{Edit: Ahhh first post. ><;}
So, since a lot of people in here speak (or like) 日本語, I need your haaaalp!
I'm writing a speech on 擬音語と擬態語 and I want to know what your favourites are.
擬音語 are audible noises like:
ワンワン (Dog's bark)
ニャンニャン (Cat's meow)
擬態語(擬情語) are inaudible noises like:
ドコドコ (Heartbeat)
[I'm mixing both 擬情語 and 擬態語 into 擬態語 for the purpose of this speech.]
Please and thank you~ <3
While writing my Japanese speech:
「えぇぇ、 擬態語の『態』漢字は『熊』に似る!」
>> "Oh, a Chinese character in the word 'phenomime' looks like the Chinese character for 'bear'!"
Bear is my favourite Chinese character. :3