XIView 3.4 (made for retail FFXI)
*Updated 10th June 2024
English Only currently, JP version requires mods of different files.
If using Nameplate Plugin by Velyn, use with Normal Width mod.
Xiview 3.4 A
Adds HD Nameplate font (3 widths)
Adds HD battle Numbers
Adds New Buff Icons
A new Intro splash screen with graphics.
HD buttons.
A new pointer.
New Equip boxes.
New macro graphics.
HD weather icons (weather and on elements on gear / pup frames)
HD Gil Icon
Region map mod.
XiView 3.4 A
XiView 3.4 B (this is all in A + menu mods)
All Above & Menu modifications, making the menu window boxes bigger and adding new bigger icons to all the spells, abilities and mounts.
XIView 3.4 B
Images below.
config/windows/shared windows type: 5,6,7,8 are changed
0/18.dat, 19.dat, 20.dat, 21.dat are menu background mods
119/50.dat is the splash screen
119/51.dat is for UI
119/57.dat is for skill/spell icons
280/15.dat is menu icons (not in A)
324/95.dat is menu icons (not in A)
Image Examples:
HD login Screen
5 is in the zip above, the others below are alternate versions of 50.dat start screen.
Font / Icons:


Condensed 1.

Condensed 2.

Treb font.
Menu mod from Xiview 3.4 B

To change parts of the 51.dat in the "x modify with drag and drop elements" folder.
Click Texhammer made by Korith, to start program.
After installing the mod, make sure you're logged out of FFXI.
Drag 51.dat into copy into texhammer, lots of images show up.
To change the pointer arrow from modded to original, goto images/pointers and drag "anc anc" file into "anc anc" box
To change the font used for nameplate, font font (main font):
vanilla is the normal XI font, different battle numbers adds different numbers that show up when you hit something. Treb is the font used in previous verisons of XIview and LoL is league of legends type font)
To change the mission/npcdialogue pointer drag "anc btwait" into "anc btwait" box.
(Original is the original versions of these images)
To change the color of macro keys from blue to grey:
Drag either of the 2 files in macro keys folder to the "menu gauge" box
To change the box type for all gear and the equip screen drag and drop the modded or orig file to the "itemslot" box.
To change Job Point stars, job point stars (condensed if using that 51.dat) drag and drop into the "menu ustashd" box near the bottom.
Press save at the top right and make sure to save it as 51.dat and not 51_HD.dat.
THESE FILES MAY NEED TO BE UPDATED AFTER A PATCH IF THE DEVELOPERS UPDATE THE UI. 90% of patches they will be fine, but sometimes these files need to be updated and I'll post a new version if this is the case here. Check date at the top.
Alt DDS files: