Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far?

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Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
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By 2020-04-14 09:26:28
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 09:30:08
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Afania said: »
I was in Asia in Jan/Feb and I can tell you that "social distancing" as a concept didn't even exist in Jan/Feb, not even in Asia. Governments were promoting surgical masks for everyone to slow down the spread because experts in Asia said it's effective.

Yeah ... Asia is big and it entirely depends on where you were and when.
I think China wins out on the ultimate social distancing.

I mean, when they are literally welding the doors shut on residences, you can't go more extreme than that.
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By Shizoo 2020-04-14 09:31:31
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Yeah, just broke my right arm could have been worse but will still need some time to recover.

Not sure why some ppl are hoarding flour like crazy.. not like those people actualy know what to do with it anyway.

The rehabilitation facility in my town had to make 70% of their rooms free for Corona. Issue is they dont have any people with Corona and have to go in short work too now. They arent allowed to fill more rooms with regular people either. Hope they will make it through since alot of people rely on work there craftsman etc.
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 09:32:26
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Shizoo said: »
Not sure why some ppl are hoarding flour like crazy.. not like those people actualy know what to do with it anyway.
It's the poormans cocaine.
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By Asura.Saevel 2020-04-14 09:36:39
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Idiot Boy said: »
Yeah, everyone who keeps saying this is just a flu is out of their damn minds.

I think this was a huge misconception, it's symptoms are flu like and it's behavior pattern is also flu like. From a pure pathology perspective it's not even that dangerous compared to it's cousins, it's just that the damn thing is so *** contagiousness and has such a ridiculously long incubation time. It becomes deadly through sheer number of infections and overpowering the population to reach those most at risk. That large infection rate then cause's all sorts of other problems, like the aforementioned Cytokine Storm where the body overreacts to the virus.

What doesn't help is the entertainment news media pumping this up as the Zombie Apocalypse and the end of times. This will pass and if we're smart about it, pass sooner rather then later. Basic hygiene and not clumping together are the best weapons. This virus isn't that strong it's just super infectious.
By 2020-04-14 09:48:53
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 09:50:46
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By Viciouss 2020-04-14 09:59:59
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At some point, I have to stop staying up late playing FF7R in order to wake up early enough to go to the store. Not today tho!
Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 10:01:08
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Viciouss said: »
At some point, I have to stop staying up late playing FF7R in order to wake up early enough to go to the store. Not today tho!
You could play FFXI, just sayin.
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By Bahamut.Savannahlynn 2020-04-14 10:45:34
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Shizoo said: »
Not sure why some ppl are hoarding flour like crazy.. not like those people actualy know what to do with it anyway.

They couldn't find bread, so they stocked up to bake their own. Yeast was hard to find as well. Now there's a good amount of bread in the stores, so they should stop buying as much flour.
By 2020-04-14 11:17:58
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By Afania 2020-04-14 11:22:29
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Reason why there aren't enough cases? They were even faster than WHO to take this virus seriously. They've starting taking action in december.

You didn't address any of my points with any source of info, and you just continue to say things you think the way it is because western media said so.

I think my points got missed anyways. Here is my original point:

I can read 4 different languages and I'm heavily exposed to 1st hand informations from other countries/regions outside of NA from connections. So I don't just rely on 1 source for information.

There is a HUGE difference when it comes to informations circulating on the internet from different countries/regions.

"Face masks are useless" or "face masks only provide false sense of security" talk only exist in NA and from WHO, maybe some countries in EU too?

Something doesn't add up. There can only be 1 truth about face masks. It's either useless or effective, can't be both. But you have 2 sides of theory came from different sources. One of them has to be lying.

You can keep arguing that "other countries are successful because they do this and that, not because of face masks". If that's the case why'd experts in SK/TW/HK promote face masks? There's certainly a huge difference when it comes to different governments pov on face masks, and one of them has to be wrong or lying about it.

When I read informations from multiple sources that contradict each other, it's only natural to assume one of them is wrong. Or maybe you are more knowledgeable than I am that you can tell me which side is lying?

Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Afania said: »
I was in Asia in Jan/Feb and I can tell you that "social distancing" as a concept didn't even exist in Jan/Feb, not even in Asia. Governments were promoting surgical masks for everyone to slow down the spread because experts in Asia said it's effective.

Yeah ... Asia is big and it entirely depends on where you were and when.
I think China wins out on the ultimate social distancing.

I mean, when they are literally welding the doors shut on residences, you can't go more extreme than that.

I excluded China because there's no way of knowing their real numbers. Without correct data it's impossible to tell if their way is effective or not.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2020-04-14 12:07:30
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Afania said: »
Pretty sure HK didn't ban gatherings until late March. Their government didn't do a thing way back in Jan/Feb.

And .. You are wrong, while yes they did apply ban for gathering of 4 until march, they took a lot of social distancing measures early on.

If you want to read about exactly what HK government did, their website has the most accurate info.

Info from Jan:

Where did you see "social distancing"? Instead I see "wear a surgical mask if you are travelling to Wuhan" lol

Unless "avoid visiting hospital" count as social distancing by your standard. In that case then sure, they applied "social distancing" early. My understanding of social distancing is more extreme, like wfh, asking people not to go out or ban gatherings though. HK didn't do that in Jan.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 12:48:14
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
but he could be educated on a better mask to wear.

The resources are pretty scarce on that right now. In my town, hardly anyone is wearing masks, I wouldn't even know where to find some to buy right now, I don't have a sewing machine to crank out some sort of custom job either.

Educating mask usage I think is pretty nil if the supply of them is non existent.

The cops deciding to take it upon themselves to fine the piss out of people who aren't even able to make their pay check is pretty disgusting too.

And I agree why the *** is home depot allowed to be open if the cops can fine every single person who is walking out of them. That is some straight up abuse of power. *** cops.

It's also a bit scary to be setting precedent like that. It's very inconsistent nation wide too. My town, thank God, they haven't started in on that *** yet.
Posts: 8833
By Afania 2020-04-14 13:14:35
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
I'd say this is the first completely dumb thing you say so far, it's not as if people in Canada's urban areas scatter in the fields.

Found some additional info if you think the population density in major Canadian cities are anywhere close to HK/TW level.

According to Google:

Montreal has 4,517 people per square kilometer.
Hong Kong has 6,659 people per square kilometer.
Kwan Tong region in HK has 57250 persons per square kilometre,
Taipei has 9,918 people per square kilometer.

There are more space in any of the major Canadian cities, period.
If you think Montreal is crowded, it's probably an empty field to people living in Kwan Tong.

How can people possibly practice social distancing in an area with 57250 persons per square kilometre? I can't imagine. I just don't see how HK can do social distancing as effectively as Canada.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 13:16:05
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I do agree with using face masks btw. Especially in population dense areas.

Personally, since I can't find any or don't have any on hand, I am hermitting the *** up atm. Thankful I can still work, thankful my job is so solo it would make Avesta jelly.

Btw that comment about finding TP being harder than an old school D.ring drop made me giggle.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 13:22:01
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United StatesUnited States

US pushing an over 30% end resulting death vs recovery now.

Heard about a dipshit Wal-Mart employee here in my town, that knew he was in direct contact with a confirmed case but still kept going to work, he tested positive.

3 deaths in county now. One of those deaths, the lady tested positive, was sent home to recover and self quarantine, for some reason she got worse and died, I heard she was too embarrassed over it to seek further treatment, literally died of embarrassment. Very sad.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Saevel 2020-04-14 14:02:09
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US pushing an over 30% end resulting death vs recovery now.

That's not how that number works.

The current rate is about 3.4% but that is a global average and varies accordingly to population makeup and quality of healthcare. These are also reported cases and not total cases, most who are infected won't even know they are as their body fights it off quickly. Again it's not that this is some sort of dangerous evil T-virus with a high mortality rate, it's that this stuff is so contagious that it can spread quickly through a population and infect those most vulnerable.

Most infections go like this. You get infected, within a few days you feel sick and either self-quarantine (stay home) or go see a doctor, either case your effectively isolated from the population at large. This means a virus only has a few days to infect other hosts before it's movement is restricted.

Now COVID-19 is like this. You get infected, don't feel anything for a few weeks, then you feel sick and either stay home or go see a doctor. Now in this scenario the virus has had something like 400 or 500% more time to spread. Multiply this out and it can get a foothold in a population before they even know it's there, meaning the old and immune compromised get infected through sheer volume.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Celebrindal 2020-04-14 14:11:54
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while I'll agree that Wal-Mart employee was reckless and directly caused danger to others, I can also understand the fear of a paycheck-to-paycheck parent who doesn't know how they're gonna feed their kids. No way in hell that while they're open Wal-Mart is paying wages to their sick employees who have to self-quarantine for 2-3 weeks...that could be the difference between survival and not.

Again, not justifying someone risking so many like this employee did- I'm just saying I understand how someone makes such a bad decision when faced with zero good ones.
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-04-14 14:27:14
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I'll never understand why we're so complacent with that.

The thought of living paycheck to paycheck like that and your entire universe revolves around working a shitty job that you can't quit and you can't take a day off because you will lose literally everything is worse than death.

Far too often I question why we just let ***like that slide. Why is it reasonable to work slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement. Why is it ok to make a speeding ticket cost and entire weeks salary. Why do we put up with more commercials than content. How have ads in general gotten so pervasive and all we do is complain but take it up the *** anyway. Why do we just let the price of literally everything go up but the pay stay the same. Why is a HOUSE that's a "necessity" to live cost more than minimum wage will pay in 10 years. and why are people allowed to buy and sell houses in the first place. I mean I can go on for days.

For the first time in our lifetimes we have the ability to fix it all. But we won't.
Server: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Immortalmoon 2020-04-14 14:48:04
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Bahamut.Celebrindal said: »
Again, not justifying someone risking so many like this employee did- I'm just saying I understand how someone makes such a bad decision when faced with zero good ones.

an yet when all this is said an done, are landlords, utility company's going to be asking for back pay since the they not supposed to evict you or cut off your service at this time? what about child support prosecutor they going have your license suspend cause you can not work an pay support then when you can go to work you can't drive? more debt for restatement fee an laywer. the stimulus check may cover it if state takes it but then how you suppose to eat if you live pay check to check. This is how the zombies apocalypse starts someone goes hungry bites another human gets infected with the T virus turns mindless an gets hungry bites next closing living thing! Luckly I still get to go to work so I still making money but I risk my life when I fill up my car someone one going to eat me!!!!
By 2020-04-14 14:50:59
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By Afania 2020-04-14 15:04:55
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
Afania said: »
You didn't address any of my points with any source of info

I'd just like to point out you are discrediting WHO and using random youtube videos as viable sources. I'm not going to put in efforts for you sorry.

Afania said: »
I can read 4 different languages and I'm heavily exposed to 1st hand informations from other countries/regions outside of NA from connections. So I don't just rely on 1 source for information.

There is a HUGE difference when it comes to informations circulating on the internet from different countries/regions.

Not sure if it was a self brag or something but anyways ... I'm very knowledgeable on web research as it relates directly to my job. Unless your first hand information on these things are directly taken from scientific data / research which went through the scientific process, it's worthless and also not first hand. News from X country in X language doesn't matter.

I'd also like to put emphasis on going through the scientific process because you'll always be able to find a scientist somewhere who will make certain wild claims and believe anything.

Sure, there are no evidence that can prove certain theory is correct since "scientific evidence" requires testings in a controlled environment. AFAIK none has conducted large scale experiments in a controlled environment and see if face masks can slow down the spread or not.

But the point of promoting it isn't for research purpose and meet scientists standard, but to save lives and economy in such a short time frame. So it's better to use any tools available to slow down the spread. If certain method, such as face masks, are suspected to work, IMO people should give it a try instead of shutting down the idea entirely just because an evidence hasn't been found.

Also if you care about "scientific process" so much then you should stop using wordings like "provides false sense of security". This kind of claim is as unscientific as it can be.
By 2020-04-14 15:10:55
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By Afania 2020-04-14 15:17:48
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Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
using masks is not a reason to loosen those measures.

I never say masks can be as effective as social distancing. We don't even need science background to know that getting away from everyone else will be more effective than wearing something that blocks virus 96% of time.

I only said that when economy and population density is a concern (aka, social distancing can no longer work), THEN use mask as a substitute.

Sometimes social distancing is just not realistic. That's my point. Plenty of people also has pointed that out in this thread.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 15:23:55
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Asura.Saevel said: »
US pushing an over 30% end resulting death vs recovery now.

That's not how that number works.

The current rate is about 3.4% but that is a global average and varies accordingly to population makeup and quality of healthcare. These are also reported cases and not total cases, most who are infected won't even know they are as their body fights it off quickly. Again it's not that this is some sort of dangerous evil T-virus with a high mortality rate, it's that this stuff is so contagious that it can spread quickly through a population and infect those most vulnerable.

Most infections go like this. You get infected, within a few days you feel sick and either self-quarantine (stay home) or go see a doctor, either case your effectively isolated from the population at large. This means a virus only has a few days to infect other hosts before it's movement is restricted.

Now COVID-19 is like this. You get infected, don't feel anything for a few weeks, then you feel sick and either stay home or go see a doctor. Now in this scenario the virus has had something like 400 or 500% more time to spread. Multiply this out and it can get a foothold in a population before they even know it's there, meaning the old and immune compromised get infected through sheer volume.

Umm that's exactly what is reflected in those numbers, confirmed cases do not automatically mean that you gonna live. I am basing my 30ish% based on known out comes. Recovered vs. death. 30% of the closed cases resulted in death.

Your post is going on and on about "we don't know exact numbers blah blah blah'

I am stating a pretty obvious fact based on numbers we do know. I.E, 2 outcomes death, and recovery. And that number is over 30% for known outcomes.
Bug Hunter
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 15:33:50
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement.
Confirmed, Eiryl lives in China.

Because he certainly isn't talking about the US. Especially with the economy booming before all this ***was taking place.
Server: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Draugo 2020-04-14 15:35:54
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement.
Confirmed, Eiryl lives in China.

Because he certainly isn't talking about the US. Especially with the economy booming before all this ***was taking place.
All rmt come from China, duh.
Server: Asura
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user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2020-04-14 15:41:47
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Asura.Kingnobody said: »
Asura.Eiryl said: »
slave labor for slave pay with zero sick days and constant fear of replacement.
Confirmed, Eiryl lives in China.

Because he certainly isn't talking about the US. Especially with the economy booming before all this ***was taking place.

60 hours in a factory for $10 an hour is slave labor for slave pay. Amazon is the literal definition of slave labor for slave pay.

I speak incredible engrish for being chinese though don't I
Bug Hunter
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2020-04-14 15:46:57
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Asura.Eiryl said: »
60 hours in a factory for $10 an hour is slave labor for slave pay
So, that equates to $700/week, which is more than some people who make livings working at fast food joints (assuming you mean 60 hours a week).

Besides, $700/week is considered the top 1% wage earner in the world. Some countries don't even have rulers who make that much in a week.

But you wouldn't know that, you seem like the type of person who demands $100k/minute for jacking off.
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