1: Urganite Shells aren't used in consumable items; all items made with them are durable.
2: Undercutting a result of supply exceeding demand. If they are no longer making money, don't farm them.
yep. these were good farming for a few weeks... then suddenly everybody and their brother started farming them, and the supply is now WAY higher than the demand, resulting in a price that's not worth spending the time farming them.
People are silly. Look at how frequently an item actually sells before you go farm dozens of them and drive down the price. If it's a slow selling item, it would be better to find your own niche item to farm than to spend your time driving the price down to nothing.
Econ Lesson Kiddies: Consumable Tradeskill items will sell. There is no reason to undercut the price AT ALL!!! All you do when you undercutt is ruin it for you and everyone else.
For a long time these were good money, i was the only one who really farmed them, hsd the price about 20K and rising 1K per 2 shells. Then all of a sudden, EVERYONE started farmin them, it sucked. at least ppl arent farmin them that much anymore.