A Time For Change In My Life. Need Some Opinions Or Thoughts Please! [Navy]

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A time for change in my life. Need some opinions or thoughts please! [Navy]
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Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 12:28:34
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Soldiers do what they are ordered to do. That doesn't make them guilty of anything other than being part of an organization that by it's mere presence stops people from starting ***with us. Policy makers will always do things in there own interest. If there was no army they'd hire( and in fact do anyways) mercenaries to get it done. It is not the fault of military but the political side.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: phatspade
Posts: 4580
By Ramuh.Lilbusta 2010-01-21 12:29:06
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Oh yeah and not sure about now but as of a year or 2 ago you could do this augmentation thing where you could go serve in the middle east with the army and ***for a few months. Unless you were a nuke of course lol

Reconstruction Team is what that augmentation is. Trained with a handful of them sailors. They basically work outside of their jobs to support the Army's effort in rebuilding the Afghan infrastructure. 365 day TDY and I can actually say it was my first "real" deployment. Those are money making/career enhancing deployments if you plan on being a lifer.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 12:33:22
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Ramuh.Lilbusta said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Oh yeah and not sure about now but as of a year or 2 ago you could do this augmentation thing where you could go serve in the middle east with the army and ***for a few months. Unless you were a nuke of course lol
Reconstruction Team is what that augmentation is. Trained with a handful of them sailors. They basically work outside of their jobs to support the Army's effort in rebuilding the Afghan infrastructure. 365 day TDY and I can actually say it was my first "real" deployment. Those are money making/career enhancing deployments if you plan on being a lifer.
[Well that sorta depends on your skill set. Like we had cooks that went and actually cooked. Auxilary mechanics that went and worked on disiels... while having a M16 strapped on lol. I know of one guy that was actually in a recon team. He did something crazy heroic like jumped on a grenade to save the other guys so he was big news up here since he it was his command up here. But yeah if you don't have anything else that is useful they probably just do whatever.

But yeah doing that does help your career alot. One of those cooks that went after he got back he immediately went to go cook at camp David. And he is a horrible cook lol.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: phatspade
Posts: 4580
By Ramuh.Lilbusta 2010-01-21 12:34:02
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Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
This probably won't change a bit the ideas of any of you people...but there's times when you just can't be silent. I made the mistake of reading this topic and now I have to reply. The army should be used to protect a nation in case someone is attacking it. If things still worked like that, I would be the first to say you're doing the right thing. Protecting people is a great and noble job. But face the thruth. Read some papers. You got internet and I suppose you don't live in China so you don't get filtered contents. Try to understand what the army is doing all over the world. War are started beacuse of oil needs, or worse, just to sell more weapons. Look in Asia or in Africa, where the army protects the oil companies, and how many are killed: both innocents natives who can't understand why they're being robbed of their resources and guilty soldiers who think they're helping those natives. Yes, guilty. Beacause in the age of communications, ignorance is a crime. Don't be guilty. Choose Peace.

GTFO with your fox news BS. You just admitted to being a very gullible/easily coaxed person. We fight wars in hopes of brining peace. Sometimes to ensure our freedoms are protected is to take the fight overseas to squash the conflict before the chain reaction reaches us.

Join the military to know both sides before spouting about something you really don't know.

Sorry OP for attacking/starting the derail.

@DAS- Ya some actually do what they're job is, but I've met some that worked waaaaaay outside of the job. Crap even a landbased sailor is a trained radioman, but he work at TRANSCOM creating powerpoint slides for briefings. That's all his job was.
Posts: 44
By ShinkaEvolution 2010-01-21 12:36:19
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This is to the person who posted this. I think you going into the navy is a great thing to do. I was in the military for 4 years i believe i made a mistake getting out instead of reinlisting. I joined @ age 19 out of highschool but decided not to reinlist when the time came. Yes i did manage a honorable discharge and was good at my job but i did'nt seem to get any respect despite my personality and rank. People criticized me and stepped over me and the high ranking in charge never had my back on any matter. I was'nt overly friendly and no i was'nt too mean, just fair across the board. I was short and thin and wore eye glasses so i think that was my downfall. People judged me because of my looks and i refused to change for them instead in the end after being treated like ***for 4 years i decided not to reinlist. I regret getting out in a way i let peoples opinions and attitudes effect my future. I tried to go back in last year but they're closed for prior service. I tried other branches but my asvab of afqt score is too low. I even tried studying asvab book and it seems math is my biggest downfall. I'm happy for you and respect your choice to serve this county i went in 3 months before sept 11th and it changed my life and the way i see things. Goodluck on your new path and remember we all have trials and challenges. I'm in one right now and i'm mentally prepared to overcome. Godbless
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Fairy.Misstigerclaw 2010-01-21 12:39:38
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Soldiers do what they are ordered to do.
No that's puppets. As long as soldiers are still human beings they have the faculty to say: "no" and resign.
Ramuh.Dasva said:
That doesn't make them guilty of anything other than being part of an organization that by it's mere presence stops people from starting ***with us.
No it only stops them from choosing their own government and whom to sell their oil.
And that is guilty enough for me.
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Policy makers will always do things in there own interest.
As long as there's so many people who wish to fight their wars for money.
Ramuh.Dasva said:
If there was no army they'd hire( and in fact do anyways) mercenaries to get it done.
That's what the army is.
Ramuh.Dasva said:
It is not the fault of military but the political side.
That's true.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 12:40:30
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Ramuh.Lilbusta said:
@DAS- Ya some actually do what they're job is, but I've met some that worked waaaaaay outside of the job. Crap even a landbased sailor is a trained radioman, but he work at TRANSCOM creating powerpoint slides for briefings. That's all his job was.
Lucky ***. Landbased? You mean a seabee? I would of figured they'd have some of the most cross over since all they pretty much do is construction
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Fezz
Posts: 42
By Phoenix.Fezz 2010-01-21 12:46:45
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I was 10 year aviation navy, AT1 when i got out. first off the only thing i want to make fairly clear, is that E- anything<5 in your first 4 years your rank doesn't mean anything to anyone. college credit or not, no one will care. and even once you get your crow, you're basically an overpaid airman/seaman. The day you leave boot camp and show up to your first A school or duty station or whatever, you will wash everything you own and shower 3 times before you get that boot camp smell off of you. the best advice in the first four years i can give is learn as much as you can about your job, excel at it. supervisors do notice even though most will not let you know they notice, until eval time. lastly, take advantage of any opportunities you can, you will be thankful to yourself you did later on, especially if you decide to stay in. sustained superior performance is easier to show if you start it from day 1, i know a lot of e-6's that don't pick up chief right away because their e-5 and below days weren't too good. Good luck to you. I do not regret my experiences one bit and miss parts of it all the time.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 12:46:47
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Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Soldiers do what they are ordered to do.
No that's puppets. As long as soldiers are still human beings they have the faculty to say: "no" and resign.
Wrong you signed a contract. You can't just quit. And there are serious reprucussions to just not doing your job. That is the main reason why the military actual still runs and works... sorta. But then again you can always say no to someone pointing a gun at your head.
Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
That doesn't make them guilty of anything other than being part of an organization that by it's mere presence stops people from starting ***with us.
No it only stops them from choosing their own government and whom to sell their oil. And that is guilty enough for me.
Then you are just as guilty. You support the same government thru your tax money and just being a consumer. Lol what's next drugs fund terroist propaganda?

Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Policy makers will always do things in there own interest.
As long as there's so many people who wish to fight their wars for money.
Duh. It always has been like that and walways will. Human nature. Completely unrelated to joining the military

Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
If there was no army they'd hire( and in fact do anyways) mercenaries to get it done.
That's what the army is.
Again with your propaganda. Perhaps you need to research a little more. There is a world of difference. If it bothers you so much then GTFO. Go to some place that has no real strong government military and see how fun it is. Watch all the coups and violence and death. Assuming you live thru it.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: phatspade
Posts: 4580
By Ramuh.Lilbusta 2010-01-21 12:49:31
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He wasn't a seabee. After his tour at TRANSCOM, he went to the Pacific Fleet to be a radioman on some Navy-owned, Civ-ran ship. Something sorta secret.
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 12:52:51
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Ramuh.Lilbusta said:
He wasn't a seabee. After his tour at TRANSCOM, he went to the Pacific Fleet to be a radioman on some Navy-owned, Civ-ran ship. Something sorta secret.
Hmmm theres not much of those. Navy owned civ ran ships. The sub tender up here is gunna be like that though. Well it's more around the pacific islands right now I think. Um Frank Cable btw
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 4
By Fairy.Misstigerclaw 2010-01-21 12:56:45
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Ramuh.Dasva said:
Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Soldiers do what they are ordered to do.
No that's puppets. As long as soldiers are still human beings they have the faculty to say: "no" and resign.
Wrong you signed a contract. You can't just quit. And there are serious reprucussions to just not doing your job. That is the main reason why the military actual still runs and works... sorta. But then again you can always say no to someone pointing a gun at your head.
Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
That doesn't make them guilty of anything other than being part of an organization that by it's mere presence stops people from starting ***with us.
No it only stops them from choosing their own government and whom to sell their oil. And that is guilty enough for me.
Then you are just as guilty. You support the same government thru your tax money and just being a consumer. Lol what's next drugs fund terroist propaganda?

Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
Policy makers will always do things in there own interest.
As long as there's so many people who wish to fight their wars for money.
Duh. It always has been like that and walways will. Human nature. Completely unrelated to joining the military

Fairy.Misstigerclaw said:
Ramuh.Dasva said:
If there was no army they'd hire( and in fact do anyways) mercenaries to get it done.
That's what the army is.
Again with your propaganda. Perhaps you need to research a little more. There is a world of difference. If it bothers you so much then GTFO. Go to some place that has no real strong government military and see how fun it is. Watch all the coups and violence and death. Assuming you live thru it.
In a recent study they compared countries to determine which is the best to live in, the research was based on crime rates, wealth, pollution and other factors.
Ireland was the winner, and they use their army to help with movie-shooting, second was the neutral Switzerland, then came Sweden, which stopped starting wars when it stopped believing in Odin, and that is quite a long ago.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 324
By Bahamut.Dracondria 2010-01-21 13:18:12
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Sweden is a very peaceful place and we rarely have crime involving guns.
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Daddyx
Posts: 63
By Diabolos.Daddyx 2010-01-21 13:22:07
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The biggest thing I can advise you, with a decent asvab score, try your best to not go in as what they refer to as "undesignated". I scored a 97 on my asvab, but I'm colorblind so that limited my job options considerably. I wanted to go for journalist but the job was full at the time, so they advised I go in undesignated, and "strike" for a rate (job) once I got to my permanent duty station.

So I did the boot camp, the A school (undesignated lands you in the deck division, Boatswain's Mate if you're lucky enough later on to advance.. there are so many people in that job that it's mostly luck and time in rank to advance) Two weeks of school one week at home (By the way, check with your recruiter when you get home, I'm not sure if they still do it but they let me work with them a few hours a day going to schools and such with them, and it didn't cost me any of my leave time.)

I had checked "overseas" in boot camp, an undesignated rate is the only job that will pick there, the rest will pick at school based on scores, etc. So there I was in Yokosuka Japan, which was totally awesome, but when I thought I'd be "striking" for a JO job, I was told I needed 3 years active service at my permanent duty station (Blue Ridge /represent) So.. I ended up doing maintenance and random work around the ship for my tenure. Not that that's a bad thing, and I'm not knocking anyone that does the job.. I've been elbow to elbow with the best of them and they each have earned their respect.

The moral of the story here is that you ABSOLUTELY need to make sure that everything is what you want, the way you want it, before you ship out. Catch them while they're in the romancing stage, and make your demands. If it's at all feasible, they WILL meet them. Once you're off to boot camp you're theirs until your time is up, so make sure you're set to do something you can see yourself doing for a few years.

To alleviate nervousness over boot camp.. it's 90% mind 10% body.. the hardest thing is staying awake in the classes. The best thing you can do besides your running and exercising, is to try to get yourself off of caffeine. Not only does it actually dehydrate you, but kicking it now will make it do so much more for you later.. We used to make what we called "RIC Rockets" in the galley.. half chocolate milk, half coffee (yes, you get fed very well, even in boot camp) Those things will send you flying, no joke. Oh, and you'll understand this later on down the line.. if your division screws up enough to have an RDC party, try not to break your nose if one of them drops you. We had at least 10 people do that in my division. If you've seen Full Metal Jacket, you'll lol @ boot camp. Just don't let them see you lol'ing. :P

Best of luck to you, the Navy is a fine establishment for anyone, and it sounds like you know what you want out of it. Kudos to you, and thanks for serving! ^_^v
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Pwrless
Posts: 37
By Fairy.Pwrlessgirl 2010-01-21 13:41:36
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It is good you are going to the NAVY, it helps polish your profesionalism. Be assured you will encounter difficulties shuffling paper work and getting some things done. Remember the NAVY like any other branch of government is a BIG BUREAUCRACY. However, what NAVY is good at is Mobilizing and Readiness. One of the satisfactions from being in the NAVY will come as you polish yourself from a chunk of coal into a Diamond. There will come a time when you will be E-3, E-4, E-5 etc., and you will see other Recruits joining months and years after you. They will be lost and have not much of an idea. You will guide them, they will look up to you. REMEMBER THAT. Always occupy your mind doing petty jobs, even and unimportant and silly as they sound, making photocopies, clean up the room, run errands in the compund for the CPO's, they will thank you and appreciate you. The NAVY is not about individuality is about Team Work, and only way to be recognized and move up the ranks is buy doing your GMT's (General Military Tranings) on internet, get the CPR course done, maybe get a FORK LIFT License, or whichever things that are equivalent to your RATE.
When you go to bootcamp leave individuality and personal feelings aside, BOOT CAMP is designed to mentally and physically break you. The NAVY is very professional and they will not touch you, but they are good at mentally putting you down if you don't perfom or slack off.

I'll be brief on next few things BEFORE YOU GO TO BOOT CAMP:
1. Finish your BMR, it will make it easier so you learn how to march, wear clothes, line up at ease, formation, etc. How to heave the line, and more.

2. Lern how to SWIM, go to a YMCA and take a few clases or get help to jump off 10-20 feet platform into the water. When you go to boot camp the instructors will push you,IS OK. They have trained people on the water, so you wont drown/pass out. When you surface, SWIM as normal and don't pay much attention at surroundings or people talking. JUST go on as Straight line and SWIM as NORMAL. Many people fail the SWIMING not because they don't know how to SWIM is because they get Nervous trying to PERFECTLY do thigs. Just go with the flow.

3. THE BOOTS... these are your best friend or Enemies. I was lucky to get good ones and never have a blister. I walked 2-4 miles everyday while we were at NAVY. I enjoyed my boots so much, I still wear them today, to go out and hanging around with friends.

4. PT: Physical training. At 25 make sure you can do about 45-50 push ups, 40 or so curl-ups, and be able to run 1.5 miles in 13minutes or less. When running, the first two minutes your chest will hurt, thats ok, once you get your pace, your legs will hurt around the 5th minute, do not push them pass your limit or you will BURN your MUSCLES. and NEVER WALK, better run at a slower pace, than SPRINTING... don't compete against anyone but yourself.
I am a cyclist and same rules apply as into running, know your limits, and find a pace your HEART and MUSCLE are comfortable with.

5. GET Plenty of SLEEP before going BootCAMP... the first 48 hours you will only get 1-2 hours sleep. You go to bed at 2AM and they wake you up at 4AM. After that everyday you get to sleep full 8 hours!!!!!!!

6. The FINAL Excercise to become a SAILOR I won't tell you about... is not supposed to be told, just remmeber TEAM WORK, READINESS and AWARENESS of your SURROUNDINGS.

and yes, your RTC Maximg: I will never lie, cheat, nor tolerate those who do among us.

Good Luck and God's SPeed!
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Daddyx
Posts: 63
By Diabolos.Daddyx 2010-01-21 13:48:44
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Haha on that note, I totally can't swim. I went to extra classes while in boot camp, they finally gave up and classified me as "non-buoyant", I'm so dense that I actually sink in regular water.. But, even if you can't swim in a pool, you can still pass boot camp pretty easy. Not to mention, in a real life situation, everything about your uniform can be used to float, and salt water is a lot easier to stay afloat in.

On a related topic, I totally fed my friend to the "sharks" during battle stations, I couldn't swim away from them so I offered a snackrifice instead >:O
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 13:53:02
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Lol I remember how bad people sucked at running when I was in bootcamp. Not so much as physical shape though there was that problem but hardly any of them had done any real running so they had no form didn't have a clue about pacing themselves or breathing right. Or stretching etc. And yeah that makes a huge difference. Like failing once then passing easy the next time.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Chrichri
Posts: 58
By Siren.Chrichri 2010-01-21 15:15:22
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Dude, I've been in for 7 1/2 years now. Feel free to hit me up in game if you wanna ask questions. I've done shore and sea duty so I could probably provide a little insight if you have fears/concerns about types of duty.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2010-01-21 15:17:42
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Diablos.Daddyx said:
The biggest thing I can advise you, with a decent asvab score, try your best to not go in as what they refer to as "undesignated". I scored a 97 on my asvab, but I'm colorblind so that limited my job options considerably. I wanted to go for journalist but the job was full at the time, so they advised I go in undesignated, and "strike" for a rate (job) once I got to my permanent duty station

Diablos.Daddyx said:
the job was full at the time

I think you are going to MEPS tomorrow, so i'm going to reiterate some advice that i think is a lot more important then whether you lollockyour knees. DON'T BE THIS GUY.
A. I'd be willing to stake my life that Journalist wasn't full at the time.
B. Even if an MOS is full, a career counselor can put you in anyway. It's called an over-strength MOS. They're not uncommon.

Daddyx fell for it. A career counselor will do everything in their power to bully, bribe, or scare you into getting you into the job that is convenient for THEM. They will smile at you and lie through their teeth.

Don't fall for it. Know EXACTLY what job you want, tell the CC, and don't take no for an answer. If it comes down to it, get up and *** walk out of there. Tell them you have other options than the army navy, even if you don't. Your recruiter will take you back to meps next week if you want to go, i promise.

I wanted to be a journalist. The career counselor laughed at me. He said that that's a job they put on advertisements, not a job they give out. I asked him how long it would be before the job opened up. He said two years. I told him to call me in two years. I left. My recruiter saw me come out and went in.

When they came out, a slot had magically opened up. I went in as the job i wanted. This will profoundly affect the next three to six years of your life. Take this away if you take nothing else from this thread. They will lie to you. Don't fall for their ***. Decide your job, and go in there and demand it. It's going to be the last time for a while you have any power over a dude wearing a uniform.

P.S. they don't stick their finger up your *** unless things have changed since i went through. your friends are *** with you.
Server: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Daddyx
Posts: 63
By Diabolos.Daddyx 2010-01-21 15:53:15
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Just for clarity's sake, yes I "fell for it", I was only 17. Even as such, the navy was still a good place to be and treated me well. To those who get steamrolled into a job they don't like, don't let what a guy in a recruiter's office or MEPS said or did to you ruin your experience. I didn't. To reiterate what I said in my first post, and what Sevourn is saying:

The moral of the story here is that you ABSOLUTELY need to make sure that everything is what you want, the way you want it, before you ship out. Catch them while they're in the romancing stage, and make your demands. If it's at all feasible, they WILL meet them. Once you're off to boot camp you're theirs until your time is up, so make sure you're set to do something you can see yourself doing for a few years.

Best of luck to you!
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2010-01-21 15:55:06
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Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
Diablos.Daddyx said:
The biggest thing I can advise you, with a decent asvab score, try your best to not go in as what they refer to as "undesignated". I scored a 97 on my asvab, but I'm colorblind so that limited my job options considerably. I wanted to go for journalist but the job was full at the time, so they advised I go in undesignated, and "strike" for a rate (job) once I got to my permanent duty station

Diablos.Daddyx said:
the job was full at the time

I think you are going to MEPS tomorrow, so i'm going to reiterate some advice that i think is a lot more important then whether you lollockyour knees. DON'T BE THIS GUY.
A. I'd be willing to stake my life that Journalist wasn't full at the time.
B. Even if an MOS is full, a career counselor can put you in anyway. It's called an over-strength MOS. They're not uncommon.

Daddyx fell for it. A career counselor will do everything in their power to bully, bribe, or scare you into getting you into the job that is convenient for THEM. They will smile at you and lie through their teeth.

Don't fall for it. Know EXACTLY what job you want, tell the CC, and don't take no for an answer. If it comes down to it, get up and *** walk out of there. Tell them you have other options than the army navy, even if you don't. Your recruiter will take you back to meps next week if you want to go, i promise.

I wanted to be a journalist. The career counselor laughed at me. He said that that's a job they put on advertisements, not a job they give out. I asked him how long it would be before the job opened up. He said two years. I told him to call me in two years. I left. My recruiter saw me come out and went in.

When they came out, a slot had magically opened up. I went in as the job i wanted. This will profoundly affect the next three to six years of your life. Take this away if you take nothing else from this thread. They will lie to you. Don't fall for their ***. Decide your job, and go in there and demand it. It's going to be the last time for a while you have any power over a dude wearing a uniform.

P.S. they don't stick their finger up your *** unless things have changed since i went through. your friends are *** with you.

I want your avatar.... Where can I find it
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2010-01-21 16:15:08
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I love how when someone has a problem with how our country is run or w/e it's take it or GTFO. how about you do the same. Our country was founded on the notion of changing policies and practices. If we don't like something we try and change it, that is the basis of our country. African American people (and some right minded white people) didn't like Jim Crow laws should they have just GTFO or should they have just accepted it?

Sorry to derail, GL in the navy and when ever you get ***form a marine just call em sniper bait XD and remind them that they are part of the Navy and not their own branch of the military
Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2010-01-21 16:19:03
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GTFO ILVEX!!! Also little know fact but

Server: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Ilvex
Posts: 202
By Ramuh.Ilvex 2010-01-21 16:20:31
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that's some funny ***lol
Server: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Ampelius
Posts: 54
By Remora.Ampelius 2010-01-21 16:29:52
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my 2 cents are, I'd never join the miltary.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Darkei
Posts: 149
By Fairy.Darkei 2010-01-21 17:25:08
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Yvan eht nioj~~ Yvan eht nioj~~

Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Psyence
Posts: 471
By Ragnarok.Psyence 2010-01-21 17:56:27
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A world without military is an utopia, therefore, not joining the army won't stop wars; it is perfectly okay to join the US military since all they're doing is prevent wars from happening by starting new wars abroad every 5-7 year for the past 70 years. A world without pollution is an utopia. A world without pain is also an utopia. A world without violence is an utopia. A world without discrimination is a utopia. A world in which everyone takes care of their health is an utopia. A world where everyone realizes the concept of country is just something in their mind... is also a pretty *** big utopia

And because of these very facts, it is not worth trying to stop wars by openly opposing them. It is not worth being careful about what we recycle and throw away. It's not worth trying to stay healthy since the polluted air we breathe will kill us anyway. We're too few anyway, and we won't make a difference. We're in no way responsible. It's human nature, what can we do about that. Society is HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE, but it's not us, we're not a part of it.

Pollute. Discriminate. Support politicians who kill in the name of peace. It's not really your responsibility since you have no control over the big picture, it's because of everyone that they got elected, your vote had nothing to do with it. It was just one vote. But keep spreading democracy by forcing people to abide to it. That's the only utopia worth killing for.

Never ever think that by not supporting a war, you'll make a positive difference. You'll make a much bigger difference by bombing Irak (since CNN and Fox News told you it was okay and inevitable). At least, you get to see real explosions instead of the boring computer-rendered ones, instead of just the boring state of pre-war "peace", you get to see some real action.

Of course, if it happened in your own country, you'd make a big drama about it, become traumatized about it for life and claim it's unfair that your family was targeted. But when it's about killing a ridiculously high amount of civilians for the greater good (catching Sadamm, now that was *** useful), as long as you know it won't ever happen to your family, it's perfectly acceptable that those other people got traumatized. It's for the greater good, you're saving their contry. You're going to rebuild (and make *** of cash out of it).

I'd feel very guilty if I supported a war in even the slightest way. Try to change my mind, try to bring good points in favor of military, try to brainwash my naive country-less mind. Keep telling me that the world must be saved from something, socialism, weapons of mass destruction, terrorism, Muslims, whatever it is that's threatening it. I won't fall for it.
Server: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: wolfjorgg
Posts: 30
By Fairy.Wolfjorg 2010-01-21 18:18:12
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Navy here 17yrs this July. It has it's ups and downs as any job
Server: Siren
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user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-01-22 06:04:46
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Ramuh.Ilvex said:
I havn't read all the reply's but please don't disrespect graphic design field when you have no exp in it at all and to say graphic design/photography as an easy way out in life. You have no idea wtf your talking about, this comes from a graphic designer for the past 10 years

Edit; best of luck with the navy, I myself am a navy brat XD

First i want to address this since it's my current love and college major.

Dude i agree 100% don't think I'm saying it's an easy way out as if it actually happens.

Basically why i said that is in my college classrooms... i finish assignments in 30 minutes as to where the rest of the class takes two days... or stops the teacher to ask questions like this:

1) How do i zoom in on this.
2) How do i add text
3) I think my computer froze and i didn't save anything yet
4) I don't understand the book

Basically there are so many kids in my classes that i want to pick them up by the collar and kick them out of the classroom. I've even HEARD kids say it's an easy job and easy way out of college with a degree.

Believe me it pisses me off because i consider myself top notch on my attention to detail and how quickly i work.

Let me give you an example of my work: http://www.remnantlinkshell.com

I took the idea of the DKP system that some people were stupid enough to pay 200$ for. I fully designed a flash system that looked similar and provided the same functions but advanced it to a more personal level to the members instead of insane statistics nobody cares about (typical HNM).

I take heavy pride in my computer repair and graphic design skills.

I hope that clears that up. It'll be funny when those kinds eventually graduate and will never ever see the light of an advertising agency.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Clinpachi
Posts: 2680
By Siren.Clinpachi 2010-01-22 06:09:32
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And to everyone else's replies i do deff appreciate any insight.

I had a long day because i had to run to my college and get my transcripts as well as order my high school ones for the recruiter.

He is going to submit my paperwork tomorrow to the evaluator and Monday at 2pm i head over to the hotel with the recruiter for MEPS tomorrow.

Also to the people who don't wish to support a war or have negative overall views of the military... i can't say I've always been 100% behind any military or government decision.

No matter what happens in life someone will always debate what happens or have a strong moral standard against such things.

There's nothing wrong with that and i understand and respect those opinions. It's actually important to know your reasons and others thoughts. The military for me is going to make me a better person and if serving my country based on what it thinks it needs to do is part of that i am down for the long ride.

I already know for sure these first 2+ years are going to suck pretty bad but honestly i welcome some change and a chance for a real future.

I came home and passed out or i would have replied sooner to you all.

Thanks again very much for everything said this far.
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