Still, this is one of the cheapest ways to skill up smithing considering other recipes around level 35 cost ten times as much and sell very slowly on the AH.
These things rock for skilling up. The easiest thing you could do would be to go to Rabao, get a fishing rod, bait that won't hook any fish there [ie. Minnow], and some light crystals.
I am not sure if anybody needs a good location to fish these up but if you are 40+ or so just head over to Yuhgott Grotto. (I used a halcyon rod with a sabiki rig). Any rod that dosnt break on rusties and any bait that dosnt catch fish there work. You are guaranteed rusties (either leggings or cap) and it requires 0 fishing skill so it is definitely a very easy skill up from 25-34. 25 is difficult and i would fish up about 40 caps then go get adv support but at 29ish i just began bringing 2-3 stacks of light crystals with me and got to 34 relatively fast. Hope this helps. I get caps about 1/3-1/5 casts and go to the little pond with the lizards at (F-9).