You shouldn't be using Askar and Ace's anyways. This would be nice to use over Turban for pure haste though. Depending on how difficult it will be to get it Id stick with Turban.
@Jynxy Enmity is still better for Flash, as it's main purpose is enmity generation. This is good for Utsusemi and Reprisal though, and for meleeing with shadows up. Or DPS situations.
Uh... I'm not a hardcore paladin but i guess this is the new flash piece? I'd say this is *probably better* than Bahamut's Mask but to be perfectly honest i don't know ***about the technicalities :D.
Kinda pointless all and all with the Empyreon+2 Armor having far far superior stats.
Though, This will hold over the people who are grossly unmotivated and/or too lazy to quest to the +1.
+2 I can see taking a while...
Either way, good Head armor Until you can get Empyreon+1/2 hat!
(For most jobs)
I said "Most" Jobs, Not "all of them". "Most" Means "Majority" not "All". Thats why i said "Most". Because obviously the Empyreon for WAR/PLD wouldn't beat this.
Sorry i didn't make that clear enough first time around.