No need to buy one just set your char to run and go afk @ the Ornamated Door and get with doing RL stuff like i did..Came back an hour later and i was through lol..Rawr!..I'll probably get rated down for this but who cares.
Okay, for people who are hard of wallet or there are none in stock on ah, went fishing for nebimonite in SSG and these are a joke to pull up, before we even started up pulling up nebs we had pulled up 6 and obviously lost alot due to it being rare and giving the same message as a full inventory, just putting it out there how easy these are to get for those who don't/can't buy it. ^^
Lu Shangs + Minnow = many Norg Shells at level fishing 45 past the waterfall inside the Sea Serpent's Grotto at H-7. That first green pond on the map. Might take an hour or 2 minutes. Worth it since they are 100k a piece. I've thrown away 6 in the last hour, can only hold 1 at a time and there are two for sale on ffxiah atm on Asure. Btw, come to Asure. It's got the most people and it's like the old days, not a ghost town. :)
Just go camp Charybdis or help someone else do same and bring a fishing rod while waiting for respawns. Caught it in the same room as the Charybdis spawn. Very easy to catch and saves a little gil too. Had no idea it was for the new Moogle quest at the time, but free is free.
people are undercutting this one so bad in hates. today it went from 50k to 25k. because of a guy nammed Vaarice who single handedly pulled the avarage down 10k >.> butt hole
Honestly, I don't get people who KEEP under selling this. 3 weeks ago is sold within hours for 7k. Now we're down to under 4k because you can't wait a few hours for it? Thank God you people don't run the real world economy.....I guess I'll just wait until they stop selling completely because of over availabilty and the bots stop selling them for nothing.