Thanks for taking the time to read, we currently have a fairly strong core 4 members and we're subbing in with friends and LS mates to get in daily runs. We use a melee setup and hit 8 bosses most of the time barring hiccups lol. Shockingly we are looking for more supports. Cor and Whm are our two pick up slots generally atm but we all have multiple jobs and can swap around.
The groups main jobs for runs atm are a stg3 sam, stg4 drk, stg 4 brd, and a great rdm. We're ideally looking for a yag whm, +8 rolls cor with DD sets. We would also consider a well geared DD rdm and a rema brd working on the horn.
We aim to start around 11:30p est each day, we understand not everyone's gonna make it daily but being available 5 days a week would be ideal
Discord use is also mandatory, you don't need to talk but you must be able to listen and communicate about availability and be able to respond quickly in party chat when asked something on discord.
Though we are currently sitting at 8 bosses, we would like to aim for Aminon clears and eventually full 9 boss runs once we have a consistent group.