HD UI and Skill/Spell Mods (XiVew variant)
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 68
By Bahamut.Navius 2023-01-31 19:57:57
This is my font, same 51.dat, "Standard" quality, on 2560x1600 and 1.7 UI scaling in Windower.

Ok, so it looks like it's a matter of personal preference. I realized that when we were talking about fonts looking "good" or "bad" it was pretty subjective, so I tried to take screenshots of each option to show the differences between the 3. Your font in this screenshot looks the same as mine, with the distorted aliased "jaggies" around the edges of each letter. If those don't bother you and you prefer this option, then that's great. I tried running with this setting a while back, and I frankly couldn't stand it. I still stand by my opinion of the "medium" quality option looking best by a wide margin, but having screenshots of each setting here for other players to pick what's preferred for them is hopefully helpful.
I wonder, though. The "standard" font option comes from the 'font moji' image within 51.DAT, so that can be changed. RadialArcana has already done an outstanding job of improving the quality of the nameplate font... could the same be done with 'font moji'?
By RadialArcana 2023-01-31 20:45:59
Goto your windower folder, edit the settings.xml and manually change the ui scale part to 1.33 or something. Try fiddle with it, to get the scaling perfect on your monitor.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 68
By Bahamut.Navius 2023-01-31 21:46:41
I can try that. Is the thought that maybe 1.3x exactly is causing issues with the font distortion, but something close-ish might not?
edit: I tried a bunch of custom scalings between 1.2-1.35x, and the distortion persisted for the high quality font. Oddly enough, if I run the game vanilla without Windower, and use the UI Size slider in the XI Config tool, the high quality font looks good and can be made as large as I'd like. So, it seems that this is either a Windower problem, or a me problem with regards to Windower. Either way, unless someone is already aware of an easy fix, this is probably something I should take up with the Windower Discord, instead of further de-railing this thread. (Also, I'm generally happy with the 'medium quality' font option that I posted, it's just "sub-optimal" and I was poking to see if there was a known fix)
Thanks again for the mods Radial, looking forward to what you have cooking next!
By RadialArcana 2023-02-02 16:28:16
Ive had a few messages about using assets from my mod for an Ashita addon for private servers (HXUI?), becasue the people making it don't have access to XIah and it seems asked people to message me from the ashita discord.
I would rather nothing I make be repurposed for private server use, so no.
By Rinuko 2023-02-02 16:42:22
Hxui is a gui mod. It’s not made for private servers but like all addons wherever it’s wi dower or ashita, they can be used on a private server.
By Dodik 2023-02-02 17:44:14
Ok, so it looks like it's a matter of personal preference.
Absolutely. I personally like the XIView font (Trebuchet) a lot more over the XI "HQ" font, on either medium or high quality settings. The HQ setting for me is nigh unreadable and strains my eyes.
On my screen, with a 2560x1600 resolution, it does look a bit "off" once the UI is scaled - and I use quite a high UI scaling - but given the high res the artifacts are not that visible.
Is it as crisp as when the UI is not scaled? No, but as you say, that seems to be a windower thing. Others, like RadialArcana, are happy with the built in XI font. YMMV.
Thank you very much RadialArcana for this btw - only UI mods I use now.
Server: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 147
By Odin.Nappy 2023-02-03 02:53:14
Do you have a download to replace the status icons for a buff addon so my in-game dat mod looks the same for a mod like party buffs?
By RadialArcana 2023-02-03 14:43:15
All versions of XIview will most likely break on the 10th with the new patch, they will still work but whatever new buttons or systems they add for the chat filter won't be in the file and so won't work.
Specially 51.dat, others should be fine.
By ithorien 2023-02-09 23:48:06
All versions of XIview will most likely break on the 10th with the new patch, they will still work but whatever new buttons or systems they add for the chat filter won't be in the file and so won't work.
Specially 51.dat, others should be fine.
Can confirm, they changed the textures a whole bunch.
By RadialArcana 2023-02-10 11:16:07
Updated, any problems let me know and I'll fix them at the weekend.
By ithorien 2023-02-10 11:38:20
Updated, any problems let me know and I'll fix them at the weekend. Lightning fast, thanks!
By Rinuko 2023-02-10 12:30:08
Thank you for your hard work and swift update :)
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,013
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-02-10 12:39:08
it seems asked people to message me from the ashita discord. nothing of the sort was said in the ashita discord, it's probably not even the addon author itself but someone modding it
By RadialArcana 2023-02-10 12:49:20
it seems asked people to message me from the ashita discord. nothing of the sort was said in the ashita discord, it's probably not even the addon author itself but someone modding it
Not like it matters now, but I got a few messages that were apparently instigated by Tirem? either making a post or sending a reply/message about an "Ashita addon" from a discord. Since he doesn't play retail he wanted someone to pm me on here it seems.
I didn't see it, I just got second hand information about it in a pm.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3,013
By Shiva.Thorny 2023-02-10 12:50:24
coulda been horizon, that discord is so active nobody could ever keep up with everything going on in it
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Asura.Ayakari 2023-02-27 12:59:52
What does it mean to drop the anc anc in the anc anc box? I am trying to use the original pointer but I don't follow.
By RadialArcana 2023-02-27 13:27:46
From the zip file goto
x modify with drag and drop elements
open texhammer.exe
drag and drop the 51.dat file you're using into it
At the top, box 3 (anc anc) is pointer. Drop the dds file from the zip
"x modify with drag and drop elements/images/pointers/"
anc anc original.dds into that box and save it back as 51.dat
Start the game and the original pointers should be there.
By Lili 2023-02-28 08:09:10
HTML5/CSS UI Framework plugin
Mommy I'm scared
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2023-02-28 11:31:48
HTML5/CSS UI Framework plugin
Mommy I'm scared .text_box { float: left }
stays where it is
CSS rage hilarity ensues.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 13
By Asura.Ayakari 2023-02-28 23:27:14
Do we know which dat files are the maps? That's all I really need/want. Thanks!
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 694
By Bismarck.Xurion 2023-03-01 02:45:02
I believe the Remapster project has many of them mapped.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7
By Asura.Elizabetha 2023-03-12 14:01:20
Hah! My name is in this! xD
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 10
By Phoenix.Criky 2023-03-24 07:55:43
All of this looks so amazing! Thank you for all the hard work
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 562
By Lakshmi.Cesil 2023-03-24 09:48:45
Wow this looks amazing, I am going to install it now, thank you :)
By RadialArcana 2023-04-08 08:35:57
The characters that are created from the dat file are the source for fonts used in various places in the ui, since this is changing the source I can't pick and choose. The normal mod has no width alterations so works perfectly everywhere, the condensed 1 has minor width changes that cause some minor issues in other places and and 2 is a "lesser of two evils" deal.
I personally use 1.
The game stores duplicates in memory, so they can be selectively changed in memory with an addon but I can't do that with dat editing.
By RadialArcana 2023-04-08 17:17:05
Can you post a screenshot, I'm not sure what you mean.
I thought you meant some minor issues, you're making it sound more serious.
Should look like this
There should be no size difference anywhere.
XIView 3.4 (made for retail FFXI)
*Updated 10th June 2024
English Only currently, JP version requires mods of different files.
If using Nameplate Plugin by Velyn, use with Normal Width mod.
Xiview 3.4 A
Adds HD Nameplate font (3 widths)
Adds HD battle Numbers
Adds New Buff Icons
A new Intro splash screen with graphics.
HD buttons.
A new pointer.
New Equip boxes.
New macro graphics.
HD weather icons (weather and on elements on gear / pup frames)
HD Gil Icon
Region map mod.
XiView 3.4 A
XiView 3.4 B (this is all in A + menu mods)
All Above & Menu modifications, making the menu window boxes bigger and adding new bigger icons to all the spells, abilities and mounts.
XIView 3.4 B
Images below.
config/windows/shared windows type: 5,6,7,8 are changed
0/18.dat, 19.dat, 20.dat, 21.dat are menu background mods
119/50.dat is the splash screen
119/51.dat is for UI
119/57.dat is for skill/spell icons
280/15.dat is menu icons (not in A)
324/95.dat is menu icons (not in A)
Image Examples:
HD login Screen
5 is in the zip above, the others below are alternate versions of 50.dat start screen.
Font / Icons:


Condensed 1.

Condensed 2.

Treb font.
Menu mod from Xiview 3.4 B
To change parts of the 51.dat in the "x modify with drag and drop elements" folder.
Quote: Click Texhammer made by Korith, to start program.
After installing the mod, make sure you're logged out of FFXI.
Drag 51.dat into copy into texhammer, lots of images show up.
To change the pointer arrow from modded to original, goto images/pointers and drag "anc anc" file into "anc anc" box
To change the font used for nameplate, font font (main font):
vanilla is the normal XI font, different battle numbers adds different numbers that show up when you hit something. Treb is the font used in previous verisons of XIview and LoL is league of legends type font)
To change the mission/npcdialogue pointer drag "anc btwait" into "anc btwait" box.
(Original is the original versions of these images)
To change the color of macro keys from blue to grey:
Drag either of the 2 files in macro keys folder to the "menu gauge" box
To change the box type for all gear and the equip screen drag and drop the modded or orig file to the "itemslot" box.
To change Job Point stars, job point stars (condensed if using that 51.dat) drag and drop into the "menu ustashd" box near the bottom.
Press save at the top right and make sure to save it as 51.dat and not 51_HD.dat.
THESE FILES MAY NEED TO BE UPDATED AFTER A PATCH IF THE DEVELOPERS UPDATE THE UI. 90% of patches they will be fine, but sometimes these files need to be updated and I'll post a new version if this is the case here. Check date at the top.
Alt DDS files: