Does THE HORIZON Have Limbus?

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Does THE HORIZON have Limbus?
By Lockethedark 2024-04-19 13:55:20
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Asking for a friend who wants to get in THE HORIZON but only if it has Limbus

I told him private servers sucked but he kept asking if it had Limbus
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-19 13:59:25
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It has limbus
By Lockethedark 2024-04-19 14:03:06
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Asura.Eiryl said: »


I'm sure my friend will revel in the glory of his all powerful Artifact +1 Armor, crafted with various exotic materials and paid for by Ancient Beastcoins extracted through hours and days worth of sweat and blood.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2024-04-19 14:08:49
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I'll take the under on "quits long before getting to limbus"

But good luck to em if thats what he wants to do.
By K123 2024-04-19 14:44:44
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Does it have Ultima and Omega?
By Draylo 2024-04-19 14:49:56
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Retail has all of those at 3+ different levels and eras. Didn't they get enough of it
By K123 2024-04-19 15:15:30
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Retail would be even more dead if there weren't people like you that stand in the same spot 24/7 to make it look like people still play though. Population of people actually playing on asura has gone down 10% every month for the last 3 months.
By Draylo 2024-04-19 15:19:27
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And what does any of that have to do with limbus? I wasn't aware you could see my pc and what character I'm playing and where, creepy dude
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pometeme
Posts: 25
By Cerberus.Fishmonger 2024-04-25 13:47:17
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Draylo why do you lurk here if you hate pxi so much?
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tesahade
Posts: 540
By Fenrir.Niflheim 2024-04-25 14:03:12
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Cerberus.Fishmonger said: »
Draylo why do you lurk here if you hate pxi so much?
because it pops up on the front page, why did you feel the need to comment a week after the fact?
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 133
By Asura.Toeknee 2024-04-25 14:20:42
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here we go again
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Meeeeeep
Posts: 155
By Asura.Sensarity 2024-04-25 14:32:26
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I'm gay.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Smasher
Posts: 878
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2024-04-25 21:36:16
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Posts: 455
By Homsar 2024-04-26 01:55:39
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Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
because it pops up on the front page

This doesn't actually explain why Draylo needs to come into these topics and ***.
By GetHelpNerd 2024-04-26 07:31:08
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it's about attention, idk why this is complicated. same reason any of them do it
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pometeme
Posts: 25
By Cerberus.Fishmonger 2024-04-26 15:38:10
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Fenrir.Niflheim said: »
Cerberus.Fishmonger said: »
Draylo why do you lurk here if you hate pxi so much?
because it pops up on the front page, why did you feel the need to comment a week after the fact?

By Draylo 2024-04-26 18:27:20
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lol? I didn't know my opinion was that important for you. I can freely post just like all of you. My comment was about the topic, Limbus, which was literally redone multiple times and the mobs another person asked about have been revamped and reimagined multiple times. You literally fight Ultima/Omega like 5+ times in the entire life of XI and now you can fight them both at the same time! All these revamps with varying levels of difficulty and importance.

Limbus itself was redone and also recreated under different names with the same type of progression and style of content. Yet these people are asking for it on a private server... again. It's like none of them will even play to make it that far to "experience" the same ***we all did a billion times.

Just makes you wonder, these people slam the door shut yelling and disparaging the real game on their way out only to want exactly what it was giving for years. In all their tirades to do damage to retail, they end up quitting those servers anyway. I had a laugh the other day this guy who recreated his XI channel to be all about that private server, got like no views and ended up quitting the server because he got bored and didn't like it anymore. Only to continue giving his money to SE in XIV, a company he apparently hated for treatment of XI. Gee, guess it wasn't the best thing ever that it was purposely hyped up to be. Can't deny it doesn't make me laugh.

Posts: 455
By Homsar 2024-04-27 02:42:22
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Draylo said: »
lol? I didn't know my opinion was that important for you. I can freely post just like all of you.

Sure, but you post in every topic about something you allegedly hate to moan about how much you hate it. It's pathetic.

Draylo said: »
My comment was about the topic, Limbus, which was literally redone multiple times and the mobs another person asked about have been revamped and reimagined multiple times. You literally fight Ultima/Omega like 5+ times in the entire life of XI and now you can fight them both at the same time! All these revamps with varying levels of difficulty and importance.

Nobody cares about Omega and Ultima on retail. It's solo content at this point and the people looking to do Limbus haven't played retail continuously for 20+ years like you.

Draylo said: »
Yet these people are asking for it on a private server...

It's as though people enjoy doing content they liked with actual people.

Draylo said: »
Just makes you wonder, these people slam the door shut yelling and disparaging the real game on their way out only to want exactly what it was giving for years. In all their tirades to do damage to retail, they end up quitting those servers anyway. I had a laugh the other day this guy who recreated his XI channel to be all about that private server, got like no views and ended up quitting the server because he got bored and didn't like it anymore. Only to continue giving his money to SE in XIV, a company he apparently hated for treatment of XI. Gee, guess it wasn't the best thing ever that it was purposely hyped up to be. Can't deny it doesn't make me laugh.

Imagine being so obsessed with the private server that you allegedly hate that you scour the internet for cherrypicked examples of people quitting the private server in a pathetic attempt to satisfy your imagined narrative of people angrily storming away from retail in hopes that it dies. Also, the profound irony of a retail player laughing at someone complaining about content being released slowly on Horizon is truly something to behold.

Horizon players don't care about retail. The vast majority of Horizon players haven't touched retail in years. You are literally the top half of the "I don't think about you at all" meme.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pometeme
Posts: 25
By Cerberus.Fishmonger 2024-04-27 23:47:25
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Draylo said: »
tl;dr copypasta

By Draylo 2024-04-28 17:40:15
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Nobody cares about Omega and Ultima on retail. It's solo content at this point and the people looking to do Limbus haven't played retail continuously for 20+ years like you.

Oh, lets see your video soloing the master trial for them. You didn't have to play 20 years to experience them was my point. Literally almost every era of this games life has had them at some kind of relevancy... Limbus itself had been redone and its content structure rebranded many times. Someone specifically asking for it as some kind of qualifier to play seems quite weird to me. They easily could have played retail at any of those eras it was around. It just comes across like one of those joking comments but those people really don't want to play anyway.

Then I left my opinion/comment and of course the usual to question why I post on a forum.

Imagine being so obsessed with the private server that you allegedly hate that you scour the internet for cherrypicked examples of people quitting the private server in a pathetic attempt to satisfy your imagined narrative of people angrily storming away from retail in hopes that it dies. Also, the profound irony of a retail player laughing at someone complaining about content being released slowly on Horizon is truly something to behold.

Horizon players don't care about retail. The vast majority of Horizon players haven't touched retail in years. You are literally the top half of the "I don't think about you at all" meme.

lol I didn't "scour the internet." Some of yall give me too much credit, I don't have that kind of effort for this. The guy who made that comment was someone I followed in the past when he made XI content. Now he remade his channel for that server and because it was labeled XI, it was pushed to me in the algorithm just like most of these XI videos that are labeled as such even though they are a ***private server. I then remembered he came here to ***on retail like they always do and wondered if he was still playing. Then I saw him doing XIV videos and the last p server one was like 9 mo ago, then I saw the comment. This whole process took me only a few minutes lol.

It's not imagined, they do want to see retail die. Which is weird because its where their "devs" get to steal assets to add as lockstyle trophy items on their trash servers. They should be interested in it surviving. They all come here and other XI places to ***on the game like you do. So I don't think me leaving an opinion here and there is damaging anything. I could write a whole book on this too, there is a whole psychology behind why these people treat XI like this after playing over a decade+ of their lives on it.
Posts: 455
By Homsar 2024-04-29 01:48:28
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Draylo said: »
Oh, lets see your video soloing the master trial for them.

99% of the player base doesn't care about Master Trials, not to mention that there's more to Limbus than just fighting Ultima and Omega.

Draylo said: »
Someone specifically asking for it as some kind of qualifier to play seems quite weird to me.

Limbus was popular, well-received content in the era of the game memorable to the kind of people looking to play Horizon. It only makes sense that someone would ask if it's available. The people asking these questions quit FFXI long before the first iteration of rebranding Limbus occurred instead of playing through them like you.

Draylo said: »
lol I didn't "scour the internet." Some of yall give me too much credit, I don't have that kind of effort for this.

Who do you think you're fooling? You make multiple lengthy posts in damn near every Horizon topic on here moaning about the big meanie private server players "damaging retail" and writing weepy, wistful posts about retail as though it was your lover that tragically perished at an early age. You've posted multiple screenshots of yourself having tizzies over comments in Youtube videos. The level of assblasting you exhibit over Horizon is pathetic.

Draylo said: »
it was pushed to me in the algorithm

Are you too stupid to not realize they're Horizon videos and thusly continue to watch them? Or are you so pathetically obsessed with Horizon that you choose to watch videos about it from rando Youtubers just so you can *** later?

Draylo said: »
It's not imagined, they do want to see retail die.

It's absolutely imagined. Horizon players overwhelmingly don't give a ***about retail and haven't played it in years. Most Horizon players quit retail before the first level cap increase.

Draylo said: »
They all come here and other XI places to ***on the game like you do.

Almost no Horizon players post here. Horizon players have no reason to come to this website. I also don't come on here to ***on retail. You'd likely disagree since you view anything short of "RETAIL IS THE BESTEST EVER AND YOU SHOULD CONSIDER YOURSELF BLESSED FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE IT" as shitting on retail, which is why you post screenshots of yourself getting mad and insulting people over random YouTube comments saying "Give Horizon a try!".

Draylo said: »
So I don't think me leaving an opinion here and there is damaging anything.

Nobody thinks you're damaging anything because nobody really considers your opinion to be anything beyond the pained ravings of someone suffering from painful cognitive dissonance. People just like to point out how pathetic it is that you are literally incapable of not bitching about Horizon at every opportunity.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: unknown
Posts: 71
By Fenrir.Ixn 2024-04-29 12:16:42
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Yes, the horizon has a limbus where the earth meets the sky. It can get quite pretty during the evening when the sun is setting.
By Draylo 2024-04-29 18:48:51
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Homsar said: »
Draylo said: »
Oh, lets see your video soloing the master trial for them.

99% of the player base doesn't care about Master Trials, not to mention that there's more to Limbus than just fighting Ultima and Omega.

No there isn't, its done primarily for the gear from those bosses. The rest of the entire event is literally killing fodder mobs, thats it. Its something that has been replicated a billion times over thru the life of FFXI and with far more complexity. This is why I am always in disbelief these people claim this era was the best. Purely nostalgia, literally you just kill fodder mobs and most of the zones were soloable which people split up to do just to get the chips for bosses. There are barely mechanics, just kill fodder mobs with higher stats.

Limbus was popular, well-received content in the era of the game memorable to the kind of people looking to play Horizon. It only makes sense that someone would ask if it's available. The people asking these questions quit FFXI long before the first iteration of rebranding Limbus occurred instead of playing through them like you.

Says who? How do you know the progress people had in retail or when they quit? The majority of players on these servers that I've talked to and have interacted with have gone to retail thru the years. They didn't all just quit at Abyssea and never look back.

Who do you think you're fooling? You make multiple lengthy posts in damn near every Horizon topic on here moaning about the big meanie private server players "damaging retail" and writing weepy, wistful posts about retail as though it was your lover that tragically perished at an early age. You've posted multiple screenshots of yourself having tizzies over comments in Youtube videos. The level of assblasting you exhibit over Horizon is pathetic.

You keep referencing the same screenshots I've posted since this whole debate started, which was over a year ago now. I haven't posted any since, because I am guessing their funds died out and most realized how ***it was and quit (even tho they still have the fake numbers on /sea all)

But who are you fooling? You come into these threads every time and write long huge posts attacking people and ontop of attacking them you try to belittle them to devalue their opinion by throwing around buzzwords and accusing them of mental illnesses.

Are you too stupid to not realize they're Horizon videos and thusly continue to watch them? Or are you so pathetically obsessed with Horizon that you choose to watch videos about it from rando Youtubers just so you can *** later?

They are literally titled "FINAL FANTASY XI" with nothing else added or specified. Then it could say "returning player plays XI again!" and you click and its a dinky private server. I make sure to dislike for sure but you can't always tell the difference from a thumbnail.

It's absolutely imagined. Horizon players overwhelmingly don't give a ***about retail and haven't played it in years. Most Horizon players quit retail before the first level cap increase.

Source? That doesn't seem to be true at all about them never playing after cap increase. Also, apparently they do care because a lot of them come here to ***on retail, especially during that whole debate going on. Not to mention the guy I posted the screenshot of earlier had came here too and to *** about how he disliked retail and SE (yet still continued to give them money on XIV.)

Almost no Horizon players post here. Horizon players have no reason to come to this website. I also don't come on here to ***on retail. You'd likely disagree since you view anything short of "RETAIL IS THE BESTEST EVER AND YOU SHOULD CONSIDER YOURSELF BLESSED FOR THE OPPORTUNITY TO EXPERIENCE IT" as shitting on retail, which is why you post screenshots of yourself getting mad and insulting people over random YouTube comments saying "Give Horizon a try!".

They do come here, already lying. There are retail players that play there too, its not one or the other always. We all know how much I care about this game. I have been playing it over 20 years of my life, and its something I love and has been a big positive thing in my life. Of course I would feel strongly and be opinionated. You, who has said on multiple occassions you don't like the game anymore, come here to constantly attack people who dislike this server on a forum dedicated to the real game... I think thats more pathetic if you ask me. You don't see me going to Horizon specific areas and posting ***, Youtube is neutral and almost all the videos I comment on are labeled specifically "FFXI" and nothing else to show its a private server.

Nobody thinks you're damaging anything because nobody really considers your opinion to be anything beyond the pained ravings of someone suffering from painful cognitive dissonance. People just like to point out how pathetic it is that you are literally incapable of not bitching about Horizon at every opportunity.

No more pathetic than your posts, you clearly have a vested interest in that server. Are you a dev/GM there? Something seems fishy that you continue to constantly defend them and attack anyone who disparages them in any way lol.
By Lockethedark 2024-05-12 06:37:56
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I totally hate seeing people bitterly and acrimonously arguing in my topics
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