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Item Sets » id:386355
SAM Zanshin - Capped Zanshin with 5 merits into Zan Rate, can swap back to Takaha Mantle with 5 Zan Aug to free up merits. Whole point of this set is maximizing Zanshin and dt
Item Name AH Price Stock
60000000 3
26000000 0
8000000 3
Count: 15 (94000000 Gil)
input /equip main "Masamune";
input /equip sub "Utu Grip";
input /equip ammo "Aurgelmir Orb +1";
input /equip legs "Kasuga Haidate +3";
input /equip neck "Moonlight Nodowa";
input /equip ear1 "Dedition Earring";
input /equip ear2 "Kasuga Earring +2";
input /equip head "Kasuga Kabuto +3";
input /equip hands "Valorous Mitts";
input /equip ring1 "Defending Ring";
input /equip ring2 "Niqmaddu Ring";
input /equip back "Smertrios's Mantle";
input /equip waist "Sweordfaetels +1";
input /equip body "Kasuga Domaru +3";
input /equip feet "Ryuo Sune-Ate +1";
Gearswap Set
sets["SAM Zanshin"] = {
    sub="Utu Grip",
    ammo="Aurgelmir Orb +1",
    head="Kasuga Kabuto +3",
    neck="Moonlight Nodowa",
    ear1="Dedition Earring",
    ear2="Kasuga Earring +2",
    body="Kasuga Domaru +3",
    hands="Valorous Mitts",
    ring1="Defending Ring",
    ring2="Niqmaddu Ring",
    back="Smertrios's Mantle",
    waist="Sweordfaetels +1",
    legs="Kasuga Haidate +3",
    feet="Ryuo Sune-Ate +1"