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Item Sets » id:200181
war/sam - Physical Damage Reduction - --Darkness Earring: Physical Damage Taken -2%. --Black Earring: Physical Damage Taken -2%. --Dark Ring: Physical Damage Taken -6%, Magic Damage Taken -4%. --Physical damage taken -50% total while keeping the chances of completely negating the damage (N.Helm/S.Mantle), as well as -30% magic to go along with it to ensure no random additional damage is taken while in this set.
Item Name AH Price Stock
350000 2
20000 1
30000 0
40000 1
10000 0
Count: 15 (450000 Gil)
input /equip sub "Duplus Grip";
input /equip body "Mekira Meikogai";
input /equip main "Ragnarok";
input /equip back "Shadow Mantle";
input /equip ring1 "Dark Ring";
input /equip ring2 "Defending Ring";
input /equip waist "Nierenschutz";
input /equip legs "Ogier's Breeches";
input /equip ear1 "Darkness Earring";
input /equip ear2 "Black Earring";
input /equip ammo "Iron Gobbet";
input /equip neck "Twilight Torque";
input /equip hands "Magma Gauntlets";
input /equip head "Nocturnus Helm";
input /equip feet "Phorcys Schuhs";
Gearswap Set
sets["war/sam - Physical Damage Reduction"] = {
    sub="Duplus Grip",
    ammo="Iron Gobbet",
    head="Nocturnus Helm",
    neck="Twilight Torque",
    ear1="Darkness Earring",
    ear2="Black Earring",
    body="Mekira Meikogai",
    hands="Magma Gauntlets",
    ring1="Dark Ring",
    ring2="Defending Ring",
    back="Shadow Mantle",
    legs="Ogier's Breeches",
    feet="Phorcys Schuhs"