Avalon piece is somehow better for cure potency but this has 10 mp which is better for chivalry swap than homam, because mp/tp rate is affected by mnd.
You have to buy avalon in any case, coz CB mdb body is much worse until valhalla one. In any case even with avalon keep this piece for your chivalry.
"Having a full Gem set isnt something to be proud of considering every single piece in the set, especially the feet, are absolute garbage." Cerberus.Mitsukai
Ofcourse you don't know, that pld with shield skill merited and capped and 3d size shield piece has blockrate cap.
Get Nuevo for fast cast and this as cure potency gear. As pld you must have a plenty of gear for every situation you encounter with.
"I have not enough gil, so i'll blame every piece i cannot buy" doesn't work with pld, my dear.
why do u try to sell things on this website i highly doubt some1 is gonna buy this armor when u can clearly go 2 sky get the ABJ buy the cursed curiass or whatever for half price and get better stats