Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!: RDM Guide

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Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better!: RDM Guide
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 31
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-08-25 07:47:11
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Ragnarok.Creaucent said: »
Phoenix.Darwinion said: »
OK a bit of a n00b question here. And I might kick myself when I get am answer.
I basically want one macro that will do Light Arts, and then do Addendum: Light. I'm trying to use a /wait command between the two. But the game just isn't having it.

Strange thing is, I can do this same kind of thing on THF for SA/TA and then WS. So why does it not work on RDM for this?

/em prepares to feel silly if this is so obvious :p

The server needs to know that you have Light Arts active before you can use Addendum: light where as SA/TA don't need a buff active to use them. Put in a <wait2> at the end of Light arts and you will be fine.

/ja "Light Arts" <me> <wait2>
/jq "Addendum: Light" <me>

Thanks, but that doesn't work. I even raised the wait to 10. I can manually go into the menu and do Addendum: White in that time. So the server had it registered that Light Arts is active.

It just refuses to work in a single macro palette. I don't want to be typing out commands or using 2nd macros for stuff that go hand in hand together.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Hiraishin
Posts: 91
By Asura.Hiraishinsenna 2024-08-25 08:12:54
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I have the same macro for dark arts addendum black and it works flawlessly, there must be some kind of error in what you're typing.
Are you leaving the space after the : ?
Server: Cerberus
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Posts: 1753
By Cerberus.Shadowmeld 2024-08-25 08:39:46
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Phoenix.Darwinion said: »
Ragnarok.Creaucent said: »
Phoenix.Darwinion said: »
OK a bit of a n00b question here. And I might kick myself when I get am answer.
I basically want one macro that will do Light Arts, and then do Addendum: Light. I'm trying to use a /wait command between the two. But the game just isn't having it.

Strange thing is, I can do this same kind of thing on THF for SA/TA and then WS. So why does it not work on RDM for this?

/em prepares to feel silly if this is so obvious :p

The server needs to know that you have Light Arts active before you can use Addendum: light where as SA/TA don't need a buff active to use them. Put in a <wait2> at the end of Light arts and you will be fine.

/ja "Light Arts" <me> <wait2>
/jq "Addendum: Light" <me>

Thanks, but that doesn't work. I even raised the wait to 10. I can manually go into the menu and do Addendum: White in that time. So the server had it registered that Light Arts is active.

It just refuses to work in a single macro palette. I don't want to be typing out commands or using 2nd macros for stuff that go hand in hand together.

Something in your gearswap is preventing it is likely.
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1
By Siren.Ravina 2024-08-25 08:59:41
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It appears that the name of the Addendum is what might be tripping you up as it is Addendum: White. The macro below will work to use both abilities in one macro.

/ja "Light Arts" <me> <wait 1>
/ja "Addendum: White" <me>
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: DBrown67
Posts: 31
By Phoenix.Darwinion 2024-08-25 09:16:01
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Thank you :) Finally got it working. As you wrote it above does work if the number is raised from 1.
Server: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Creaucent
Posts: 108
By Ragnarok.Creaucent 2024-08-25 18:09:11
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Thats how long its been since I typed out my Addendum: White macro lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Karppa
Posts: 386
By Asura.Karppa 2024-08-26 13:34:59
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I think I can make macro O.o
Posts: 17
By spicychai 2024-09-03 05:32:42
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I ran a damage simulator on RDM/NIN with malignance gear, but with:
  • Crocea + Tauret | Cape w/ Crit or DA + DEX - CDC

  • Maxientus + Tauret | Cape w/ WSD + STR - Black Halo

And I noticed Crocea goes up to around 3.7k DPS (3.9 with savage blade), whereas Maxientius goes up to 4.3k DPS. It amazed me a bit because I somehow felt Crocea would outdamage. Obviously this is from a simulator so isn't 100%, and depends on various things. I didn't mention the constants like haste II, Dia III, Composure on, Apex Bats enemy etc, but yeah does this sound about right for the damage?

(I'm just working on several weapons so I use the simulator to help me decide what I wanna farm for first, so yeah just noticed this).
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: NoScrying
Posts: 60
By Bahamut.Noscrying 2024-09-03 05:49:13
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spicychai said: »
I didn't mention the constants like haste II, Dia III, Composure on, Apex Bats enemy etc, but yeah does this sound about right for the damage?
I mean, you're missing +200% enspell damage.
If you changed to Crocea / Daybreak and switched to Seraph Blade, it'd probably increase a bit too.
Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1748
By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2024-09-03 05:50:07
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RDM dps in 2024 is more about having the largest toolbox in the game in terms of options much more than having some silver bullet that once found, allows you to ignore the worry about other choices. Just for ML'ing I use 4 different builds depending on the mood I'm in and the mobs I'm fighting- there isn't one choice that just smokes the rest^^

So that being said- have fun with the job! I understand one must prioritize where to start and its a lot to build, but do help yourself longterm by remembering that its all fun, and it all has purpose.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Sechs 2024-09-03 06:28:08
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In terms of pure DPS using Naegling/Thibron and spamming Savage Blade is probably gonna win above all other options.
And Maxentius/Thibron spamming Black Halo is likely second.

I love Crocea but the DPS spread is much different.
Crocea is fun and has a niche for diffent situations. If the target is resistant against physical damage and/or weak against magical damage and particularly weak against fire or light (so you can exploit Red Lotus Blade and Seraph Blade) then Crocea pulls out some really interesting overall DPS, but other than these and similar situations my experience is that Crocea Mors is lotsa fun but inferior to other options, for pure DPS output.
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1339
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-09-03 06:39:28
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Solo with trusts, I would pick doing Empyreal Arrow > Savage Blade.

Duo with a COR on things that take both Dark and Light damage, Leaden > Seraph Blade > Leaden.

Just depends on what you're fighting and what you have with you. Sometimes the best option is Crocea+Bunzi doing Sanguine Blade to not interrupt others and bursting on what they make.
Posts: 17
By spicychai 2024-09-08 13:09:46
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Thanks! Just had a few questions before I dig Crocea into a grave and forget about it until I need it lol:

  • Would Crocea w/ enspell work well in situations where an enemy has neutral resistance because of the free additive damage that's now also buffed because of Path C? For example, a goobbue takes 100% damage to wind, so not more or less. Would I benefit from using enaero for the extra damage?

  • I think part of the point of my question is; would I mostly encounter enemies resistant to magic around endgame, or does the above goobbue count as an enemy that's not weak to magic because it's neutral? I think in my use case I was thinking about using Crocea for a lot of older / solo content like Nyzul solo or just ambuscades (if going melee), and other general cases. If I was planning for high-end solo fights, I think I'd definitely first build more weapon sets (though this is still in progress). I was also not planning to always be using seraph/sanguine either, since I know without the proper build (which I'm still working on) they'd still be quite weak, I'd probably use CDC and whatnot over a DEX build.

Posts: 2390
By Nariont 2024-09-08 13:43:19
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As mentioned above croc's a strong sword but is likely always gonna be 2nd to standard naeg savage blade spam, even with the large boost to enspell/ele WS dmg its hard to beat raw SB power especially when paired with SC dmg.

But when you can't savage it's generally gonna beat most other oprions, the boost to both of the above can really crank RLB/seraph to respectable amounts, and sanguine is very consistent dmg that doesnt sc

Personally havent used CDC in ages beyond as a easy SC tool. dmg varies ws with a magian OH just have too large a gap compared to crit/multi-hit ws' and RDM has the easiest time covering the acc needed due to comp acc and distract
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: androwe
Posts: 1339
By Phoenix.Iocus 2024-09-08 15:25:45
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So the best use of Crocea is free wins on Tenzen. Sleep the taru,
WS until he does Yaegsumi and then just auto attack until you win on VD.

The 2nd best use is if you run into something that just doesn't seem to be taking physical damage based on your buffs. If it takes light/dark/fire damage, you'll probably do pretty well. BUT most things take savage blade/black halo and the scenario i'm talking about generally means you are underbuffed. It's probably better to resolve that than plan around magical WSs (as much as i'd love to and would prefer it.)
Server: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: maletaru
Posts: 2213
By Carbuncle.Maletaru 2024-09-08 16:19:44
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Crocea is really nice, but niche. It's not your best damage weapon for every scenario it's the best damage weapon for very specific (and niche) scenarios.

If you're trying to avoid pulling hate off a mob, Crocea is excellent because the enmity is very low.
If you're attacking something strong against physical attacks (elementals) then it's great
If you have an abundance of magic buffs and the enemy has an abundance of magic debuffs (Dynamis W3) then it's excellent
If the enemy is really weak against a specific element (Zerde) it can do a lot of damage
If you aren't allowed to WS (Yaegasumi, amnesia, etc.) then it can do more damage than other options

It's definitely not a one-size-fits all weapon though, and most of the time, other weapons will do more damage. White damage is not the name of the game in FFXI, WS damage makes up a MUCH larger percentage of your damage and Crocea is not very good at doing WS damage unless the mob is weak against it or you're buffed/debuffed for it.
Posts: 86
By Argisto 2024-09-08 16:51:29
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spicychai said: »
Thanks! Just had a few questions before I dig Crocea into a grave and forget about it until I need it lol

There is a lot to unpack in this post so I'll go into it point by point the best I can.

Would Crocea w/ enspell work well in situations where an enemy has neutral resistance because of the free additive damage that's now also buffed because of Path C?

This is highly dependent on the mechanics of the fight you are engaged in, your strategy for said fight, and the gear and buffs you have available to you. Crocea Mors can be of great benefit to make up for RDM's lack of attack with Enspell and magical weapon skill damage when solo (as you mention later in your post). But, like with anything else in this game, it cannot be applied broadly to all situations.

For example, a goobbue takes 100% damage to wind, so not more or less. Would I benefit from using enaero for the extra damage?

I have a suspicion that you may be under the wrong impression about what those resistance numbers mean.

The percentages in the red rectangle denote a monster's elemental resistance rank by skillchain multiplier, not the percent of damage it takes from that element. These ranks also determine the mount of magic evasion a monster has to a particular element. The value circled in purple denotes a monster's resistance to magic damage.

For the purposes of Enspell damage, you will deal the same amount of damage with Enfire as you would with Enaero to this monster. The only difference would be the amount of magic accuracy needed to reach the 95% magic hit rate cap. The Resist page on BG has more info if you're interested.

I think part of the point of my question is; would I mostly encounter enemies resistant to magic around endgame, or does the above goobbue count as an enemy that's not weak to magic because it's neutral?

There are many instances where magic damage is not ideal. The real question here is, would you even be on the front lines to begin with even if it was? Not all strategies revolve around a RDM swinging their Crocea Mors around. Your role as a RDM in "Endgame" will be to conform to your party's needs, and not your need to swing your sword around.

I think in my use case I was thinking about using Crocea for a lot of older / solo content like Nyzul solo or just ambuscades (if going melee), and other general cases.

Building a Crocea Mors just to do ancient content like Nyzul is a waste. Strategies for Ambuscades can vary wildly depending on the month, group, strategy, etc.

Crocea Mors can be a great sword, but it requires the proper gearsets and the right situation to shine as a damage dealing weapon.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10006
By Asura.Sechs 2024-09-09 13:11:54
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Haven't fought VD Shinryu in ages. Went back in today and found my kills were slower than I remembered (like 15+ mins?).
I have three questions for people who have a better memory than mine:

1) Utsusemi

2) TP Set

3) Seraph Blade
Posts: 8931
By SimonSes 2024-09-09 14:57:18
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Now... why am I using those earrings instead of something else with STP, like Sherida and more?
And why the *** Amar Cluster over R30 Coiste Bodhar?
Maybe I wanted to prioritize TA and avoid DA at all costs, but why lol?

Looks more like you needed accuracy.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2024-09-09 15:58:21
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Asura.Sechs said: »
Haven't fought VD Shinryu in ages. Went back in today and found my kills were slower than I remembered (like 15+ mins?).
I have three questions for people who have a better memory than mine:

1) Utsusemi

2) TP Set

3) Seraph Blade

Utsusemi: don't use it, waste of time
TP set: I use r30 coiste, JSE +1 neck, ayanmo+2 hands, and orpheus's sash, and ride enspell the entire time. Sherida earring, dw cape, telos earring. R30 Bunzi's Cap. Offhand is Bunzi's Rod (mine is only R27 or so)

Seraph Blade: I don't use it. I use Sanguine 100% of the time wings up or down. This allows me to not have to self heal after Cataclysmic Vortex (which can sometimes hit 1500+) into a full cure, so I am never usually at risk of dying unless there's some bad luck (like stun, para, doom and vortex all happening at the same time I am trying to holy water/remedy/cure myself). Since I stopped bothering switching weapons or cure4ing myself, clears got faster.

I engage with sabo silence/para/distract, and then if i feel like it, throw up Poison 2/Bio3, sometimes Addle 2 and Frazzle 3. Honestly I could skip most of these debuffs but it's just a habit now. Stand behind him every time to avoid Cosmic Breath, bring a stack of remedies/holy waters/panacea every run, dispel Mighty Guard, but try to focus on getting off as many Sanguine Blades/WS during wings up if you can. The slowest part of the fight is when he puts his wings back down and damage is halved. Also having a Holy Water set (Nicander's necklace and Purity Ring is what I use) makes them a whole lot more reliable.

Fastest clears are just over 8min, average time is 9-10, sometimes its longer due to him being random and annoying with Mighty Guards, Atomic Ray and Supernova. Cosmic Breath and Gyve Charge are weak moves. Trusts are Cornelia+Star Sibyll (can be skipped, but I use her for MAB aura to slightly bump up sanguine damage).

Now if only I could find a way to reliably bump his drop rate up, since I have never seen a piece of armor or weapon drop from him and I am approaching 430 or so kills on VD...
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