I wouldn't sell/toss your old body armor just yet. The recipe for this is on the version update page on Wiki. It requires Artisan-level synergy, clothcraft, leathercraft, and goldsmithing. The required ingredients are: Orichalcum Ingot, Sparkstrand, Twill Damask x 2, Wolf Felt x 2, Cashmere Cloth, and Briareus's Sash.
At the time I'm writing this (2 days after the version update) wiki still doesn't have any info on some of the ingredients. Depending on the rarity and difficulty to obtain the mats, and requires multiple high-level crafters, it's easy to imagine this piece being VERY expensive when people do start making it. There are many examples of crafted armor where the NQ versions become very cheap b/c the crafters are trying for the high-profit HQs. But there are also examples where the mats are rare/difficult to obtain, or the HQ so rare that even the NQ is very expensive (such as Sha'ir Manteel). That salvage body could look cheap by comparison.
As a clothcrafter, let me tell you this piece is very UNLIKELY to drop in price. Cashmere is just too hard to get a hold of. Pretty much only two sources- Vrtra and Bahamut.
Added crit is noticable, and a sexy piece at that. Sash's are coming down in price, but the cashmere cloth needed is what makes this so expensive! Recommend duo for this synth. Only 4 elements for synergy, pretty easy to make. My 100 clothcraft buddy usually just afk's while we make lol.
this piece is rather limited by the jobs that can use it and it has difficulty replacing
Mirke Wardecors with +10acc +10att.
the jobs that can use it are getting 1 extra attack every 25 rounds from the double attack.
armor equivilant to purple pld armor for ninja and sam. your still going to get beat up.
what makes this piece expensive is cashmere.. which is probably going to drop off every mob in heros expansion.
I'd say it will be trading at about avalon breastplate price in a couple months.