ mil to each trio pretty fair. otherwise GL getting this at a lower price
I love how much these prices spiked in the wake of the march'10 update. I told everyone PUP would get so band-wagon'd with the +44 hand-to-hand skill.
The Ashu Talif is actually a really easy fight, so you're better off working for your own attachments than buying them at these prices. And it's an excuse to try for the haste pants that are the best TP gear for PUP barring Usukane.
Having PUP as one of my two main jobs, I'm so happy that these awesome attachments now have a gil value that accurately represents their usefulness. And I'm even happier that I got them when they were 10% of the current market cost XD!
(These prices aren't likely to drop anytime soon unless people actually start doing the Ashu Talif, so just waiting for the market to even out may not be the best choice if you're taking PUP seriously!)