These drop off of Elder Goobbue in Boyahda tree. Which rmt's farm off of. 75 THF NIN and BST can solo them. Just bring echoes and your npc buddy and it's not too difficult
And if you have high lvl fame in Sandy, Windy or Bastok, they sell for 6757 each to npcs. Much better than putting it up on AH, paying AH tax then waiting for it to sell.
I agree with Haamyo. price need to rise fairly higher than NPC price. Its alot more hassle to put them on AH and wait for them to sell than to sell everything to NPC when the price is as high as it is.
To danagon, dont gloss it over, bst's use it for the same reason as the rest of us. Farming with some exp added to it. There are a ton of other places for bsts to solo merits
At Lv.95BST/47DNC, I use a Dipper and, on avg., can farm around a stack of wisteria lumber each hour. As well as 3 stacks of moss and cuttings. Dipper is a 2hr pet. Have fun making that money!~