Drops from Ashtaerth the Gallvexed in Abyssea-Konschtat. Force pop by trading a Murmuring Globule (drops from Sods Limules) to a ??? at J-11. It's a Soulflayer NM and casts Thundaga IV, Thunder V, and Waterga IV.
Drops from ashtaerth the gallvexed in Abyssea Konschtat. pop by trading a Murmuring Globule that drops from Sods Limules to a ??? at J-11.Soulflayer type mob that casts Thunder V, as well as Waterga IV. can be stunned. low drop rate on cape
Good thing I waited for the update before deciding to buy a hecate's cape for my SCH!
Finally, some good INT on the back!
SE is finally showing SCH some love! Would like to get on morrigan's set, but that's probably going to be obsolete in a few updates if they don't start adding trials to improve salvage gear.