Corona Virus, How Has It Affected Your Area So Far?

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Corona Virus, How has it affected your area so far?
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By 2020-03-26 09:58:08
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Server: Bismarck
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user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-03-26 10:26:18
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kireek said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
kireek said: »
Are you honestly prepared for yearly forced vaccines? I'm curious if the same arguments made for the lockdown will make you happy to do that.

I have no issues with vaccines, my wife is a nurse, it's mandatory.

Well we at least know where you are, I'm not sure everyone else would be fine with yearly forced vaccines.

btw there are:

492 hospitals in ontario
267 in quebec
206 in British columbia and on and on and on

Au Québec, à ce jour, 1 339 cas confirmés* de COVID‑19, dont 6 personnes décédées et 1 personne guérie, ont été signalés.

Translation: 1339 confirmed cases. 6 dead. 1 recovered.
By Afania 2020-03-26 10:28:05
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kireek said: »
You know what is really funny though.

If you were to turn off your TV and internet, you would never even know this is happening. There are no mass of ambulances taking sick people into care, there are no dead people everywhere, there are no sick people everywhere. We are being told this is happening via the media, we are not seeing it happen before our eyes.

The world is ending, but it's not.

Nothing like this has ever happened before and people are just letting it happen over a catastrophe that's intangible to almost all of us, we are being convinced we need to do this instead of seeing we need to do this. If you go out now there is almost nobody outside at all. The region I live in has over 100k people and we have had 1 case of the virus in 2 months and we are still in total lockdown.

If we were living in a time with a new black death and people were dying, you could see people dying or dead bodies being carried away out your window. You would not need to be told not to leave your house, you would not be leaving your house at all because you would see it yourself.

We are all acting like a virus that is infecting 0.02% of the population and killing 0.0003% of people (even people over 80 only have a 15% death rate, so this isn't incredibly deadly) is the end of the world and everyone is accepting it.**

The way this is right now, the incredible overreaction we are in now will have consequences for the rest of our lives. This will not end here (or in 6 months) unless our leaders come to their damn senses at a point in the near future and say "hey wait, we overreacted! and we need to go back to normal life now!" I really hope Trump does this because he is one of the only world leaders with the balls to actually go against the media and hysteria to do it.

We are headed for an end to a normal way of life, the level of actions our governments are taking (based off of medical demands) is near tyranny right now and it is escalating.

Look at this rubbish, what the hell is this? They were all spaced out in a green field and they are being told it's lockdown time and they need to go home. This is in the UK, not communist China btw.

YouTube Video Placeholder

If we are at this level now, this will not end. Every virus has a very high mutation chance (as the cold and flu do every year) and so it is impossible to cure it, a vaccine will need to be remade every year and if the virus mutates again too quickly the vaccine will be useless for that year anyway. At that point we will be back at this level of hysteria and lockdown again.

Everyone is mostly fine with what we have done so far and maybe another month of it but past that? not so much.

I can see some common sense changes being made for life in a big city but I fear it will go far further than that. Forced yearly vaccinations, yearly lockdowns in the winter? Who knows.

**329 million US population, 68k infections, 1k deaths.

Its 2020, why are you comparing 2020 with black death era lol.

Even without media we can already see the effect of the virus WAY back in January and February. Friends and family working in China flee before the lockdown and many people were trapped there for months. Then these people with business and job in China never go back after hearing horror stories of COVID 19 in China.

Supply chains for certain products got cut off and companies that rely on Chinese factories were facing decline because they couldn't continue their business.

People with relatives in China talked about it all the time, about how their family got hospitalized because of COVID 19. Even if we don't see it ourselves at least we heard them from connections?

All of these are real and it happened at least 2 months ago.

Its 2020, we don't need to see piles of dead bodies to know that are facing crisis in our life, lol.
By Afania 2020-03-26 10:40:29
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kireek said: »
Caitsith.Shiroi said: »
kireek said: »
3k cases of the virus and 36 deaths in Canada.

Do you understand if 10% of the cases require ICU care, that's a lot of people, 25% of these numbers are from Montreal.

10% of 3k is 300, is there only one hospital in Canada?

Again, I'm not saying it's not a bad thing but the level of over reaction and the tyrannical level of government oppression over it is pretty crazy. Mainly because it won't end here.

Are you honestly prepared for yearly forced vaccines? I'm curious if the same arguments made for the lockdown will make you happy to do that.

Number of hospitals doesn't matter.

Canada's health care capacity was at 110% to 120% BEFORE the outbreak. Even 300 patients is too many for this country.

They actually cancelled unimportant surgeries in Canada for incoming COVID 19 patients.

tl;dr Canada can't handle this, It's totally obvious.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
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user: rada
Posts: 104
By Quetzalcoatl.Kyren 2020-03-26 10:42:32
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kireek said: »
You seem to just want attention for some reason, you asked me for the sources of the image. I gave you a direct link to the bill you were unable to find yourself.

You then said the additions that Pelosi made were stupid because according to you they already exist, fine Pelosi ise incompetent if you insist.

The initial point was they were adding random nonsense to a bill that was needed to give people and companies money, adding irrelevant stuff was just being used as a spoiler to delay. Which they then dropped and have no passed the initial Republican bill with a few minor additions. Proving exactly that.

Now you want to talk about something else, again which is fine but your initial point made zero sense and the Democrats later dropped almost all of the things anyway and supported the Republican bill which has now passed.

As for laughing, well I'm glad I can give you pleasure with so little effort. You're welcome.

What I was trying to teach you is how to critically think about what you read. All the articles you posted before were heavily biased but you refused to read the actual bill. All it took was 5min to read that it wasn't some SJW sneak attack.

Right now you're experiencing something called Cognitive Dissonance. It happens when new information about a subject is introduced that challenges our entire understanding of that said subject. You could have accepted the information and become more open to changes of your worldview or you could have doubled-down... You doubled-down.

As for attention seeking: I'm not the one double posting entire essays.

I work in peripheral health care so I'm an essential worker who works for a Covid-19 hospital centre. All workers need I.Ds showing at all times. We aren't allowed to use the main entrance anymore, only a single back entrance. My hours increased from 8 to now 10 or 11 which isn't fun. Though I work in human genetics half of the lab I work with has been commandeered to help alleviate the influx of tests we are trying to process. Now most of my job is arguing with other hospitals, surgeons and specialists that the patient needs to see them in person. That their so-called elective procedure will turn into a non-elective in the future. But I can't complain.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2020-03-26 10:55:34
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Quetzalcoatl.Kyren said: »
kireek said: »
You seem to just want attention for some reason, you asked me for the sources of the image. I gave you a direct link to the bill you were unable to find yourself.

You then said the additions that Pelosi made were stupid because according to you they already exist, fine Pelosi ise incompetent if you insist.

The initial point was they were adding random nonsense to a bill that was needed to give people and companies money, adding irrelevant stuff was just being used as a spoiler to delay. Which they then dropped and have no passed the initial Republican bill with a few minor additions. Proving exactly that.

Now you want to talk about something else, again which is fine but your initial point made zero sense and the Democrats later dropped almost all of the things anyway and supported the Republican bill which has now passed.

As for laughing, well I'm glad I can give you pleasure with so little effort. You're welcome.

What I was trying to teach you is how to critically think about what you read. All the articles you posted before were heavily biased but you refused to read the actual bill. All it took was 5min to read that it wasn't some SJW sneak attack.

Right now you're experiencing something called Cognitive Dissonance. It happens when new information about a subject is introduced that challenges our entire understanding of that said subject. You could have accepted the information and become more open to changes of your worldview or you could have doubled-down... You doubled-down.

As for attention seeking: I'm not the one double posting entire essays.

I work in peripheral health care so I'm an essential worker who works for a Covid-19 hospital centre. All workers need I.Ds showing at all times. We aren't allowed to use the main entrance anymore, only a single back entrance. My hours increased from 8 to now 10 or 11 which isn't fun. Though I work in human genetics half of the lab I work with has been commandeered to help alleviate the influx of tests we are trying to process. Now most of my job is arguing with other hospitals, surgeons and specialists that the patient needs to see them in person. That their so-called elective procedure will turn into a non-elective in the future. But I can't complain.
Hold on. The disease is real, the quarantines are necessary. But the bill the Dems put out was an SJW sneak attack. It had 1404 pages of Green New Deal stuff in it. Airline emissions stuff, workplace diversity stuff, and a whole bunch of other things unrelated to the stimulus package. You know the old saying: "Don't let a good crisis go to waste." So just because the covid threat IS real, it doesn't mean the Dems weren't trying to exploit this. If you want to tell people to think critically, you need to do so as well. People always pick a side and belive their side can do no harm. That's false.
By 2020-03-26 11:01:23
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:06:09
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Pelosi put out a bill to show the GOP that their pressure campaign could work both ways. The GOP was trying to jam the Dems into taking their really bad deal because they believed there was no other choice. Pelosi proved them wrong, there was an alternative.
By 2020-03-26 11:07:20
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By 2020-03-26 11:09:54
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By 2020-03-26 11:11:47
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By 2020-03-26 11:14:28
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:18:14
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kireek said: »
Viciouss said: »
Pelosi put out a bill to show the GOP that their pressure campaign could work both ways. The GOP was trying to jam the Dems into taking their really bad deal because they believed there was no other choice. Pelosi proved them wrong, there was an alternative.

She has also delayed the bill again now, putting working families in more problems. She just should pass it in the house asap so these people can get their money.

She is truly evil, her pay should be stopped until she passes the damn bill. Damn you skeletor!

Pelosi has not at any point delayed this bill. It is not currently delayed at all, the only delay that ever occurred was last night when 4 GOP senators were holding it up.
Server: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: rada
Posts: 104
By Quetzalcoatl.Kyren 2020-03-26 11:21:06
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Bismarck.Laurelli said: »
Hold on. The disease is real, the quarantines are necessary. But the bill the Dems put out was an SJW sneak attack. It had 1404 pages of Green New Deal stuff in it. Airline emissions stuff, workplace diversity stuff, and a whole bunch of other things unrelated to the stimulus package. You know the old saying: "Don't let a good crisis go to waste." So just because the covid threat IS real, it doesn't mean the Dems weren't trying to exploit this. If you want to tell people to think critically, you need to do so as well. People always pick a side and belive their side can do no harm. That's false.

All of the 'sneak attack' ammendments were bills Democrats tried to introduce the past 3 years. We aren't talking about 10 or 20 articles introduced, we are talking about over 100. If these bills were supposedly useless let the House decide.
By 2020-03-26 11:22:27
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By 2020-03-26 11:24:53
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:35:22
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kireek said: »
Viciouss said: »
kireek said: »
Viciouss said: »
Pelosi put out a bill to show the GOP that their pressure campaign could work both ways. The GOP was trying to jam the Dems into taking their really bad deal because they believed there was no other choice. Pelosi proved them wrong, there was an alternative.

She has also delayed the bill again now, putting working families in more problems. She just should pass it in the house asap so these people can get their money.

She is truly evil, her pay should be stopped until she passes the damn bill. Damn you skeletor!

Pelosi has not at any point delayed this bill. It is not currently delayed at all, the only delay that ever occurred was last night when 4 GOP senators were holding it up.

She did, she said she would pass it in the house and instead she closed the house and went back on holiday. It passed the senate and now needs to pass the house, she won't let it until fri.

She did not close the House lol. You have no idea how our government functions. The bill is not delayed at all.
By 2020-03-26 11:41:37
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:42:39
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Thank you for proving me right.
By 2020-03-26 11:44:31
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:45:18
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Garbage blog from a garbage source. Again, thank you for proving me right.
By 2020-03-26 11:47:14
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:48:38
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There is nothing to counter, you posted a trash blog and my statements remain correct and you remain clueless.
By 2020-03-26 11:50:42
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 11:52:29
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Proving me right again, thanks man. You really don't know anything about America.
By 2020-03-26 11:58:44
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 12:12:05
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kireek said: »
Viciouss said: »
Proving me right again, thanks man. You really don't know anything about America.

It won't pass Friday either, Democrats just don't want people to get their Trump Bux.

lol, proving me right again.
By 2020-03-26 12:39:59
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By Viciouss 2020-03-26 12:40:39
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I don't need a comeback when my statements remain correct.
By 2020-03-26 12:40:40
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