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Root » Materials » Alchemy
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Stock 0
Stack Price 100,000 (100,000 per)
Rate Very Slow (0.121 sold/day)
Median 5,000
Max 5,000
Min 1,000
Average 3,420
Last 5,000
Price History
8 Hours Ago5,000
1 Days Ago3,000
2 Days Ago3,000
2 Days Ago3,000
GilPrice History8/3010/1410/301/143/40k1k2k3k4k5k6kExport to raster or vector imagePrint the chart
Price History (25)
Mar. 24, 2025LeonahNordishen5,000
Mar. 23, 2025MarkranceLeucojum3,000
Mar. 22, 2025HakfAnjelkiss3,000
Mar. 22, 2025LeonahAnjelkiss3,000
Mar. 4, 2025NakitaruStmoon3,000
Mar. 1, 2025SophiyStmoon5,000
Feb. 23, 2025CatannaVoa2,000
Feb. 14, 2025PeunituLinkzell1,000
Jan. 15, 2025KazrokSyrellyn5,000
Jan. 14, 2025GuiyiiLisblanche1,000
Comments (11)
Gilgamesh.Pulsahr[Report] Score: 15
If you are looking for items, please use Wanted option, not posting comment here, thanks :)
2008-03-28 09:45:16
Bahamut.Valent[Report] Score: 10
I've farmed these off and on in prommies for over a year now, killing well over 2k mobs. Somber memories only drop from the mobs with ice affinity, it's strange that a water based memory drops from an ice based mob, but it has been verified by testing the mobs resistance to ice. Each color mob can drop the memory associated with it's particular color, and may also drop a second memory that is either malevolent or radiant depending on the light/dark affinity of the mob. Dark color mobs will drop either one or two malevolent memories and light color mobs will drop either one or two radiant memories.
2011-03-25 23:06:27
Bismarck.Ettalo[Report] Score: 5
I'm not sure if this was changed at some point, but somber memories do NOT drop from all dark-based empty. Somber is unique to ice only, it's malevolant memories that drop from all dark-based empty.
2011-01-24 20:13:35
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] Score: 4
Went up there with TH4 and each Ice/Water/Dark mob cans till only drop this memory x.x;

Most of the time spent was running around trying to find Ice/water/Dark mobs to begin with lol.

Ended up killing everything since they can repop different colors, was very fun though, always wanted revenge on these...

Still a difficult farm, but profitable in the long run. You'll be up there for a good time, but significantly less time than when under 30 cap.

Good luck and good farming, try not to crash the price too much =) we'll all need a little extra gil for those new items =0.

Then again with cheaper Somber comes cheaper reraise items.

Catch 22 here :\, profit for one, or profit for another?
2010-06-26 00:20:02
Ifrit.Criseyde[Report] Score: -1
Yes, Valent and Ettalo are correct. Memories are unique to one specific elemental type of empty. You will never receive a somber memory from a water based empty, nor a dark aligned empty. It is an impossibility. FFXI Wikia has been updated with these corrections and a new page for "Memory" has been added.
2011-08-31 22:28:26
Valefor.Leith[Report] Score: -3
@Kittiara: The Demand on these dropped hardcore recently, when demand goes down, sometimes you're forced to drop the price, also, hike up the price too high, and no one will buy
2011-06-21 13:21:38
Valefor.Kittiara[Report] Score: -6
it's crazy how this Ughness guy keeps underselling himself. when i was farming these a month or 2 ago they were 200k a stack. this guy makes no sense, he is the only one selling them on Valefor pretty much and lowers the price on himself. hmmmmm
2011-06-07 21:20:28
Shiva.Lashyon Show Score: -11
@ Karubuncle They can also drop from Earth based. All memories come from their particular light or darkness skillchains. So all Light based memories can come from all light based mobs and all dark based can come from all dark based mobs.
2010-08-24 08:40:21
Ramuh.Ilvex Show Score: -13
Consequently water animas will drop in price, and there for RR gorgets ect will also drop in price as the water anmias were one of the pricier mats
2010-06-23 14:26:08
Lakshmi.Glaciont Show Score: -14
Christ lol, there goes my awesome farming spot
2010-06-23 08:28:34
Screenshots (0)
id:300 Alchemy (75)
Total Cost31,833