All Quick Draw cards are sold from Jajaroon at Nashmau (G-7)
He charges 48 per card. 48 x 99 = 4752. If you're paying more than that to buy from the AH you're losing more Gil than you need to. As a Cor it's always best to be careful with your spending.
99 Cards can be bundled into a Card Case by Nokkhi Jinjahl.
I agree with Nabubo however the problem lies in that there is no easy way to earp to nashmau other than ferry (if there is im not aware of it), due to this reason people are prepared to pay the extra 2k (not forgetting ferry price) for the sake of time and convenience and time. I see the current pricing just right. If you have the time and patience then head to nasmau, if not pay the extra 2k and be done with it. Remember convenience comes at a price.