A severely under-rated earring, simply because it's the only item available to put your BLM over the 50% damage reduction cap. For any BLM that ever ends up having to kite anything, you'll be glad you invested in this.
Drops from 3 KSNM30s: Come Into My Parlor, E-vase-ive Action and Infernal Swarm.
Nothing about this earring is pointless. I'm not going to argue the whole "you shouldn't be taking hate" issue that people love to get high and mighty about. Take that somewhere else. But if you're a BLM that solos or is constantly finding yourself being beaten on, this earring can really shine through sometimes. The point is, coupled with a Terra's staff you hit the PDT cap in red HP. The only reason you shouldn't have this earring is if you genuinely don't have the space for it.