Are you a Paladin?
Are you nearing level 52 or have you otherwise not yet reached level 60?
If your answer is '{Hmm.} {/yes}' to the above questions, then you should get one of these and use it until you can get your hands on a *** Sword +1 or you can even wait until an Espadon +1.
If you don't have the time to camp the AH or have the resources to have someone craft one of these for you, get the T.M. +1 and (for XP parties at least) never look at anything else until you can get a *** +1 or an Espadon +1.
I see you, Mr. 56 PLD, eyeballing that Gluttony Sword. Stop. Unless you want to test how much better this sword is yourself. PLD/WAR at 50+, weapon delay is ABSOLUTELY PARAMOUNT. The more often you attack, the more chances you have to 1) Hit and 2) Double-attack. Damage output = HATE.