A great item to get. With the prices dropping its affordable, and the extra 2 acc and eva are well worth it. Top notch item over all for all levels available to it.
With the Antares Harness available nowadays this is not the best piece anymore for evasion setup, however due to the high price of Antares Harness this still is a very good piece of equip and definately worth getting from 57-71.
great bit of gear for +acc and +eva but you might want to look at the cobra body if its only +acc your after, if you can euqip it even though its 11 acc not 12.
this is still a very good and better bit of gear for its got acc and eva and alot more jobs can use it but there is more gear out there than the stuff ya can get on the AH.
Only reason to get something better than this is if that job happens to be your Project. Otherwise this will suit well for all the jobs other than PLD DRK WAR SAM BST that can otherwise use Hauberk/Haubergeon (IR Hauberk for PLD's sake)