Getting the *** fiat lux clear ranked me up to 7
I had checked JUST before doing the fight and was still rank 6. Checked again after talking to the campaign op npc and taking the fight again (I want the lockstyle drops), and BAM rank 7
Here are my current other stats to compare if it was something random or the fiat lux clear (the mission completion in the log or the title itself is my bet)
Rank 7:
-All Missions/addons complete
-Crafts capped (110 gold w/ escutcheon; ebisu+1/lu+1)
-All jobs mastered
-937 records of eminence
-Adoulin ring+1/ygnas
-Monster rearing: Missing 4 mementos (in progress)
-Maat's Cap
-All trusts
-All spells learned
-All mounts except chocobo (in progress)
-All skills capped
-12 REMA (1 relic, 3 mythics, 2 empy, 2 ergon, 4 aeonic)
-All mythic ws unlock quests complete
-All empy ws unlocked
-Max Fame everywhere
-Homepoints: all unlocked
-Survival Guides: all unlocked
-Proto Waypoints:all unlocked
-Outpost Warps: missing Movalpolis for bastok, dont know others
-Vorseals: Missing 2 HP(kills), 1 Atk(Choco Race)
(Also missing many dragon kill vorseals)
-UNMs: Missing 1 (not tumult, hes ded)
-Abyssea complete/Atma of the savior
-Monstrosity: Highest Monster Level 90 (Toad)
-Campaign Ops: 12/way too many (fiat lux(s/b/w), splitting heirs, and plucking wings complete)
-Chocobo Digging: Amateur (only dug 30 items for RoE)
-Voidwatch complete - Missing 4 periapt, 9 atmacite
-All dyna-d full cleared/judge,jury,executioner
-Master trial: zero completions
-144/145 atma (missing guild signboard)
-65/65 abyssites
-677+ quests complete (pre-title hunt, needs recount)
-771/1056 titles
-927+ days playtime
To do: chocobo raising/racing, 800 titles, 950 roe, buy useless guild items for titles (signboard, fool's gold), conquest point purchases for titles (copper vouchers), unlock all monstrosity species (UGH), do SCNM titles, Get missing NM titles (18 left), meeble burrows (batallia side)
Sure, there is the possibility that having one more campaign op completed over my previous 7 is what bumped me over, but if not the fiat lux clear or title itself specifically, I'm thinking that different titles or mission/quest clears maybe just have different point values in the ranking system themselves and fiat lux was worth a lot
edit: OR even better, there are 9 very specific requirements (for ranks 2-10 lets say) to complete a rank up, and along with those requirements, there is a point system as well and even if you meet or beat the amount of points you need to rank up, without that specific requirement you will not rank up. So maybe I was over on points needed and then one of the requirements out of the 9 was the fiat lux clear/title and *poof* instant rank up. So I'm considering fiat lux my crafting rank exam item, lol.
It's silly, but I think having a point system as well as requirements fits for the amount of grinding we've put in these past weeks and what we've seen. So in the Eiryl example maybe you already had your strict requirement to rank up complete, and then you got your rank up from grind your (great sword?) skill up by adding enough points to go over the required points for that rank. And now, even though you're adding more and more points with the things you're doing to rank up, there is another specific requirement you need and when you find it you'll *poof* insta rank up because you've been grinding out points towards the point requirement already.
Now that I know fiat lux ranked me up, I'm going to be pushing even harder to get a cloud evoker to see if ouryu and then wyrm/bahamut BC title might be a thing too