Note two particular jobs missing from the list: BLM and SCH. Just like Crow Gear, it seems we'll have to find our -Enmity in smaller amounts elsewhere.
Enmity-7 and hMP+3 on a head piece... that is pretty amazing for any mage job. It's a shame Scholar can't wear it. Yet PUP can... I suppose I can use it in Campaign on PUP so Shadowhand doesn't destroy me (or at last not quite as fast.) ^^;
Worth the gil imo, amazing resting and main healing piece of gear.
This is a rather nice piece for blu for HMP considering the only other options are +1HMP or if you feel like wasting your MKD hat on blu HMP +3 lol... Rather nice for CS stun on rdm and bombing cures as rdm/whm when you have to for w/e reason and not wanting massive hate. If you have blu/rdm/whm and the gil to spend on this for HMP do it ;)
Well worth the gill, unless you really want that +5 evasion and 1 more less enimity and an extra -1 invetory slot (because if you still choose the beret you now have to get a HMP peice) all in one package deal IMO BLM can't use either one, so not sure what diffrence that made saying that, as they have the HIGHEST clear mind boost from any other mage job.
a great replacment from beret but i will admit it isnt worth anymore then 2-300k, simply because of how to obtain it.
Guys. Save the gil and buy yourself a Raven's Beret. Your basically paying 350k for +1 HMP (assuming you have Goliard, Yigit, etc...which are free mind you). WHM in particular should use Goliard for a good MND, -Enmity, HP+MP piece with the addition of HMP and Magic DEF. bonus. No contest.