This is what i believe i a single "optimal" enfeebling set if you are looking to just have one
ItemSet 385396
for whm enffebling i use the napkin math of 1mnd = 1 maccc = 1 skill in regards to value. that not saying 1mnd gives you 1 Macc but since mnd effective both potency of slow and para and added macc from start the "Value" of the stats is roughly 1:1.
With thah napkin math the kaykus gloves have a value of 116 ( i forgot augment first time) and regal cufs have 85 and with the added duration.
if its get the +15 artifact bonus its at 100
now for some spells mnd does nothing for the potency and only helps through Dstart on those case you might want to value skill and macc a bit more than mnd
on those case you can make the ammo slot over to pemhpredo tathlum to go full macc as well as shift metamoor. ring to stikini ring.
both stikinin ring and the tathlum you most likely alredy have from a refresh set and your cure set
So if want to stave inventory dropping hydrocore and just go with tathlum
Heck you can switch back into kayukus +1 for more raw mac as well
if the above got to confussing let me know and ill try to explain it more consistently
Malignance earring s a food stand-in earring until you get both regal and ebers