New Games Suck... Or Is It Just Me?

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New games suck... or is it just me?
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Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-07 17:09:36
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Not Netflix, but Amazon isnt any better

Theyre literally trying to retcon the fact that orcs are bloodthirsty beings that are the embodiment of evil as compassionate beings with families who are merely fighting for their survival.

Come the *** on.

Anyways weve deviated from games. Lets see how dustborn is doing.

Theyre taking the piss and throwing it on everyone, then wonder why no one wants to touch it with a 100 ft pole
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: iamaman
Posts: 968
By Asura.Iamaman 2024-09-07 18:06:32
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On the more positive side, Larian has been killing updates for BG3. Granted, the game was incomplete at release, but their patches are borderline DLC at this point with the amount of content being added.
Posts: 458
By Zehira 2024-09-07 18:17:50
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Afania said: »
FF7 story is about environmentalism, which is left wing aka woke.

That's because you learned so much about Barret Wallace who had to beef with everyone, particularly Cloud who didn't give a ***about that planet. I mean, he is a good black dude with a good heart, unlike many Africans as well as everyone else in the real world. Due to the crime rate being so high, Shinra is the winner and we are losers. More street cameras and more soldier weapon upgrades. We are under surveillance almost everywhere now.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-09-07 19:22:31
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Shiva.Thorny said: »
Afania said: »
There are no such thing as "picking between ideology and quality" when it comes to writing a story.
Tell that to netflix.

Afania said: »
Nobody would intentionally sacrifice quality in writing

I don't believe you. It seems quite likely that much of this media has an initial story and setting that is coherent. Once it gets green lit for production, DEI execs insist on adding diversity and there's not the budget to redo the entire setting. Because the diversity is an afterthought, it needs to be done as cheaply as possible, and you get the garbage we see now.

This is not even remotely close to accurate. DEI Executives and these positions at the big streamers have been cut massively post 2020 when everyone was pretending to be woke. Also shows are greenlit with all the scripts turned in, and budgets finalized to a specific dollar. The "diversity" is written in before the shows even approved, largely with major casting already being eyed as well.

The diversity everyone's so upset about comes from the writer's rooms and the production companies actually creating the shows. As corny as it may some folks, the writers do genuinely believe that they're doing a service to certain communities by telling their stories - mainly because they're their stories and perspectives. There's just more representation in all of these spaces (writers rooms, on set, production, below the line) and everyone's over correcting a bit too much by being eager to champion that diversity. It's really not as sinister a plot as everyone likes to think it is lol
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: sahzi
Posts: 227
By Lakshmi.Sahzi 2024-09-07 19:25:40
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Afania said: »
Woke =/= bad design.

Woke =/= bad design.

Woke =/= bad design.

Woke is just left wing political ideology, that's all. Any good story will have ideology.

I am a fan of blade runner and cyberpunk genre. The WHOLE cyberpunk genre is woke, it's anti capitalism.

FF7 story is about environmentalism, which is left wing aka woke.

If you force woke to disappear from all game story, then we'll just see a bleak feature of boring story with zero ideology in it.

What you should be fighting against is bad implementation of ideology, not having ideology itself.

Right now anti-woke aren't saying they want better implementation of ideology, they said they want no ideology in video games. Which is ridiculous and kills game as an art medium.

You don't get to claim anything you want to as "woke."

Punk is not woke. It's the exact opposite actually; watch SLC Punk (to the end!) And you'll understand what 95% of modern days punks (posers, green day) don't get. And a true Punk is a reluctant capitalist. Like Steve-O. And Bono.

Environmentalism is not woke. Environmentalism is cool. We all want clean environments. Some of us just draw the line when people get just too crunchy and people can't live or feed their kids, or buy homes or even HAVE kids due to overtaxation.

To digress's about video back to games.

I'm a Christian, I'm absolutely sick of hearing the church endlessly get dumped on...but ff10 in my opinion is one of the best games in the series. And it's blatantly anti-religion. But also anti-government. It's a perfect balance and it's politics are not rammed down your throat. It's just a fun game.

A writer always let's their viewpoints slip through. But how many people, like me, define "woke" is a relentless damn brick smashing you in the face nonstop until we submit to the ideology absolutely required by the author or we will be identified along with the straw man they've invariably placed on the screen for ridicule and scorn. . Hard pass.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-07 20:07:25
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Asura.Toeknee said: »
DEI Executives and these positions at the big streamers have been cut massively post 2020 when everyone was pretending to be woke.
LOOOOOOOL, absolute ***
Must be why Kotaku was having a nuclear meltdown when the spotlight got shone on SBI.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-07 20:10:44
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Is that why Kotaku and IGN and other mainstream gaming medias were throwing out hit piece after hit piece against Stellar Blade and Wukong and their devs??
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 165
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-09-07 20:21:23
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Asura.Toeknee said: »
DEI Executives and these positions at the big streamers have been cut massively post 2020 when everyone was pretending to be woke.
LOOOOOOOL, absolute ***
Must be why Kotaku was having a nuclear meltdown when the spotlight got shone on SBI.

Just saying the notion that streaming execs are force feeding DEI into the dozens of shows they release, while simultaneously deleting those departments is laughable.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-07 20:24:24
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Netflix and Disney:
By Afania 2024-09-08 00:21:28
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Lakshmi.Sahzi said: »
You don't get to claim anything you want to as "woke."

I didn't claim anything I want as woke, the definition followed wiki definition which is left wing ideology.

Beginning in the 2010s, it came to be used as slang for a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights. Woke has also been used as shorthand for some ideas of the American Left involving identity politics and social justice, such as white privilege and reparations for slavery in the United States.

Lakshmi.Sahzi said: »
We all want clean environments. Some of us just draw the line when people get just too crunchy and people can't live or feed their kids, or buy homes or even HAVE kids due to overtaxation.

Thank you, you explained exactly why environmentalism is part of social justice.

It's easy to say "environmentalism is good" until money is taken away from your pocket. That's why environmentalism is fundamentally left wing in practice.

Environmentalism is a fundamentally social justice issue because you can't accomplish environmentalism without discussing wealth distribution and productivity reduction. The whole argument of environmentalism is that some people suffer more from climate change, therefore we have to reduce productivity aka make less money for it. Otherwise it won't work.

Which makes environmentalism left wing ideology no matter how you see it.

In FF7, people are having good life from technology because of Mako energy, but that has to be stopped to save the planet. Because there is no such thing as environmentalism without sacrifice and money loss. If this kind of conflict isn't fundamentally woke then idk what is.

But this is entering the territory of political philosophy discussion anyways.

Lakshmi.Sahzi said: »
I'm a Christian, I'm absolutely sick of hearing the church endlessly get dumped on...but ff10 in my opinion is one of the best games in the series. And it's blatantly anti-religion.

Only 1.5% of Japanese identify as Christian, 65% identify as atheist. This is not woke, just cultural difference.

Since religious organization isn't part of life in Japan it is normal that they have different opinion on churches.

Lakshmi.Sahzi said: »
define "woke" is a relentless damn brick smashing you in the face nonstop until we submit to the ideology absolutely required by the author or we will be identified along with the straw man they've invariably placed on the screen for ridicule and scorn.

Sure, you are anti-sjw, and I 100% understand that and support that too. I don't like sjw as well.

But my problem now is that anti-sjw is now turning into witch-hunting every left wing ideology in video games to the point that it's the same unacceptable behavior as sjw. Anti-sjw has now turned to anti-woke, anti-ideology in video games.

Hence I separate "woke/left wing ideology" from "sjw". Because what we should fight against is bad implementation of ideology, not having an ideology. If you put woke/left ideology in the same group as sjw and fight all of them together, pretty soon we won't have story with a voice anymore.
By Afania 2024-09-08 00:38:28
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
AC: Shadows deviates from their existing forumula of a fictional main character(s) to use flawed history to forcefeed a black samurai in feudal Japan down everyones throats.

Just curious, is it cultural appropriation or orientalism that you don't like, or woke that you don't like?

I view AC shadows fundamentally the same thing as the Last Samurai film in 2003.

When I saw the Last Samurai in 2003, I didn't like the way it portray Japanese culture. It's a story told through the lens of foreigner who can't view Japanese culture from a Japanese perspective. Which made me very uncomfortable.

It is an entertaining film if you ignore the cultural appropriation/orientalism bit though.

I feel if you want to critize AC shadow, then the same critique has to apply to the Last Samurai which features a white foreign samurai. Otherwise you are fighting against woke ideology, not against cultural appropriation.

I am only against cultural appropriation, not woke ideology.
By Afania 2024-09-08 01:09:59
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Is that why Kotaku and IGN and other mainstream gaming medias were throwing out hit piece after hit piece against Stellar Blade and Wukong and their devs??

What did they do against Wukong?
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 01:52:35
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That author got big mad over the big sales because her attempts to cancel Wukong failed miserably.

The narrative: "Gamers are all horny gooners who want to sexualize women in games"

Monké is life
Astro Bot is life

By Afania 2024-09-08 02:04:50
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »

That author got big mad over the big sales because her attempts to cancel Wukong failed miserably.

The narrative: "Gamers are all horny gooners who want to sexualize women in games"

Monké is life
Astro Bot is life


In other words, they are against Game Science management, not Wukong.

Idk if you are aware, Game Science has a LOT of controversial management and HR practices, such as posting dumb *** unprofessional sex jokes in their recruitment ads. Which leads to Chinese feminists feeling uncomfortable and complain about it.

You are free to like the game, but you don't have to white knight dumb sex joke behavior lol. They are 2 different things.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:05:27
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99% of us just want mostly bug-free entertainment with a solid storyline and great gameplay so we can turn our brain off and enjoy a solid game. Thats it.

Its not a complicated formula.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:06:49
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Afania said: »
Game Science has a LOT of controversial management and HR practices, such as posting dumb *** unprofessional sex jokes in their recruitment ads.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:07:06
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Did I do that right? im kinda drunk rn ngl.
By Afania 2024-09-08 02:07:50
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Afania said: »
The narrative: "Gamers are all horny gooners who want to sexualize women in games"

I read the article in your link, there are no such narrative. Only a dumb *** game studio management got themselves burned because of a dumb *** sex joke in their recruitment ad. Then a bunch of white knight defending for them for culture war reasons.

It's why I can't take anti-woke narrative seriously in any way.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:11:16
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Its ok
99% of people cant take the woke narrative seriously in any way, thats why:
  • No ones buying concord

  • No ones buying dustborn

  • no one watched acolyte

  • Rings of Power is dwindling

  • Presales of AC: Shadows are garbo

  • No one bought SS;KTJL

By Afania 2024-09-08 02:13:33
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Did I do that right? im kinda drunk rn ngl.

No, this is the correct image from Game Science Ad.

I don't think I need to google translate this. Anyone with slight common sense would know a normal HR with common sense wouldn't make recruitment ad like this. If they do they'll be in trouble.

If you think this is "based" then proceed to white knight even this ***, then idk what to say lol.
By Afania 2024-09-08 02:15:26
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Its ok
99% of people cant take the woke narrative seriously in any way

But they buy FF7 and Baldur's Gay 3..

So you are wrong.

You also haven't answer my question about AC shadows Cultural appropriation, btw. But I guess you never really care about cultural appropriation more than culture war to begin with.
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2024-09-08 02:28:14
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Its impossible for humans eyes to follow this speed of shitposting, even that early in the morning.

Go sleep your nerds
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:39:06
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quoting wont be sufficient, gotta screen cap this one.

u good bruv?? lol
Posts: 15,261
By Pantafernando 2024-09-08 02:40:29
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Your mask has fallen!
By Afania 2024-09-08 02:43:31
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »

u good bruv?? lol

You drunk or what? You aren't making any sense atm. Go to sleep.

BG3 is woke, it has gay and it sold well, deal with it.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:45:09
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Afania said: »
You drunk or what?
I literally already just said this tabarnak

Afania said: »
Go to sleep.
By Afania 2024-09-08 02:45:52
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Carbuncle.Nynja said: »
Afania said: »
You drunk or what?
I literally already just said this tabarnak

Afania said: »
Go to sleep.

Well, at least have some logic in your post then, lol.
By Afania 2024-09-08 02:47:41
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Pantafernando said: »
Your mask has fallen!

No mask, everyone and their mother knows BG3 has gay and everyone loves it!

Nynja doesn't care though.
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: NynJa
Posts: 4,613
By Carbuncle.Nynja 2024-09-08 02:50:52
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No one gives a *** because its one of a bajillion possible options of a well built game.
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