Lorg Mor? Prime Weapon

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Lorg Mor? Prime weapon
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: gennss
Posts: 52
By Ragnarok.Gennss 2023-09-26 19:30:19
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So any word on how the Prime Hammer works?
By NoMeGusta 2023-09-26 19:41:10
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first you spend 6+ months and waste 8.5M+ gallimufry on it

then you spend the rest of your in game life questioning your poor choices while the rest of the server laughs at you.
Posts: 424
By Meeble 2023-09-26 20:43:38
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Don't listen to the haters, my stage II Lorg Mor is the best poison potion I've ever owned.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BruHouse
Posts: 398
By Siren.Bruno 2023-09-26 21:00:11
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in terms of DD, one of the threads reported that Dagda was a disappointment, being slightly better than Judgment

don't know if there's been any aftermath testing. I'd assume the Magic Damage+ is similar to Opashoro's. can't imagine the Cure Potency+ being very practical in traditional settings
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10166
By Asura.Sechs 2023-09-27 01:22:55
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Siren.Bruno said: »
being slightly better than Judgment

I mean, I get the disappointment because all 1h WSs don't seem to be superstellar like most of the 2H WSs, but they're still good?
I mean judgment is no Savage Blade but it's pretty *** nice.
Something "slightly better" than Judgement is not bad!

But I get your feeling, with the amount of time/grind it takes to get a Stage5.
If you ask me though, Stage 4 is already "on par" with the other RMEAs, at least for weapons. I mean check the +skill.

But yeah. Given how much time/effort it takes to complete Primes at least in this moment, Log Mor is definitely not the weapon I'd suggest to make as your first prime.
Posts: 14892
By Pantafernando 2023-09-27 02:35:21
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Meeble said: »
Don't listen to the haters, my stage II Lorg Mor is the best poison potion I've ever owned.

Must have weapon for careless healers in general.
Posts: 47
By publix 2023-09-27 11:23:15
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I personally feel the Horn is a nice QOL update, but can't argue it being a major upgrade to jobs vs say Helheim or Duban, or the Staff, etc.

Everyone should choose what makes them happy in the end, however, make sure for the same effort, you pick a weapon that most of your favorite jobs can benefit from the most.
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