@ Patriclis... How can a Rare item be Augmented?... Either way, the high DEF is very nice on top of the Elemental buffs this gives. Good body for any Elemental build on PLD.
"Biggest reason for the inflated prices is the low drop rate combined with lack of people who try one of the EASIES BC's there is."
Stupid comment. The BC may be easy, but TONS of people do it. I've personally done it once a week for over 2 years now and never once seen the Breatplate drop.
318 Fire resist, Tiamat hits for 28 each.. This was without Assault Breastplate, Hrotti and Cerberus Bow +1. Can definetly hit a lot higher with this and get hit for 15?
Really, I think the price is all about the fact that its the same breastplate Rochefogne of the San d'Oria rank missions wears. It makes sense that it drops in a Tavnazia-region BCNM as he is the son of the ruler of Tavnazia