Tests are showing that the MP restore come out to being about equal to 3 MP/tick. Some people are really disappointed with that, but hey -- that's a free, permanent Refresh right there that'll stack with RDM Refresh, Ballad, gear Refresh and Auto-Refresh.
With this, RDM Refresh, Mirage Jubbah, the trait, and regional refresh, you're looking 9 MP/tick there.
As an owner of this mythic, I'm going to post a comment about it.
Aside of the fact that it's clearly not the best investment in the game since there are a whole load of better mythics and relics for endgame purposes (or even AH gear for that matter), it IS the best BLU sword, or at least it was when I obtained mine.
The main problem with Tizona is that it's on the verge of being surpassed very easily.
It's a relatively small step from the second best BLU melee weapon, unlike most other (non crappy) mythics and relics.
The amount of MP recovered is small, but so is the cost for most blue magic spells, so when it procs (10-12% according my tests) it's still nice no matter what.
Mine was about 75m gil, which I considered to be a "fair" price compared to relics costing the double of that.
Been said that, if you get to play BLU a lot, it's a very fun and decently effective weapon to have.
Overall, I'm happy with it. It's mostly a status symbol but it does have its uses.
I wanted to post something current about Tizona as all of these posts are before ilvl119 and 3/4 trusts.
It’s hard to translate the convert MP it into an MP/tick as it depends on how fast you are swinging and how much dmg you are doing. It is definitely an asset in battle and you will notice when you do not have it. Haste II and 1 haste song and your mp will stay full given the enemy ‘s PDT isn’t high.
AM3: With the right haste/store tp/dual wield it is easy to CDC continuously making light like a SAM spamming Fudo. SkirmV2 swords can be better without AM3.
SCs: 3k tp Expiacion > CA+Efflux Sinker drill > Darkness for AM3. CDC >CDC > Light. Expiacion > Requiscat > Darkness good for mobs with lots of PDT. Requiscat > CDC > Darkness. Savage blade > Thrashing Assault > Light > CDC > Light. MBing is also viable.
If you really like BLU this sword is worth it hands down, but I would not recommend a mythic if you are only interested in the mythic and not the job itself.
my bud Jimbobsonofgod got his awhile back and says its not worth the 110mil unless your loaded, bored with the game, and have nothing better to do. His statements on the converts dmg > mp. is thus "The dmg converted is nowhere near the full damage i do it is roughly 15-30% of my dmg and procs i'd say 10% of the time." as such unless your able to full time melee a mob as Blu in EG this swords cost/time to get doesnt sound worth it to me. it is prolly fun just to play with though.
this weapon looks HOT! should increase blu's solo potential quite a bit..
If it can infact make darkness, it promises to be very fun to use.. aswell as deadly. My fave Blu MBs are of the darkness element.
depending on the porc rate of the convert to damage to mp, Mp running out should not be an issue with this weapon, on another note this weapon would also do away with the elemental staves for a breath setup with the +10 magic acc