Let's Start A Riot?!?!

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Let's start a riot?!?!
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Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-06-01 18:10:59
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There is an overwhelming amount of evidence of the African presence in America well before the slave trade. There are Olmec statues in Mexico, which feature very prominent African features that white supremacists love to make fun of when it comes to black people, dating back to several thousand years ago. White supremacists have the absolute worst grasp of history (which is why they always start right at the point of slavery) and they can easily be debunked in a few short minutes of history. This is why they always deflect back to "black on black crime in Chicago" as a trump card, because history does not lie as well as they do.

You don't earn anything from debunking a white supremacist, though. Their main objective is to waste your time with trolling and deflective facts. Nothing you say will ever get through to them and it's best to not even waste your time debating them.
By 2020-06-01 18:11:13
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-06-01 18:12:09
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Hey guys, the world is *** up and rioting.

Everyone else: talking points spoon fed to them, also statistics derived from God knows where to continue to argue over which group must be blamed.

Meanwhile the world burns.
By 2020-06-01 18:13:07
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Server: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Negan
Posts: 2148
By Bahamut.Negan 2020-06-01 18:13:19
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Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Hey guys, the world is *** up and rioting.

Everyone else: talking points spoon fed to them, also statistics derived from God knows where to continue to argue over which group must be blamed.

Meanwhile the world burns.
Server: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Pucidain
Posts: 75
By Fenrir.Puciato 2020-06-01 18:13:39
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kreek said: »
Fenrir.Puciato said: »
Bismarck.Nickeny said: »
OMG, they calling people white supremacists because they quoted statistics... IM *** DYING


It's the world we live in now. You cant bring up the facts, which would help bring about the changes needed for a well integrated society.

Charles Barkley brings this up, no ones calling him racist. It's almost like people dont want these problems to go away because they will lose the ability to signal their own virtue

Personally I just tell people I'm racist now, because that's the only way to engage this debate with statistics. My black girlfriend probably just wants me to shut up and make dinner.
Is she inherently violent and murderous?

Bro you are free to try to wake her up before 9 am or eat the last of the leftover pasta she makes every now and then.

I'm lucky to be alive.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 18:14:52
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kreek said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
kreek said: »
Which of 1. customary beliefs, 2. social norms, or 3. material traits do you think those links are relevant to?

Are you saying that you believe it is a social norm of all black people to be violent and commit murder?

You're fundamentally not understanding the concept of inherited behavior and culture. For thousands of years they behaved in one way, which is extremely violent by modern western standards. They've been thrust into a modern world that doesn't accept that kind of behavior. Their inherited behavior and culture does not mesh with where and when they're now living, and they're having trouble adapting.
You've just admitted that some Europeans were doing the same things, even up until the point that Africans were taken to America. How did white people shrug it off, and you think African descended people are unable to do the same in the same time frame?

They didn't "shrug it off," they fought a bloody revolutionary war to break free from the tyranny of a monarchy, and then an even bloodier civil war to establish the modern country that is today the place where everyone else in the world desperately wants to be.

I didn't say that people of African descent cannot ever integrate, I said they're struggling. Some have.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-06-01 18:15:09
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Real talk, can you same people that do that same ***you do in every thread you get involved in, not do that ***
By 2020-06-01 18:16:02
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-06-01 18:19:34
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Bahamut.Negan said: »
Leviathan.Draugo said: »
Hey guys, the world is *** up and rioting.

Everyone else: talking points spoon fed to them, also statistics derived from God knows where to continue to argue over which group must be blamed.

Meanwhile the world burns.
It's those godless neutrals I tell you! This *** city!
By Draylo 2020-06-01 18:20:03
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Have you seen the history of almost every country in the world? Why do people constantly use a point in history that nobody living had ANYTHING to do with? Please, just go read a history book and see which country is a saint, your precious UK certainly isn't that is for sure.

Also, when he quoted those stats earlier I didn't see anyone debate as to why that might be a slight cause for some of the rooted problems we have. It isn't just a simple fix for this situation.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-06-01 18:22:18
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Draylo said: »
Have you seen the history of almost every country in the world? Why do people constantly use a point in history that nobody living had ANYTHING to do with? Please, just go read a history book and see which country is a saint, your precious UK certainly isn't that is for sure.

Also, when he quoted those stats earlier I didn't see anyone debate as to why that might be a slight cause for some of the rooted problems we have. It isn't just a simple fix for this situation.
People cannot put down the past. The past has proven this, the future will reaffirm it if the present is any indication.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 18:23:10
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Lakshmi.Buukki said: »
There is an overwhelming amount of evidence of the African presence in America well before the slave trade. There are Olmec statues in Mexico, which feature very prominent African features that white supremacists love to make fun of when it comes to black people, dating back to several thousand years ago. White supremacists have the absolute worst grasp of history (which is why they always start right at the point of slavery) and they can easily be debunked in a few short minutes of history. This is why they always deflect back to "black on black crime in Chicago" as a trump card, because history does not lie as well as they do.

You don't earn anything from debunking a white supremacist, though. Their main objective is to waste your time with trolling and deflective facts. Nothing you say will ever get through to them and it's best to not even waste your time debating them.

I've only cited nationwide crime statistics. No one in this thread has mentioned chicago gang crime statistics once, except you just now.

Your olmec statues reference has what to do with violent crime rates from descendants of Africans? You're really struggling here... if you could "debunk" anything I've said, you'd have quoted it and posted some kind of evidence. You haven't "debunked" anything because you can't. I'm only posting real-world statistics and historical facts.
By 2020-06-01 18:23:20
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By 2020-06-01 18:26:30
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-06-01 18:28:12
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kreek said: »
Draylo said: »
Have you seen the history of almost every country in the world? Why do people constantly use a point in history that nobody living had ANYTHING to do with? Please, just go read a history book and see which country is a saint, your precious UK certainly isn't that is for sure.
Noone said anything about the UK being perfect, stop posting nonsense to get my attention Draylo.

If I am not mistaken I think he is alluding to high horse little quips like this:

kreek said: »
Asura.Toeknee said: »
you're a post away from saying 'whites are a superior race'. had you said it in the beginning you could've saved yourself 3 pages of responses
He's American, it's perfectly fine to do that in America.

I want to see how long kireek can dance around it because it is less acceptable to be a white supremacist in the UK.

But hey, not like you don't have your fair share of skin heads talking all cockney with their suspenders hanging down or anything.
By 2020-06-01 18:29:53
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By Draylo 2020-06-01 18:30:57
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What about Wakanda??
By 2020-06-01 18:31:16
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Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2775
By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-06-01 18:31:44
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Valefor.Commodus said: »
This literally supports my post. Whites have tried to modernize parts of Africa and been kicked out (Rhodesia and mostly SA, so far).

Just.... No. The angle that imperialists were there through some sort of charitable whim, is just..... No.

They went to those nation's intent on stealing as many of those resources as they could. Plain and simple.
By 2020-06-01 18:33:37
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 18:34:44
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kreek said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
kreek said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
kreek said: »
Which of 1. customary beliefs, 2. social norms, or 3. material traits do you think those links are relevant to?

Are you saying that you believe it is a social norm of all black people to be violent and commit murder?

You're fundamentally not understanding the concept of inherited behavior and culture. For thousands of years they behaved in one way, which is extremely violent by modern western standards. They've been thrust into a modern world that doesn't accept that kind of behavior. Their inherited behavior and culture does not mesh with where and when they're now living, and they're having trouble adapting.
You've just admitted that some Europeans were doing the same things, even up until the point that Africans were taken to America. How did white people shrug it off, and you think African descended people are unable to do the same in the same time frame?

They didn't "shrug it off," they fought a bloody revolutionary war to break free from the tyranny of a monarchy, and then an even bloodier civil war to establish the modern country that is today the place where everyone else in the world desperately wants to be.

I didn't say that people of African descent cannot ever integrate, I said they're struggling. Some have.
We're talking about Europeans, not America.

Where do you consider African descendants to have "integrated successfully"?

You asked how white people shrugged it off, and Americans back then were predominantly white, so my answer is still valid. But I'll answer for Europeans, as well: They also didn't "shrug it off." I'm pretty sure you're British, so the answer is that the Americans who forcefully evicted you from America had to come rescue you from annihilation in the 1940s, and then babysit most of the rest of the world into getting along.

As for where Africans have integrated successfully, en masse: nowhere. In relatively small numbers? lots of places. They're called token black guys.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Gnawclaw
By Asura.Gnawclaw 2020-06-01 18:35:02
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Draylo said: »
What about Wakanda??

I need you to stop messing around take this seriously, sir. Very important anthropological studies being done and you're just in here MAKIN JOKES.


By 2020-06-01 18:36:39
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Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 18:37:13
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kreek said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
You haven't "debunked" anything because you can't. I'm only posting real-world statistics and historical facts.
You're using "black people" in your posts sometimes, and "poor black people" in others. There's a critical difference here, once you comprehend it you will find you're most of the way there to understanding the greater complexity to the situation than simply taking ethnicity alone and ignoring the rest of the context.

No, because rich black rappers and athletes still commit violent crimes. It's about culture, not money.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
By Lakshmi.Buukki 2020-06-01 18:38:38
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I quoted nobody
I named nobody
I threw out random statements but specifically used the term "white supremacists" and only one person responded.

A hit dog will holler
By 2020-06-01 18:39:24
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 140
By Asura.Toeknee 2020-06-01 18:40:53
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kreek said: »
I bet you have black friends and so you're definitely not a racist. amirite?

he seems scared of black folks - cuz the way he talks lets me know he doesn't know one in real life - or he'd have been smacked - then got angry and blamed it on thousands of years of ancestors
By 2020-06-01 18:42:56
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