LUA - Possible Quickdraw Mode?

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LUA - Possible Quickdraw Mode?
Posts: 362
By Galkapryme 2023-10-15 10:03:08
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Looking to add a QuickdrawMode to the COR LUA. I'd like to toggle between one mode for damage, and one mode for TP. Anyone know if this is possible?

Using Sel's LUA.
Posts: 464
By drakefs 2023-10-15 11:01:10
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There are 3+2 QD modes in sel's lua but I am not sure that they work properly. To set damage mode, the logic is checking state.CastingMode.value for "Fodder" but said state does not have a "Fodder" option.

Try this:

  • use sets.precast.CorsairShot as your TP set

  • use sets.precast.CorsairShot.Damage as your damage set

  • change the options of state.CastingMode (see below)

state.CastingMode:options('Normal', 'Resistant')

state.CastingMode:options('Normal', 'Fodder')

This will not work for light\dark shot unless you modify the post precast in the cor.lua. If you do so you will also need to change the equip sets of light\dark shots to only be the items that differ from your normal corsair shots.
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