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Item Sets » id:231546
WHM: Cure V - -40 Emnity to keep the nasties away. +48 Cure Potency since the margin between 48 and 50 is moot. The difference for a full cure set and this on Cure V would be something around 41 HP, while you sacrifice around 28 -emnity for the full potency/MND, so you can see why I would go for -emnity over that.
Item Name AH Price Stock
10000 0
250000 0
10000 3
500000 1
5000 0
10000 0
Count: 15 (785000 Gil)
input /equip neck "Phrenic Torque";
input /equip back "Orison Cape";
input /equip sub "Verse Strap +1";
input /equip ring1 "Trooper's Ring";
input /equip head "Orison Cap +2";
input /equip hands "Augur's Gloves";
input /equip legs "Orsn. Pantaln. +2";
input /equip ring2 "Metanoia Ring";
input /equip ear1 "Roundel Earring";
input /equip feet "Marduk's Crackows";
input /equip ammo "Leisure Musk";
input /equip main "Arka IV";
input /equip waist "Acerbic Sash";
input /equip body "Orison Bliaut +2";
input /equip ear2 "Orison Earring";
Gearswap Set
sets["WHM: Cure V"] = {
    main="Arka IV",
    sub="Verse Strap +1",
    ammo="Leisure Musk",
    head="Orison Cap +2",
    neck="Phrenic Torque",
    ear1="Roundel Earring",
    ear2="Orison Earring",
    body="Orison Bliaut +2",
    hands="Augur's Gloves",
    ring1="Trooper's Ring",
    ring2="Metanoia Ring",
    back="Orison Cape",
    waist="Acerbic Sash",
    legs="Orsn. Pantaln. +2",
    feet="Marduk's Crackows"