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Item Sets » id:118906
March Tiers - Note this is 533 skill (8/8 wind/singing merits) without using Chanter's Staff, Singing Earring, Minstrel's Coat, or Marduk. 533 is the lowest number for TierIV marches, the highest tier you can get without G.Horn. I like being able to wear Terra's staff, manteel, and loq. to protect myself from dmg while /BLM and to speed up buff casting times.
Item Name AH Price Stock
50000 5
10000 2
40000 1
20000 0
62500 2
10000 1
400000 1
40000 1
Count: 15 (632500 Gil)
input /equip range "Faerie Piccolo";
input /equip sub "Earth Grip";
input /equip ring1 "Nereid Ring";
input /equip waist "Gleeman's Belt";
input /equip back "Astute Cape";
input /equip legs "Chl. Cannions +1";
input /equip hands "Chl. Cuffs +1";
input /equip body "Sha'ir Manteel";
input /equip ear1 "Loquac. Earring";
input /equip ear2 "Musical Earring";
input /equip neck "Wind Torque";
input /equip head "Bard's Roundlet";
input /equip main "Terra's Staff";
input /equip feet "Oracle's Pigaches";
input /equip ring2 "Nereid Ring";
Gearswap Set
sets["March Tiers"] = {
    main="Terra's Staff",
    sub="Earth Grip",
    range="Faerie Piccolo",
    head="Bard's Roundlet",
    neck="Wind Torque",
    ear1="Loquac. Earring",
    ear2="Musical Earring",
    body="Sha'ir Manteel",
    hands="Chl. Cuffs +1",
    ring1="Nereid Ring",
    ring2="Nereid Ring",
    back="Astute Cape",
    waist="Gleeman's Belt",
    legs="Chl. Cannions +1",
    feet="Oracle's Pigaches"