Let's Start A Riot?!?!

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Let's start a riot?!?!
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By Draylo 2020-06-01 21:42:09
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Draylo said: »
LOOTERS AND RIOTERS, I've said it multiple times already.

Sorry, I don't see it if you ninja edit your post.

Surely there are people in that crowd don't care about the cause and are being opportunistic. But there is zero way you can prove that these opportunists are the ONLY people looting and rioting.

I could easily reverse your assertion and say "you guys don't care about the cause! They only care about their own racist beliefs and are opportunistically using the Target as an example to cover their ***!" FWIW I think this is absolutely true, but I'm not going to use this as the premise of all of my arguments to discredit you via ad hominem. I am forcing myself to engage directly on these issues, and I am hoping to force you to acknowledge your own mindset and biases in a similar way.

Whenever I hear complaints about the rioting and looting, what I see is people using it to discredit the cause as a whole, or otherwise distract from the facts of the matter: the people are *** mad about racist police officers.

Some black business owners got *** over too, you're right. But your conclusion is misguided: rioters and looters generally target ALL buildings in sight--- the point is to make noise and get attention, not *** over specific people. Atlanta's CNN headquarters was raided too, but the rioters had no specific beef with CNN. It was just there, and *** it up would stir the pot. That's how this works.

Bad people will always hide behind good causes for their own personal benefit. But by centering on this fact you are (potentially unwittingly) building a strawman. You have zero logical foundation to assert that these riots and looting incidents are fundamentally opportunistic.

Draylo said: »
5:44 -
YouTube Video Placeholder

@5:44 OOPS
By Draylo 2020-06-01 21:43:36
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Draylo said: »
Clearly opposing rioting and looting of people who have NOTHING to do with that mans death, means you're a racist. I wonder what you'll say when it effects you? He uses "boomers" to describe everyone here, maybe he still lives with mom and never had his own business to care about.

Clearly despite being in both this thread and BG you haven't noticed there are COUNTLESS examples of protesters STOPPING LOOTERS, as well as countless videos showing looting being literally anyone. Meanwhile this thread devolved into talking about blacks commit all the crimes because of their genetics.

Looters are opportunists operating in the 'shadow' of the protests. They are politically neutral, they give no *** about the politics, they're just out to get their own. Think about how the GOP passes tax cut or bailout bills, they care about their own, *** the rest. The only way you're stopping looters is by stopping the protesters, the only way you're stopping these protesters is by dealing with why they're protesting.

Instead, you're going around these thread crying about looters, which doesn't solve a *** thing.

I never once said there are ONLY x race looting/rioting, never. I was responding to him trying to provoke me into saying that to say I'm racist. There are looters of all races out there and they are all bad. I had no hand in the race talk so don't bring me into it. The way you stop the looters is with force, these people need to get their towns under control. Peaceful protesters have every right to be there, these looters are ruining it for everyone and have no hand in the cause as they just want free ***.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 729
By Asura.Sirris 2020-06-01 21:44:13
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Thanks for reminding me why I don't check this site anymore. FFXIAH has the political sense of a dead ferret. But what else should I have expected from the forums of a 20 year-old game besides boomers.

Let me spell it out for you.

If you reject the riots and looting, you are on the side of the oppressor.

If you spend your mental energy arguing that "hurr durr looting is bad" instead of the underlying issue of police brutality and systemic racism, congratulations, you care more about property damage than human life.

Because here's the thing. Black people have been "peacefully protesting" for *** DECADES NOW. Colin *** Kaepernick protested on national television and racist chuds like you would say, "me no likely when black sports man speak out!"

Peaceful protest has done NOTHING. And when black citizens are dying on a weekly basis from the *** POLICE, what else is gonna happen? The civil rights movement in the 60's only picked up because of riots and violence. If you haven't studied the history of civil rights your opinion is unwanted. If you want a start, go ahead and read MLK's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."

This is a good post. I want to add that people who quote MLK to try and say, "well look peaceful protests work" is ignorant of the history of the civil rights movement-

a) the protests King did WERE violent; that is, violence was done to the protesters (see: what is going on today in DC so Trump could have his photo op) and many civil rights leaders including King were murdered by whites

b) the civil disobedience movement had counterpoints among black Americans, from the Black Panthers to the NoI to other black guerilla groups as well as riots, and that kept the heat up

There's the need for different approaches in this struggle. I'm all for peaceful protests and I actually disagree with you on that, I think they can achieve limited goals, but not having some "stick" means that white moderates can simply ignore us and change the channel. You cannot ignore the battles in the street today and it forces eyes on what happened to Floyd among the many other black victims of racist law enforcement.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 21:46:36
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Valefor.Commodus said: »

blacks murder whites over 12x (twelve times) more than the other way around, by percent of population.

despite being only 12.7% of the population, blacks murder more than double the raw number of whites as the other way around.

If whites had the same standards as the violent, acting-out blacks are displaying right now, then whites would be out rioting 365 days a year until the systemic murder of whites by blacks was fixed. Luckily (for blacks), whites don't behave in that manner.

You reference MLK. MLK would be *** disgusted at what you posted. You should be ashamed.

Oh great, the "MLK would be upset" card!! What specifically would he be disgusted at? Tell me.

I've seen that statistic a hundred times. The report doesn't control for financial status or class. Violent crime statistically emerges the most in places of poverty, and black people disproportionately fall in these categories (read: gentrification)

So your statistic is explained: poor people commit more crime, and black people are disproportionately more poor than whites, ergo the statistic shows that black people commit more crime than whites. QED.

The alternative assertion that I ASSUME you're making is that black people are just more violent people, which hopefully I don't need to tell you why that's wrong.
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Server: Phoenix
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Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 21:49:09
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Thanks for reminding me why I don't check this site anymore. FFXIAH has the political sense of a dead ferret. But what else should I have expected from the forums of a 20 year-old game besides boomers.

Let me spell it out for you.

If you reject the riots and looting, you are on the side of the oppressor.

If you spend your mental energy arguing that "hurr durr looting is bad" instead of the underlying issue of police brutality and systemic racism, congratulations, you care more about property damage than human life.

Because here's the thing. Black people have been "peacefully protesting" for *** DECADES NOW. Colin *** Kaepernick protested on national television and racist chuds like you would say, "me no likely when black sports man speak out!"

Peaceful protest has done NOTHING. And when black citizens are dying on a weekly basis from the *** POLICE, what else is gonna happen? The civil rights movement in the 60's only picked up because of riots and violence. If you haven't studied the history of civil rights your opinion is unwanted. If you want a start, go ahead and read MLK's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."

This is a good post. I want to add that people who quote MLK to try and say, "well look peaceful protests work" is ignorant of the history of the civil rights movement-

a) the protests King did WERE violent; that is, violence was done to the protesters (see: what is going on today in DC so Trump could have his photo op) and many civil rights leaders including King were murdered by whites

b) the civil disobedience movement had counterpoints among black Americans, from the Black Panthers to the NoI to other black guerilla groups as well as riots, and that kept the heat up

There's the need for different approaches in this struggle. I'm all for peaceful protests and I actually disagree with you on that, I think they can achieve limited goals, but not having some "stick" means that white moderates can simply ignore us and change the channel. You cannot ignore the battles in the street today and it forces eyes on what happened to Floyd among the many other black victims of racist law enforcement.

Yeah this is right, I just wanted to get the point across that peaceful protest historically does not work by itself, and that MLK was only really able to be heard and to preach his message after Malcolm X and other more violent organizers got their foot in the door.
By Draylo 2020-06-01 21:52:14
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All it takes is one far left radical to ruin the thread with his hate speech. Literally came in with personal attacks, insulting everyone and race baiting. Get outta here lol. The only thing that violent protests with looting is going to serve, is to create more hate and animosity. It does nothing for the cause except harm it, you act like everyone is just gonna bow down and say OOPS lets give them whatever they demand! The guys whos businesses got destroyed and suddenly gonna say, gee those people were right, I'm with them! Wrong.

It isn't solving anything by being violent and you could achieve the same results by going out in the same numbers to people in power that can actually do something, like their mayor/gov/DA/etc houses and demanding change. Not destroying peoples livelihoods, homes, all after a crippling pandemic.
Posts: 283
By Quizzy 2020-06-01 21:54:46
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All it takes is one far right radical to ruin the thread with his hate speech. Literally came in with personal attacks, insulting everyone and race baiting. Get outta here lol. The only thing that violent protests with looting is going to serve, is to create more hate and animosity. It does nothing for the cause except harm it, you act like everyone is just gonna bow down and say OOPS lets give them whatever they demand! The guys whos businesses got destroyed and suddenly gonna say, gee those people were right, I'm with them! Wrong.

It isn't solving anything by being violent and you could achieve the same results by going out in the same numbers to people in power that can actually do something, like their mayor/gov/DA/etc houses and demanding change. Not destroying peoples livelihoods, homes, all after a crippling pandemic.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Negan
Posts: 2155
By Bahamut.Negan 2020-06-01 21:56:56
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By Draylo 2020-06-01 21:57:51
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Quizzy said: »
All it takes is one far right radical to ruin the thread with his hate speech. Literally came in with personal attacks, insulting everyone and race baiting. Get outta here lol. The only thing that violent protests with looting is going to serve, is to create more hate and animosity. It does nothing for the cause except harm it, you act like everyone is just gonna bow down and say OOPS lets give them whatever they demand! The guys whos businesses got destroyed and suddenly gonna say, gee those people were right, I'm with them! Wrong.

It isn't solving anything by being violent and you could achieve the same results by going out in the same numbers to people in power that can actually do something, like their mayor/gov/DA/etc houses and demanding change. Not destroying peoples livelihoods, homes, all after a crippling pandemic.

Cute, but I'm not far right. I simply don't like looting and hurting more people that have nothing to do with what happened or even with the police.
MSPaint Winner
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 21:58:42
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Draylo said: »
All it takes is one far left radical to ruin the thread with his hate speech. Literally came in with personal attacks, insulting everyone and race baiting. Get outta here lol. The only thing that violent protests with looting is going to serve, is to create more hate and animosity. It does nothing for the cause except harm it, you act like everyone is just gonna bow down and say OOPS lets give them whatever they demand! The guys whos businesses got destroyed and suddenly gonna say, gee those people were right, I'm with them! Wrong.

It isn't solving anything by being violent and you could achieve the same results by going out in the same numbers to people in power that can actually do something, like their mayor/gov/DA/etc houses and demanding change. Not destroying peoples livelihoods, homes, all after a crippling pandemic.

"Race baiting" Come on dude, this whole THING is about race, no amount of ignoring it is going to remove this subtext.

You keep saying that violence doesn't work or isn't needed.

Stonewall riots.
The Civil Rights Movement. Skim over this entire page and you will see how much this movement could only succeed with the numerous riots.

I am not here to tell you that I WANT looting and rioting to happen. I am here to tell you that looting and rioting are justified when they are the only recourse left for the oppressed. If all it took was peaceful protesting then racism would be solved by now.

But it takes more than that. It sucks for the small business owners that were affected, it really does. And I feel for them. But your animosity is placed in the wrong spot. You should be mad at the Police, and the Government as a whole that only listens to black people when things are set on fire.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 21:59:33
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Asura.Aeonova said: »
Better voice your opinions to strangers over the internet, as if it will have any overall effect other than you wasting your time, while you can.

First post on this thread:

Why you thought this was a good idea because "this site has become boring" or whatever your stated reason was is beyond me. You knew what would happen. Feigning ignorance about the racial implications of the situation and the shi*storm that would follow by bringing it onto this site with a thread by claiming "I thought this was about Corona virus" is easily negated as if that was the case, you could/would have posted in that thread about Corona virus that wouldn't die.

You're a bad person and you should feel bad. No more memes for you.

Note: Blocking the OP of the thread doesn't make the thread invisible on the main page. Rooks does though, however.

You must be a blast at parties.
By Draylo 2020-06-01 22:01:33
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Draylo said: »
All it takes is one far left radical to ruin the thread with his hate speech. Literally came in with personal attacks, insulting everyone and race baiting. Get outta here lol. The only thing that violent protests with looting is going to serve, is to create more hate and animosity. It does nothing for the cause except harm it, you act like everyone is just gonna bow down and say OOPS lets give them whatever they demand! The guys whos businesses got destroyed and suddenly gonna say, gee those people were right, I'm with them! Wrong.

It isn't solving anything by being violent and you could achieve the same results by going out in the same numbers to people in power that can actually do something, like their mayor/gov/DA/etc houses and demanding change. Not destroying peoples livelihoods, homes, all after a crippling pandemic.

"Race baiting" Come on dude, this whole THING is about race, no amount of ignoring it is going to remove this subtext.

You keep saying that violence doesn't work or isn't needed.

Stonewall riots.
The Civil Rights Movement. Skim over this entire page and you will see how much this movement could only succeed with the numerous riots.

I am not here to tell you that I WANT looting and rioting to happen. I am here to tell you that looting and rioting are justified when they are the only recourse left for the oppressed. If all it took was peaceful protesting then racism would be solved by now.

But it takes more than that. It sucks for the small business owners that were affected, it really does. And I feel for them. But your animosity is placed in the wrong spot. You should be mad at the Police, and the Government as a whole that only listens to black people when things are set on fire.

YouTube Video Placeholder

Here someone had posted this on BG, maybe you can be the one to tell people to shut up when after this ends this same situation will be repeated.
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 22:02:40
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Draylo said: »
LOOTERS AND RIOTERS, I've said it multiple times already.

Sorry, I don't see it if you ninja edit your post.

Surely there are people in that crowd don't care about the cause and are being opportunistic. But there is zero way you can prove that these opportunists are the ONLY people looting and rioting.

I could easily reverse your assertion and say "you guys don't care about the cause! They only care about their own racist beliefs and are opportunistically using the Target as an example to cover their ***!" FWIW I think this is absolutely true, but I'm not going to use this as the premise of all of my arguments to discredit you via ad hominem. I am forcing myself to engage directly on these issues, and I am hoping to force you to acknowledge your own mindset and biases in a similar way.

Whenever I hear complaints about the rioting and looting, what I see is people using it to discredit the cause as a whole, or otherwise distract from the facts of the matter: the people are *** mad about racist police officers.

Some black business owners got *** over too, you're right. But your conclusion is misguided: rioters and looters generally target ALL buildings in sight--- the point is to make noise and get attention, not *** over specific people. Atlanta's CNN headquarters was raided too, but the rioters had no specific beef with CNN. It was just there, and *** it up would stir the pot. That's how this works.

Bad people will always hide behind good causes for their own personal benefit. But by centering on this fact you are (potentially unwittingly) building a strawman. You have zero logical foundation to assert that these riots and looting incidents are fundamentally opportunistic.

Take your own advice. You have zero evidence that the cop killed floyd BECAUSE he was black, or even that he used more force than he would have on a 6'8" dude of any other race. You WANT him to have racist motives to support your own preconceived racial bias.
MSPaint Winner
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 22:03:00
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Did you not read what I posted?
Posts: 283
By Quizzy 2020-06-01 22:03:01
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Draylo said: »
Cute, but I'm not far right. I simply don't like looting and hurting more people that have nothing to do with what happened or even with the police.

I don't think you are far right. But I do think changing that word does little to change the sentiment of your post, and yet still points out how the fringes of both sides are a problem.
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-06-01 22:04:06
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Draylo said: »
Quizzy said: »
All it takes is one far right radical to ruin the thread with his hate speech. Literally came in with personal attacks, insulting everyone and race baiting. Get outta here lol. The only thing that violent protests with looting is going to serve, is to create more hate and animosity. It does nothing for the cause except harm it, you act like everyone is just gonna bow down and say OOPS lets give them whatever they demand! The guys whos businesses got destroyed and suddenly gonna say, gee those people were right, I'm with them! Wrong.

It isn't solving anything by being violent and you could achieve the same results by going out in the same numbers to people in power that can actually do something, like their mayor/gov/DA/etc houses and demanding change. Not destroying peoples livelihoods, homes, all after a crippling pandemic.

Cute, but I'm not far right. I simply don't like looting and hurting more people that have nothing to do with what happened or even with the police.
Haven't you realized that if you aren't with them, you are against them, and also a racist?
Server: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 22:05:05
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Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Draylo said: »
Clearly opposing rioting and looting of people who have NOTHING to do with that mans death, means you're a racist. I wonder what you'll say when it effects you? He uses "boomers" to describe everyone here, maybe he still lives with mom and never had his own business to care about.

Clearly despite being in both this thread and BG you haven't noticed there are COUNTLESS examples of protesters STOPPING LOOTERS, as well as countless videos showing looting being literally anyone. Meanwhile this thread devolved into talking about blacks commit all the crimes because of their genetics.

Looters are opportunists operating in the 'shadow' of the protests. They are politically neutral, they give no *** about the politics, they're just out to get their own. Think about how the GOP passes tax cut or bailout bills, they care about their own, *** the rest. The only way you're stopping looters is by stopping the protesters, the only way you're stopping these protesters is by dealing with why they're protesting.

Instead, you're going around these thread crying about looters, which doesn't solve a *** thing.

Talk about off-topic... but tell me honestly, did you benefit from the most recent tax cuts? Did you receive $1,200 Trump bux of individual bailout money? yeah...
By Draylo 2020-06-01 22:06:53
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Did you not read what I posted?

I read what you posted since the beginning, I think its insane. I don't agree with it and its completely far left radical thinking. I'm sure you also spout #ACAB everywhere you can, all the while if you were in a situation you needed the police you would be the first to call them.

You sound like all the looters/rioters, some young 19 year old punk that doesn't give a ***about any kind of authority and is just using this as an opportunity to go wild. Are you even black?

If you ever owned a business, been robbed or had someone take something out on you for no fault of your own, you would know this is wrong.
MSPaint Winner
Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 22:07:26
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Valefor.Commodus said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Draylo said: »
LOOTERS AND RIOTERS, I've said it multiple times already.

Sorry, I don't see it if you ninja edit your post.

Surely there are people in that crowd don't care about the cause and are being opportunistic. But there is zero way you can prove that these opportunists are the ONLY people looting and rioting.

I could easily reverse your assertion and say "you guys don't care about the cause! They only care about their own racist beliefs and are opportunistically using the Target as an example to cover their ***!" FWIW I think this is absolutely true, but I'm not going to use this as the premise of all of my arguments to discredit you via ad hominem. I am forcing myself to engage directly on these issues, and I am hoping to force you to acknowledge your own mindset and biases in a similar way.

Whenever I hear complaints about the rioting and looting, what I see is people using it to discredit the cause as a whole, or otherwise distract from the facts of the matter: the people are *** mad about racist police officers.

Some black business owners got *** over too, you're right. But your conclusion is misguided: rioters and looters generally target ALL buildings in sight--- the point is to make noise and get attention, not *** over specific people. Atlanta's CNN headquarters was raided too, but the rioters had no specific beef with CNN. It was just there, and *** it up would stir the pot. That's how this works.

Bad people will always hide behind good causes for their own personal benefit. But by centering on this fact you are (potentially unwittingly) building a strawman. You have zero logical foundation to assert that these riots and looting incidents are fundamentally opportunistic.

Take your own advice. You have zero evidence that the cop killed floyd BECAUSE he was black, or even that he used more force than he would have on a 6'8" dude of any other race. You WANT him to have racist motives to support your own preconceived racial bias.

How do you walk around the fact that police brutality disproportionately targets black people than white people? And that black people are the group most likely to be killed by cops?

It's not like I can view alternate timelines where Floyd was white to compare against. But when policemen across the country CONSTANTLY *** THIS UP, and SO MANY OF THEM get away with it, you have to stop playing Devil's Advocate and look at the evidence you have in front of you.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-06-01 22:08:29
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Valefor.Commodus said: »
Asura.Ladyofhonor said: »
Draylo said: »
Clearly opposing rioting and looting of people who have NOTHING to do with that mans death, means you're a racist. I wonder what you'll say when it effects you? He uses "boomers" to describe everyone here, maybe he still lives with mom and never had his own business to care about.

Clearly despite being in both this thread and BG you haven't noticed there are COUNTLESS examples of protesters STOPPING LOOTERS, as well as countless videos showing looting being literally anyone. Meanwhile this thread devolved into talking about blacks commit all the crimes because of their genetics.

Looters are opportunists operating in the 'shadow' of the protests. They are politically neutral, they give no *** about the politics, they're just out to get their own. Think about how the GOP passes tax cut or bailout bills, they care about their own, *** the rest. The only way you're stopping looters is by stopping the protesters, the only way you're stopping these protesters is by dealing with why they're protesting.

Instead, you're going around these thread crying about looters, which doesn't solve a *** thing.

Talk about off-topic... but tell me honestly, did you benefit from the most recent tax cuts? Did you receive $1,200 Trump bux of individual bailout money? yeah...

No, didn't get anything from the tax cuts. And if you think that $1200 is "from Trump" you're a buffoon. Just because he signed his name on the check (or a letter if you got direct deposit, he actually sent a *** letter so he could have his name signed taking responsibility for it, *** ROFL) doesn't mean the check was his idea or any such thing. The check has happened before, and is supported drastically more from the left than the right, so to try to claim it as a Trump thing is just lol.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Darksyn
Posts: 141
By Asura.Toeknee 2020-06-01 22:09:10
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Draylo said: »

Here someone had posted this on BG, maybe you can be the one to tell people to shut up when after this ends this same situation will be repeated.

I'm confused as to why you're more upset about stolen goods than placing that anger toward cops who are fine with murdering folks, governments who are fine not prosecuting them, and seeing the ***so much we're desensitized to it. The looting is a byproduct of all of this and people are fed up to the point that you clearly aren't able to wrap your head around. Which is fine, I'm assuming you don't fear for your life during a routine traffic stop. But for those that do, singing Kumbaya and being peaceful has reached it's limit.

If you're scared stay inside
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-06-01 22:10:19
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
How do you walk around the fact that police brutality disproportionately targets black people than white people? And that black people are the group most likely to be killed by cops?
Mainly because cops are more likely to be assaulted by black people and shot at by black people?

Ever think about that? There's always 2 sides to every story.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2666
By Asura.Ladyofhonor 2020-06-01 22:10:46
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Asura.Toeknee said: »
Draylo said: »

Here someone had posted this on BG, maybe you can be the one to tell people to shut up when after this ends this same situation will be repeated.

I'm confused as to why you're more upset about stolen goods than placing that anger toward cops who are fine with murdering folks, governments who are fine not prosecuting them, and seeing the ***so much we're desensitized to it. The looting is a byproduct of all of this and people are fed up to the point that you clearly aren't able to wrap your head around. Which is fine, I'm assuming you don't fear for your life during a routine traffic stop. But for those that do, singing Kumbaya and being peaceful has reached it's limit.

If you're scared stay inside

This so much. This obsession with the looters is intentionally being pushed around to muddy the airwaves into getting real change over another American citizen murdered unnecessarily by a representative of the state.

And Draylo is fully being played like a fool by them.
By Draylo 2020-06-01 22:10:48
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I care about both actually, little did we know we can care about more than one issue at a time. I'm all for the peaceful protests and I certainly am all for the reforms that need to be done.
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 22:10:52
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Draylo said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Did you not read what I posted?

I read what you posted since the beginning, I think its insane. I don't agree with it and its completely far left radical thinking. I'm sure you also spout #ACAB everywhere you can, all the while if you were in a situation you needed the police you would be the first to call them.

You sound like all the looters/rioters, some young 19 year old punk that doesn't give a ***about any kind of authority and is just using this as an opportunity to go wild. Are you even black?

If you ever owned a business, been robbed or had someone take something out on you for no fault of your own, you would know this is wrong.

I lived in the middle of Atlanta and have been broken into 3 times. I've never been to any of the protests and riots, and I'm not going wild. I'm using common sense here.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If somebody trapped you in a room without food or water and the only way out is to shoot a random person in the leg, wouldn't you do that? It's not FAIR that the random person had to be shot in the leg, but if you take a step back and evaluate who is at fault here, it's the person who trapped you in the room that is the most at fault here.
Server: Asura
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user: Darksyn
Posts: 141
By Asura.Toeknee 2020-06-01 22:11:07
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Draylo said: »

You sound like all the looters/rioters, some young 19 year old punk that doesn't give a ***about any kind of authority and is just using this as an opportunity to go wild. Are you even black?

Ironic - authorities have been showing for decades they don't give a ***about black people..
Server: Valefor
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user: abknight
Posts: 237
By Valefor.Commodus 2020-06-01 22:11:56
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Asura.Sirris said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Thanks for reminding me why I don't check this site anymore. FFXIAH has the political sense of a dead ferret. But what else should I have expected from the forums of a 20 year-old game besides boomers.

Let me spell it out for you.

If you reject the riots and looting, you are on the side of the oppressor.

If you spend your mental energy arguing that "hurr durr looting is bad" instead of the underlying issue of police brutality and systemic racism, congratulations, you care more about property damage than human life.

Because here's the thing. Black people have been "peacefully protesting" for *** DECADES NOW. Colin *** Kaepernick protested on national television and racist chuds like you would say, "me no likely when black sports man speak out!"

Peaceful protest has done NOTHING. And when black citizens are dying on a weekly basis from the *** POLICE, what else is gonna happen? The civil rights movement in the 60's only picked up because of riots and violence. If you haven't studied the history of civil rights your opinion is unwanted. If you want a start, go ahead and read MLK's "Letter from Birmingham Jail."

This is a good post. I want to add that people who quote MLK to try and say, "well look peaceful protests work" is ignorant of the history of the civil rights movement-

a) the protests King did WERE violent; that is, violence was done to the protesters (see: what is going on today in DC so Trump could have his photo op) and many civil rights leaders including King were murdered by whites

b) the civil disobedience movement had counterpoints among black Americans, from the Black Panthers to the NoI to other black guerilla groups as well as riots, and that kept the heat up

There's the need for different approaches in this struggle. I'm all for peaceful protests and I actually disagree with you on that, I think they can achieve limited goals, but not having some "stick" means that white moderates can simply ignore us and change the channel. You cannot ignore the battles in the street today and it forces eyes on what happened to Floyd among the many other black victims of racist law enforcement.

This is an extremely dangerous position to take and not one that would end well for "you." If "you" move too far outside of burning your own ghettos and into where these "white moderates" live, you'll get crushed like cockroaches. Don't push your luck with the domestic terrorism spew and threats. The country already puts up with blacks murdering whites 12x more than the other way around. Everyone in the country will rally against you if you try to "be heard" by "having stick" and trying to burn society down like degenerate heathens.
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Server: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2011
By Phoenix.Dabackpack 2020-06-01 22:12:29
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
How do you walk around the fact that police brutality disproportionately targets black people than white people? And that black people are the group most likely to be killed by cops?
Mainly because cops are more likely to be assaulted by black people and shot at by black people?

Ever think about that? There's always 2 sides to every story.

What source are you using? Are you also controlling for class and financial status?
By Draylo 2020-06-01 22:12:33
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Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Draylo said: »
Phoenix.Dabackpack said: »
Did you not read what I posted?

I read what you posted since the beginning, I think its insane. I don't agree with it and its completely far left radical thinking. I'm sure you also spout #ACAB everywhere you can, all the while if you were in a situation you needed the police you would be the first to call them.

You sound like all the looters/rioters, some young 19 year old punk that doesn't give a ***about any kind of authority and is just using this as an opportunity to go wild. Are you even black?

If you ever owned a business, been robbed or had someone take something out on you for no fault of your own, you would know this is wrong.

I lived in the middle of Atlanta and have been broken into 3 times. I've never been to any of the protests and riots, and I'm not going wild. I'm using common sense here.

Sometimes you have to do what you have to do. If somebody trapped you in a room without food or water and the only way out is to shoot a random person in the leg, wouldn't you do that? It's not FAIR that the random person had to be shot in the leg, but if you take a step back and evaluate who is at fault here, it's the person who trapped you in the room that is the most at fault here.

No, I wouldn't shoot a random person in the leg if they had nothing to do with it. That really makes no sense and you project a me vs them mentality which is incredibly selfish. I wouldn't do that to someone, maybe the person who trapped me for sure.
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