Let's Start A Riot?!?!

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Let's start a riot?!?!
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Server: Shiva
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user: Zerowone
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By Shiva.Zerowone 2020-06-01 23:15:59
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I’ll take at stab this pages theme that’s clearly not being grasped:

If you think looting and rioting needs to stop and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police is horrible

Instead of thinking that looting and rioting is horrible and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police needs to stop...

Then your priorities are pretty suspect.
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By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:16:00
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Draylo said: »
They literally attack people who say looting is wrong like this guy here


---At the very least, do you understand where Ladyofhonor is coming from?

Shiva.Zerowone said: »
I’ll take a stab this pages theme that’s clearly not being grasped:

If you think looting and rioting needs to stop and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police is horrible

Instead of thinking that looting and rioting is horrible and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police needs to stop...

Then your priorities are pretty suspect.

damn this is a pretty *** good summary, top-paged too
By volkom 2020-06-01 23:16:42
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boleslaus21 said: »
so let me get this straight. Its alright to burn down other peoples stuff beat people up and kill em, because its to stop police brutality?

yup. and this is totally acceptable

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and this guy is wrong

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Server: Valefor
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user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 23:17:50
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »

blacks murder whites over 12x (twelve times) more than the other way around, by percent of population.

despite being only 12.7% of the population, blacks murder more than double the raw number of whites as the other way around.

If whites had the same standards as the violent, acting-out blacks are displaying right now, then whites would be out rioting 365 days a year until the systemic murder of whites by blacks was fixed. Luckily (for blacks), whites don't behave in that manner.

You reference MLK. MLK would be *** disgusted at what you posted. You should be ashamed.

Oh great, the "MLK would be upset" card!! What specifically would he be disgusted at? Tell me.

I've seen that statistic a hundred times. The report doesn't control for financial status or class. Violent crime statistically emerges the most in places of poverty, and black people disproportionately fall in these categories (read: gentrification)

So your statistic is explained: poor people commit more crime, and black people are disproportionately more poor than whites, ergo the statistic shows that black people commit more crime than whites. QED.

The alternative assertion that I ASSUME you're making is that black people are just more violent people, which hopefully I don't need to tell you why that's wrong.

The US has roughly 252,000,000 whites and 44,500,000 blacks. The white poverty rate is 10.1% and the black poverty rate is 20.8%. This means that there are ~25,500,000 whites living in poverty and ~9,300,000 blacks living in poverty. Despite there being almost 3x as many whites living in poverty, blacks still commit 4x as much murder and almost 3x as much total violent crime compared to whites by percentage of population, murder whites over 12x as much as whites murder blacks by population, and murder whites more than twice as much as the opposite by raw numbers.

Your fake theory about poverty is complete ***. No other ethnicity is as violent as blacks, no matter how impoverished, period.

Now add in population density. Because a lot of those poor whites are spread across the Bible belt/Appalachia, and the blacks are stuffed into tiny houses over a few blocks.

You're saying blacks murder at alarmingly higher rates than every other race because they live closer together? That's a bogus excuse based on nothing. I could make the opposite claim that living closer together fosters a tighter sense of community and bond, which should decrease violent crime rates. Poor hispanics live tightly packed together and don't commit anywhere near the same amount of violent crime as blacks. Is there no limit to how low you'll stoop to try to excuse black violent crime? This is not the hill you want to die on, it's not an argument you can win.
By Draylo 2020-06-01 23:18:16
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Shiva.Zerowone said: »
I’ll take a stab this pages theme that’s clearly not being grasped:

If you think looting and rioting needs to stop and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police is horrible

Instead of thinking that looting and rioting is horrible and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police needs to stop...

Then your priorities are pretty suspect.

People can do both at the same time . Stop destroying people’s businesses, homes and livelihoods!
Posts: 119
By boleslaus21 2020-06-01 23:18:45
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
boleslaus21 said: »
beat people up and kill em, because its to stop police brutality?

The protesters aren't the ones doing this. To rephrase your question:

boleslaus21 said: »
so let me get this straight. Its alright to burn down other peoples stuff because its to stop police brutality?

If your life was at risk and you had to burn stuff down to prevent your friends and family from being killed by cops, then yes, absolutely it's alright

i guess you missed the videos of the rioters literaly stoning someone or a group breaking 2x4 on a couple of people or the guy getting a skate board busted on his head. so my question doesnt need to be rephrased
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-06-01 23:18:55
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
America is done.
A societal flashpoint like this has been a very long time coming. There has been a divide which has been widening with each successive election ever since Richard Nixon held office, the term is 'pendulum politics'. This occurs when successive governments move further to their respective end of the political spectrum in direct response to the previous administration. Governments and their supporters get increasingly aggressive to the opposition to the extent that the only recourse is a civil war.

If you are looking for a beat-for-beat historical-comparative for what is going on in America right now look into the Second Spanish Civil War. Nobody will give ground because they are terrified of the response when the other side takes power.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:19:38
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Valefor.Commodus said: »

You're saying blacks murder at alarmingly higher rates than every other race because they live closer together?


Hey friend. I literally posted an academic article that proves this. Also, I wish you'd stop ignoring me and tell me more about your 12x statistic.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-06-01 23:22:25
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Ruaumoko said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
America is done.
A societal flashpoint like this has been a very long time coming. There has been a divide which has been widening with each successive election ever since Richard Nixon held office, the term is 'pendulum politics'. This occurs when successive governments move further to their respective end of the political spectrum in direct response to the previous administration. Governments and their supporters get increasingly aggressive to the opposition to the extent that the only recourse is a civil war.

If you are looking for a beat-for-beat historical-comparative for what is going on in America right now look into the Second Spanish Civil War. Nobody will give ground because they are terrified of the response when the other side takes power.

Except America overall has been shifting more and more right and gaslighting the left as getting more extreme. This isn't about two sides becoming more and more extreme, one side has gotten so extreme they think *** NORMAL is extreme.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:22:38
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Draylo said: »
Shiva.Zerowone said: »
I’ll take a stab this pages theme that’s clearly not being grasped:

If you think looting and rioting needs to stop and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police is horrible

Instead of thinking that looting and rioting is horrible and that the unnecessary death of people caused by police needs to stop...

Then your priorities are pretty suspect.

People can do both at the same time . Stop destroying people’s businesses, homes and livelihoods!

Draylo, I don't think you're a bad person, but I want you to actually listen to what people are telling you.

You can think that police brutality is wrong and looting is wrong. I do.

BUT, by spending your time saying "looting is wrong!" you are actually UNDERMINING the "police brutality is wrong!" sentiment. Trust me on this one. By doing this, you are effectively saying, "police brutality is bad, but not more important than this looting!"

It reads like you are valuing private property above human lives. This is Zerowone was alluding to.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:25:22
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In a perfect world, looting wouldn't be happening. But this isn't a perfect world... but even though this isn't a perfect world, I am choosing not to dwell on the looting part because, to me, the "human lives" part is the more important message to me.

By lingering on how you disagree with "the means" of the protest, you are distracting from the police brutality part.
By Draylo 2020-06-01 23:25:52
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Dude because it’s going on right now. They are literally now looting a block away from me in midtown Manhattan. Sirens going off every minute because people are looting. This is effecting everyone right now and that’s why I’m talking about it.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 141
By Asura.Toeknee 2020-06-01 23:27:59
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Commodus because I'm like 99% sure he actually hates black people.

Yeah, that's pretty clear, lol.

I actually laughed out loud haha

By Draylo 2020-06-01 23:28:29
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A group broke into my friends apartment complex and are bashing things in with bats. This is what you’re supporting
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:30:55
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Draylo said: »
Dude because it’s going on right now. They are literally now looting a block away from me in midtown Manhattan. Sirens going off every minute because people are looting. This is effecting everyone right now and that’s why I’m talking about it.

I understand, I live outside of DC. But again, I hope you understand that the rioters aren't the people you should be focusing on, when it comes to assigning blame. The riots suck, they are scary, and innocent businesses are being affected.

But the bigger picture is larger than that. You have to understand that, in this cultural climate, these riots are essentially necessary to improve the lives of black Americans. The sirens and fires will eventually go away and you can live in peace. This fear, and inconvenience for you and these business-owners is temporary. But the relief of tens of millions of Americans is timeless... the beginning of solace after HUNDREDS OF YEARS of fear and inconvenience.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-06-01 23:31:58
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Draylo said: »
A group broke into my friends apartment complex and are bashing things in with bats. This is what you’re supporting

And you're apparently supporting the police murdering people. Because of the police didn't murder people, there wouldn't be protests, and wouldn't be looters. But again, and again, and again, you're here crying about a symptom with no solution as to the illness.

If the NYPD didn't beat the *** out of hundreds of people the last few days, there wouldn't be an opportunity for looters.

But you're here blaming step #5 and apparently skipping over everything that got you there.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 23:32:31
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Valefor.Commodus said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Draylo said: »
LOOTERS AND RIOTERS, I've said it multiple times already.

Sorry, I don't see it if you ninja edit your post.

Surely there are people in that crowd don't care about the cause and are being opportunistic. But there is zero way you can prove that these opportunists are the ONLY people looting and rioting.

I could easily reverse your assertion and say "you guys don't care about the cause! They only care about their own racist beliefs and are opportunistically using the Target as an example to cover their ***!" FWIW I think this is absolutely true, but I'm not going to use this as the premise of all of my arguments to discredit you via ad hominem. I am forcing myself to engage directly on these issues, and I am hoping to force you to acknowledge your own mindset and biases in a similar way.

Whenever I hear complaints about the rioting and looting, what I see is people using it to discredit the cause as a whole, or otherwise distract from the facts of the matter: the people are *** mad about racist police officers.

Some black business owners got *** over too, you're right. But your conclusion is misguided: rioters and looters generally target ALL buildings in sight--- the point is to make noise and get attention, not *** over specific people. Atlanta's CNN headquarters was raided too, but the rioters had no specific beef with CNN. It was just there, and *** it up would stir the pot. That's how this works.

Bad people will always hide behind good causes for their own personal benefit. But by centering on this fact you are (potentially unwittingly) building a strawman. You have zero logical foundation to assert that these riots and looting incidents are fundamentally opportunistic.

Take your own advice. You have zero evidence that the cop killed floyd BECAUSE he was black, or even that he used more force than he would have on a 6'8" dude of any other race. You WANT him to have racist motives to support your own preconceived racial bias.

How do you walk around the fact that police brutality disproportionately targets black people than white people? And that black people are the group most likely to be killed by cops?

It's not like I can view alternate timelines where Floyd was white to compare against. But when policemen across the country CONSTANTLY *** THIS UP, and SO MANY OF THEM get away with it, you have to stop playing Devil's Advocate and look at the evidence you have in front of you.

Show me these statistics somewhere. Surely you have hard evidence to prove that cops systemically "brutalize" blacks more than any other race in 2020.


OK sure!

I hope 2019 is fine, since 2020 isn't over yet.

Your link doesn't have any bearing on this discussion. Cops disproportionately kill black people than white people. Black cops are still cops.

This is where you lose the argument and disappear from the thread. The very article you linked shows this graph:

The graph shows that whites are killed in police shootings much more often than blacks, despite blacks committing a much higher rate of violent crime.

tldr blacks commit a shitload more crime than every other race, but significantly fewer blacks are shot by cops than whites.
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-06-01 23:34:07
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Except America overall has been shifting more and more right and gaslighting the left as getting more extreme. This isn't about two sides becoming more and more extreme, one side has gotten so extreme they think *** NORMAL is extreme.
You're referring to the Overton Window. I'm just Johnny Foreigner looking in but even I can see that a sizeable amount of Americans are actually with the Democrats on the issues which currently occupy the Overton Window's frame. No, the issue is that the fringe elements of the Democrats (Cancel Culture, #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, etc) are the tail wagging the dog and most moderate/swing voters can see it. The same thing goes for the Republicans as well.

If the Democrats got the fringe element of their party quarantined and brought forward more moderate policies then they'd absolutely crush it at elections. Some of the policies the Democrats are currently championing are too extreme even by European Socialism standards, and I say this as one who has lived in nations under such administrations.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:34:23
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Valefor.Commodus said: »

The graph shows that whites are killed in police shootings much more often than blacks, despite blacks committing a much higher rate of violent crime.

tldr blacks commit a shitload more crime than every other race, but significantly fewer blacks are shot by cops than whites.

You are a dense ***, you know that?

Read that section one more time and get back to me.
By volkom 2020-06-01 23:34:24
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Draylo said: »
Dude because it’s going on right now. They are literally now looting a block away from me in midtown Manhattan. Sirens going off every minute because people are looting. This is effecting everyone right now and that’s why I’m talking about it.

stay safe!
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:35:59
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Ruaumoko said: »

If the Democrats got the fringe element of their party quarantined and brought forward more moderate policies then they'd absolutely crush it at elections. Some of the policies the Democrats are currently championing are too extreme even by European Socialism standards, and I say this as one who has lived in nations under such administrations.

Like what, specifically?
Server: Valefor
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user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 23:36:51
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Here's another one for you: More whites are shot by police than every other race, every year.

Here's one for you from your friends at wapo:

But whites aren't out en mass burning, looting, and beating people to death in protest.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 141
By Asura.Toeknee 2020-06-01 23:37:09
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Draylo said: »
A group broke into my friends apartment complex and are bashing things in with bats. This is what you’re supporting

Breonna Taylor was in her house too when the cops came in and killed her. Haven't heard any condemning of that from ya..
Posts: 1600
By Ruaumoko 2020-06-01 23:37:32
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Ruaumoko said: »

If the Democrats got the fringe element of their party quarantined and brought forward more moderate policies then they'd absolutely crush it at elections. Some of the policies the Democrats are currently championing are too extreme even by European Socialism standards, and I say this as one who has lived in nations under such administrations.

Like what, specifically?
Easiest and most obvious one to present is Universal Healthcare.
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 23:38:20
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Ruaumoko said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Except America overall has been shifting more and more right and gaslighting the left as getting more extreme. This isn't about two sides becoming more and more extreme, one side has gotten so extreme they think *** NORMAL is extreme.
You're referring to the Overton Window. I'm just Johnny Foreigner looking in but even I can see that a sizeable amount of Americans are actually with the Democrats on the issues which currently occupy the Overton Window's frame. No, the issue is that the fringe elements of the Democrats (Cancel Culture, #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, etc) are the tail wagging the dog and most moderate/swing voters can see it. The same thing goes for the Republicans as well.

If the Democrats got the fringe element of their party quarantined and brought forward more moderate policies then they'd absolutely crush it at elections. Some of the policies the Democrats are currently championing are too extreme even by European Socialism standards, and I say this as one who has lived in nations under such administrations.

And while I'm at it... the Democratic party ABSOLUTELY has been moderate/centrist when it comes to policy, what are you talking about? The REASON why the Overton Window is shifting right is because the Dems think they need to become more moderate, trying to compromise with the Right. But the Right is NOT compromising and is just TAKING any slack the Left gives them.

I absolutely cannot see where you are coming from with this. 99% of Democratic politicians are not AOC and Bernie.
By Draylo 2020-06-01 23:38:51
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Stop trolling directx, you’re not black he’s a white British lad with bad teeth
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 23:39:00
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »

That's because racism tells us that black people are dangerous, more dangerous than others. Any race can fall for that indoctrination. I mean, that's really not that complicated of a concept.

You're saying that the black cops are racist against blacks. I guess it's plausible since there are a lot of whites in here who are racist against other whites.
Server: Asura
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user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2020-06-01 23:39:27
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Does anybody remember, back in 2016, when we had to worry about random people dressing up as clowns and standing in random public places? They were not really bothering anyone, but creeping people out just enough that people would snap pictures of them and it became a minor news story? Those were good times.

It's messed up that I'm kind of missing when the country wasn't on fire and goofy clowns were news-worthy.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-06-01 23:39:29
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Ruaumoko said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Except America overall has been shifting more and more right and gaslighting the left as getting more extreme. This isn't about two sides becoming more and more extreme, one side has gotten so extreme they think *** NORMAL is extreme.
You're referring to the Overton Window. I'm just Johnny Foreigner looking in but even I can see that a sizeable amount of Americans are actually with the Democrats on the issues which currently occupy the Overton Window's frame. No, the issue is that the fringe elements of the Democrats (Cancel Culture, #MeToo, Black Lives Matter, etc) are the tail wagging the dog and most moderate/swing voters can see it. The same thing goes for the Republicans as well.

If the Democrats got the fringe element of their party quarantined and brought forward more moderate policies then they'd absolutely crush it at elections. Some of the policies the Democrats are currently championing are too extreme even by European Socialism standards, and I say this as one who has lived in nations under such administrations.

Except those fringe elements have effectively zero impact on any of the politicians. Those fringe elements are used as a boogeyman, when they don't have any true power of influence. If the Dems were actually coming forth and proposing some of those fringe ideas, your point would be more accurate, but for the most part it's just gaslighting from the right who is becoming more extreme and actually did get taken over by their fringe elements and saying the Dems also did. Nope, Dem establishment is still very much in power and they are the normal, moderate and centrist politicians.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 23:40:08
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Draylo said: »
This is helping Trump actually. The people getting looted and their businesses and homes destroyed are probably voters and they will be the ones to show up and remember this horror. The far left is advocating for the looting to continue and not to be stopped

And I'm sure those people will be silent if/when Trump brings in the military and starts mowing down American citizens. Because people like you can't get over the looting and see the whole picture here.

This is so extremely stupid. I do hope you'll come back and apologize for being a sensationalist to dizzying extremes when this definitely does not happen. This is absolute peak TDS.
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