Use: (In that order)
AA EV is better ar surviving, but Amchuchu is better at holding hate (AA EV uses flash only, Amchuchu uses flash and provoke)
When you start the fight, try to pre position in a spot that will hit only Amchuchu, Koru-Moru might be close but its ok.
Build 3000TP while Amchuchu gets hate, Nat. Meditation + Berserk, then spam CDC to make light SC.
Once Amchuchu loses hate, turn back and let her flash/provoke, at this point you should be trying to stay in the center to avoid being hit by the gyves, pre position as best as you can so the knockback effect puts you in a safe spot.
After Amchuchu recovers hate, keep spaming CDC till she dies.
Note: try to play it safe, fatal allure (charm) its a gaze attack, thats why you try to let Amchuchu tank most of the time if possible, also pay attention to dread spikes, what i do is spam magic barrier when i see dread spikes so i dont hit her by accident.