Safe to say the best WS legs DRK currently has available.
Highest STR for the slot, so great for single hit weapons, and of course the added attack is good for the additional hits of Guillotine/Insurgency, and a nice bonus for those single hits without any sort of pDif bonus.
Extra accuracy would be nice, but I can't think of any piece with accuracy that would trump this.
Yakuzeku do your homework before you comment on a job you dont even have leveled.
Ares Flanchard have 1 more STR yes but -3 INT and MND which are modifiers for DRK WS, which will hurt your WS Damage. The +16 Attk from Onyx more than outdoes the 1 extra STR from Ares.
Ares's Flanchard is better because of the Double Attack +% on them. The DEX+ also translates into a decent amount of accuracy for a 2-hander. The attack on the cuisses will only mean so much on a job with a lot of attack to begin with (simply stacking attack won't give the best results).
A teaspoon of honey will give better results than a cup of vinegar. :)