Sylph.Brahmsz said: »
Interrupting this discussion to present Made You Look.
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I'm just happy somebody got it! :D
Shoot! Aww Made You Look - RNG Guide |
Shoot! Aww Made You Look - RNG Guide
Sylph.Brahmsz said: » Interrupting this discussion to present Made You Look. YouTube Video Placeholder I'm just happy somebody got it! :D Izanami said: » Before I update the sets, could you confirm where Velocity Shot is applied? The BG Wiki page suggests it's a separate multiplier: (base)*(1+berserk)*(1+Velocity_shot), but this may be a typo. Quetzalcoatl.Jakey said: » BG appears incorrect berserk does not multiply this separately instead they add Edit: I forgot to add the +40 from Job Gifts. I'll go with your results since they agree with the melee attack bonuses. I also confirm your results if I include the +40 from Job Gifts. Thanks. Edit2: I've updated the sets. Amini Caban +3 provides too much ranged attack to ignore when uncapped. It shows up in all ranged sets I checked with Velocity Shot up. Nisroch no longer shows up in Jishnu's Radiance with True Shot up, losing by ~2% to Amini with the buffs I checked. ok Velocity shot
to get the numbers to work out had to go to out of 256 like berserk base appears to be 38/256 cape is 5/256 body+3 is 28/256 so with all equipped it is Velocity RA = Floor((base RA + 40)*(1+(38+5+28)/256) BG appears incorrect berserk does not multiply this separately instead they add Velocity + berserk RA = Floor((base RA + 40)*(1+(38+5+28+64)/256) I think for the adhemar head it may depend on dAGI, Im ML 41 but haven't put very up to date enemies into my spreadsheet yet so probably have unrealistically high dAGI Odin.Demhar said: » This is not close at all based on those numbers. ~3.5% at attack cap and ~6.5% at attack uncapped. In FFXI that's huge difference from one slot. +6.5% is what you would get from wearing two Epam rings (I know it's rare and can't have two, just trying to show a bigger picture) vs no rings at all in Coronach uncapped set. More weaponskill damage does not automatically make it the best weapon to use
Odin.Demhar said: » If we truly going to min/max then Ternion Dagger +1 is gonna be ahead of Perun +1 in rattk cap shown below Ternion Dagger +1 R15 won in pretty much all situations I checked a while ago. I specifically removed it as an option when I ran the code since it doesn't really support ranged attacks with no Racc or Ratk. If you plan to melee for TP but still use physical ranged weapon skills, then it'll be a good option. Gleti's R30 also technically beats Perun +1 for Coronach, and others when capped. This, and other similar options with more WSC but less ranged benefits than Perun, was ignored as well for my tests. Izanami said: » Odin.Demhar said: » If we truly going to min/max then Ternion Dagger +1 is gonna be ahead of Perun +1 in rattk cap shown below Ternion Dagger +1 R15 won in pretty much all situations I checked a while ago. I specifically removed it as an option when I ran the code since it doesn't really support ranged attacks with no Racc or Ratk. If you plan to melee for TP but still use physical ranged weapon skills, then it'll be a good option. Gleti's R30 also technically beats Perun +1 for Coronach, and others when capped. This, and other similar options with more WSC but less ranged benefits than Perun, was ignored as well for my tests. Tbh RNG is for sure the one job that can drop a lot of racc for ranged TPing. You have +143 accuracy from gifts and trait, both ranged weapon types are A+ on RNG. You have racc on ammo, shield/subhand and big racc on Annihilator, Armageddon and Gastraphetes. Slightly less on Fomal and nothing on Gandiva I guess. At ML22 I have 1440 racc with R0 Fomal and KrakenClub/Nusku (so 0racc on main and ranged weapon) for example. Without food or any buffs. Thats also just Malignance and +3 relic head and accessories like Dedition earring. Could probably push it to 1500 with things like crepuscular earring and ring and higher ML it would be 1500+. Most jobs doesn't even get that in highest acc sets. There was a time when Rapid Shot was relevant before the existence of Hover Shot. Snapshot on weapon slot gave an opportunity to increase Rapid Shot+ to make shots back to back faster. This is not the case now because most of the time RNG moves after each shot to charge up Hover Shot. However, with the introduction of the Empy+3 set, Rapid Shot can make a come back in certain scenarios where the ranger is geared for utilizing the set bonus to activate double damage. Additionally, with the Master Levels, range accuracy has become almost never an issue.
“best weapon to use” is a vague statement. Best weapon to use in what scenario? If we are truly talking about “best” without context its not gonna work. Is the RNG just spamming Coronach? The job is designed to utilize each weapon for a specific scenario to maximize damage output. To deal a lot of damage is your job. This is why we have so many toys to play with. When using Annihilator + Coronach spam, the goal is to get to 1k TP and WS, which makes your WS DMG number one priority. With Recycle activation rate, STP+4 on the axe is not a deal breaker. And if you are RATTK cap, it comes down to 8 AGI on axe vs 10~15AGI + 5WSD on the dagger. Which one is best in this scenario? I’m not even going to elaborate on sub job choices here since people are all over the place on master levels, which can bring up whole another changes to “best” scenarios. I just love how people ignore sub jobs & think only Arebati. It’s like the rest of the game is not relevant anymore… run the jishnu's with path A nyame
Asura.Wintur said: » run the jishnu's with path A nyame Would need to be R30 to make sam impact: - head would be 5%pdl against 16DEX and 15STR, so would probably win, but not by much - body is worse - hands are same pdl as Ikenga, but with slightly more DEX and less STR - legs are only piece that would significantly win with 13% crit rate, same pdl and slightly higher STR - feet would probably lose to both Amini and Ikenga for true shot down and up You would also need to consider that Nyame A has lots of PDL, but rather low STR and only 30ratt per piece and you would be pushing whole setup (with Nyame A head,hands,legs,feet) to like +50%PDL, so good luck capping attack on anything but trash mobs. Thanks everyone for the input that has been given thus far! I have updated the guide with last few WS sets that were shared. I feel we have a good foundation for weaponskills.
Going forward, can we focus on some sets that are not weaponskill sets? I still need some input on the midshot sets I have provided. These were just eyeballed by me. I could use some feedback on the Critical, Double Shot, and Critical.DoubleShot sets as well. The problem is I customize my midshot sets a ton depending on weapon and how I plan to use it.
There are a few obvious upgrades and options to consider For midshot NQ malignance or ikenga body both would be a clear upgrade over AF but some of my sets use relic body for the double shot from the augment that works even outside double shot, if I don't need more store tp. For legs I would probably just list empy +2 legs although malignance or ikenga legs are also not bad options. I don't love either regal or ilabrat rings here I use Crepuscular and either Cacoethic +1 r15 or Chirich +1 depending on my racc or store tp needs. For midshot HQ Empy +3 hands lose 1 store tp to maligance and I would only swap to as a potential acc swap when using archery. Ikenga feet lose 2 store tp to malignance feet and would only swap to for true shot, if trying for white damage. same comment on rings as the NQ Looking at double shot builds it kind of depends if you are going for a white damage build or not. If your goal is white damage the Oshosi +1 head is super important for the double shot damage. Ikenga gloves beat Ososhi +1 hands in pretty much all situations, both better white damage and better tp return regardless of if attack capped although malignance can be slightly better at attack cap if you can handle their lack of attack. If attack capped Sroda Ring can be pretty good in these builds as well. If you are not going for white damage (maybe doing true flights against physical resistant target) Then you want relic head and body store tp accessories and have to look at your hit builds to decide how much oshosi+1 vs store tp items makes sense. ![]() I will update the sets here if you want, or I can let this node wither. I don't want to snatch your work compiling a new guide if you want to take over.
kunami said: » I will update the sets here if you want, or I can let this node wither. I don't want to snatch your work compiling a new guide if you want to take over. Everyone only seemed interested in providing WS sets. I would appreciate any information you provide! I will add it to the guide on BG. I created it on BG as it seems much easier for others to take over should I stop playing. I don't have any new info as I haven't played in years, but I was saying I would update what's here based on your guide so they matched.
kunami said: » I don't have any new info as I haven't played in years, but I was saying I would update what's here based on your guide so they matched. If I were in your shoes I would just be done with it so you no longer need to mess with it. You have been freed from playing the game now be freed from the forums! haha okey dokey
kunami said: » I don't have any new info as I haven't played in years, but I was saying I would update what's here based on your guide so they matched. Much respect for many years of good stewardship of the xiah Ranger Guide- there were several of us all upset not too long ago that the RNG guide was full of sky gear from 75 cap, 2 years after Adoulin Release...but none of us wanted to maintain the thing^^ You gathered a lot of us for thoughts/concepts/suggestions, and then handled the upkeep :) If you're done with playing XI, I'd agree- step back and appreciate our thanks for being the babysitter while the rest of us got to play on the swing set! ![]() Hello
I was curious if anyone has tried to identify if the empy head actually makes a real difference when lowering enmity on double shot. Was asking to find out if I actually should build a enmity down set for arebati v20. I’m able to reach the max equipment cap of 50 with bard songs and equipment but was curious about the -58 that’s on the head just how much enmity would I gain? Does that mean I would be at -108 or does that still mean I’m at -50? Further more would I be able to ride AM3 the whole time because is it? Asura.Archknight said: » Hello I was curious if anyone has tried to identify if the empy head actually makes a real difference when lowering enmity on double shot. Was asking to find out if I actually should build a enmity down set for arebati v20. I’m able to reach the max equipment cap of 50 with bard songs and equipment but was curious about the -58 that’s on the head just how much enmity would I gain? Does that mean I would be at -108 or does that still mean I’m at -50? Further more would I be able to ride AM3 the whole time because is it? It makes a difference yeah, pretty sure it is an additional -% multiplier, so x1.58 (with +3 head) your -50 capped enmity for an effective -79 enmity on double shots. E.g. Action usually generated 100 enmity, now 50 enmity with your -50 enmity in gear/song, with Emp head +3, 50 reduced by 58% = 21 (original 100 minus 79%) ![]() Why is emp+3 body now the better WS body than Ikenga for Last Stand uncapped attack?
Oh damn, it gives a straight +11%? I thought that sounded OP and it would be +11% of the value VS already gives.
I dont think theres any +% JA boost gear that dont just stack with the buff already present, the VS piece certainly aint one
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