Random Politics & Religion #27

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Random Politics & Religion #27
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Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:43:15
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Enough with the parades you don't need to celebrate every *** thing. *puts on old man glasses*
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 11:44:01
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Zerowone said: »
Given the direction this heading; this feels appropriate:

What do mopeds and fat ladies have in common?

They're both a great ride until someone sees you on one.

Tangentially related, I find it amazing the way people respond to some things.

Some picture of a bigger girl with a muscular tattooed guy was making the rounds on social media and the response was overwhelmingly positive for her with "You go girl!"s and "She's so brave!"

Meanwhile you reverse those roles and you get every person on earth commenting "Money can buy you happiness! ;) "

I think everyone should be with someone they're happy with. If you're into big girls/guys, good for you! Tap in that *** and don't look back.

But can we stop pretending people are brave for being immodest? I *thank* attractive people that are immodest. I love looking at pictures of them. But that's not bravery. That's really attention seeking, however you dress (or undress) it up.
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-09-22 11:44:10
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Ramyrez said: »
I cannot tell you any one thing you seek is wrong per se

I can!

His entire post is as shallow as puddle on a sidewalk. He's not only completely delusional about what he is bringing to the table but he has absolutely no idea what being in a relationship actually means.

I glad he lives in unicornland where he and his wife will never get old or put on a little weight. >.>

Best of luck to his wife after she has a second or third kid and he dumps her for someone more perky.
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-09-22 11:47:30
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ramyrez said: »
I cannot tell you any one thing you seek is wrong per se

I can!

His entire post is as shallow as puddle on a sidewalk. He's not only completely delusional about what he is bringing to the table but he has absolutely no idea what being in a relationship actually means.

I glad he lives in unicornland where he and his wife will never get old or put on a little weight. >.>

Best of luck to his wife after she has a second or third kid and he dumps her for someone more perky.

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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 11:48:28
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ramyrez said: »
I cannot tell you any one thing you seek is wrong per se

I can!


I don't think it's wrong. People are entitled to believe what they choose. It doesn't mean they're entitled to what they want. They're just allowed to want it.

That's actually a huge distinction that no one seems willing to make in regard to themselves, only to people they disagree with.

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and all.
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:49:36
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If we are talking about romance forget about it. I just want someone that I can stand and that can stand being around me !
Posts: 35422
By fonewear 2017-09-22 11:50:10
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If I want romance I'll go to Hallmark and buy a card with flowery language.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 11:52:05
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »

"Preservation of the family unit" is the same barefoot-and-pregnant ideology of old wrapped in new packaging. Self destructive behavior differs from the idea of female liberation. If you find someone who shares your family-centered ideology, then cool. Go nuts. But it isn't anyone else's responsibility to adhere to it. I'm sure it's such a massive burden for you studly types to continuously deal with these wily females (lol), but I think you'll be ok.

Breaking news, gay man shits all over the concept of a traditional family. Can't say I'm shocked. Good thing that despite his ridicule socio-economic plight goes hand in hand with the assault on the nuclear family.

Pleebo is just too drunk on liberal kool-aid to recognize it.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-09-22 11:53:19
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Checklists are usually conducive to lonely people in my experience. Got friends who are looking for a type and not a person. I'm not *** headed enough to tell them that ideal mate only exists in their mind (at least when I'm sober).
Server: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Nikolce
Posts: 20130
By Shiva.Nikolce 2017-09-22 11:59:50
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Ramyrez said: »
I don't think it's wrong.

It's fundamentally flawed at the most basic level.

Looks change over time, weight changes over time and uh oh look out for this shocker spoiler alert EVERYONE GETS OLD. Heaven forbid Nausi finds someone as equally shallow as he is and they marry...then he loses his job or gets hurt at work or puts on a couple of pounds or gets a few gray hairs... then boom! it's hit the bricks jackass time

How about looking for someone you have something in common with... for starters, maybe that you can relate to on an intellectual level, share common goals and dreams and ideas on where and when and how big you want to build a family together. where you see yourself in the future...

looks are about as important as the box the cereal comes in...

it doesn't matter how attractive the outside of the box is if it's full of crusty covered ***nuggets on the inside that you have to eat for *** breakfast every morning
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:02:36
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Ramyrez said: »
fonewear said: »
The single mother epidemic is real. I can't tell you how many women want me to take responsibility for their dumb decisions. Look I get it you had a kid when you shouldn't have. But that isn't my problem. No way in hell I'm getting involved with a woman. Plus I have to deal with her ex husband lover etc. It's hard enough to date as it is.

Ignoring the internet-driven drivel of "beta cucks and white knights," which is exactly that; internet jargon meant to insult and not actually discuss issues.

I was both unplanned, my parents divorced when I was 3, and I have an awesome stepdad. I'm super supportive of guys who are willing to shoulder the burden that shitty dads run away from or half-***. My own father is...not the worst. Certainly not worth bitching about. Tried his best, his best was just pretty weak.

So all the same, this is me as a product of the exact situation we're talking about saying that despite it working out ok for me, not everyone is as lucky and the situation is a major problem. It would be a lot better if women and men alike would learn how to prevent pregnancies.

I'd rather some of my tax money go into family planning and birth control/sex education to avoid a lot of these unplanned pregnancies, rather than significantly larger amounts of that money needing to go to welfare and other programs to support children who were born into shitty situations.

In the meantime you have an entire generation of 30-somethings who are incompatible because the guys aren't looking to be dads/half-dads to other people's kids and take on all the baggage that entails, and another generation of children of which many don't have the support/role models they need.

Someone, somewhere (many someones, really) is going to have to take one for the proverbial team, in the grand scheme of the human race. And everyone is just playing a big game of "whole stole the cookie from the cookie jar?" on that front.

I'm just curious. Have you ever considered the role your mother had in choosing you're father? Does she bear any blame for your upbringing plight, or do you put the blame 100% solely at the feet of your father?

On a related note, how can you be sure you see his side of the story from an impartial perspective. I ask this because single parents who have custody are certainly not above manipulating their own children against their other parents. This isn't an accusation towards your mom, but rather a curiosity I have and an encouragement towards critical thinking.

Why do you think (if you do) your mother was the saint? Have you considered that you may think this way (again if so) BECAUSE you grew up exposed to how she felt towards your father?
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:10:06
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Asura.Saevel said: »
I was the dude the engaged or married chicks would cheat with on the side.

I only married (wife) after she demonstrated a strong character and unquestionable loyalty.

we kind of glossed right over this little gem of a nugget right here...

I lol'd pretty hard at demanding your wife show "strong character and unquestionable loyalty" when you have NONE after admitting to sleeping with married women...

oh karma, please don't make us wait for the best part too long...

I always have to chuckle at the cheated-with being the one who breaks up relationships instead of the actual cheater. I mean its one thing to feel betrayed by some marginal ***, but to suggest that the one inside the relationship isn't 100% responsible for putting it at risk is well, dumb.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 12:16:40
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Nausi said: »
I'm just curious. Have you ever considered the role your mother had in choosing you're father?


Does she bear any blame for your upbringing plight, or do you put the blame 100% solely at the feet of your father?

Plight? I had a solid 1.75 dads. I had it pretty good. My stepmom wasn't too bad either. A little flighty, a very "took an acid trip in the 70s and never came all the way back type woman" (my wife's description), but a very nice woman.

There was no plight for me. For my parents you could argue, sure. But not me. I had two Christmases, two birthdays, two Halloweens worth of candy. It was great.

Nausi said: »
On a related note, how can you be sure you see his side of the story from an impartial perspective

Because I am a functional adult and one of my very cultivated skills is putting myself in other people's shoes. Which is why you see me accepting your choices here, even though I don't really agree with them and my gut instinct is to go with Nik.

You'll note I've been pretty inactive in P&R for several months and you still don't see me chiming in about actual politics right now beyond observations. I've spent several months really just thinking about a lot of things and examining people's POVs.

Anyhow, my father has qualities. Adult responsibilities are not among them. I can go deeper into it if you really want to, but I really don't think that's necessary. Suffice to say he's not a bad person, just not great at...well, life. If we're being honest.

Nausi said: »
Why do you think (if you do) your mother was the saint? Have you considered that you may think this way (again if so) BECAUSE you grew up exposed to how she felt towards your father?

I in no way consider my mother a saint. I am not even any more sympathetic to my mother than my father. My mother is extremely honest, in fact, about everything. To this day she scolds me for not being in more contact with my father. My mother's unkind comments about my father were few and far between.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 12:19:08
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
It's fundamentally flawed at the most basic level.

Maybe I should reword myself.

I don't think it's incorrect. It's his own belief. He can have his own beliefs and I can't say they're right or wrong strictly speaking.

I think it's an emotionally shallow, morally bankrupt way of approaching relationships but...some of my best friends were sleeping with different girls every night in college. I don't exactly endorse the behavior, but it's not my *** that might rot off so...

I don't throw stones in glass houses. I own the house now and I have to pay to fix that ***.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:25:42
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Ramyrez said: »
I cannot tell you any one thing you seek is wrong per se

I can!

His entire post is as shallow as puddle on a sidewalk. He's not only completely delusional about what he is bringing to the table but he has absolutely no idea what being in a relationship actually means.

I glad he lives in unicornland where he and his wife will never get old or put on a little weight. >.>

Best of luck to his wife after she has a second or third kid and he dumps her for someone more perky.

1) I stated right off the bat I accept the premise that it might happen.

2) I wouldn't dump her for someone more perky, I view the commitment very seriously, but I certainly wouldn't be as attractive to her. I'm not going to apologize for that. It's ridiculous on it's face to expect someone to be physically attracted to anyone else no matter what happens. Any woman worth anything understands this aspect of biology.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:27:21
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
Looks change over time, weight changes over time and uh oh look out for this shocker spoiler alert EVERYONE GETS OLD. Heaven forbid Nausi finds someone as equally shallow as he is and they marry...then he loses his job or gets hurt at work or puts on a couple of pounds or gets a few gray hairs... then boom! it's hit the bricks jackass time

Old man, I understand that if I put on weight, I get less appealing. I expect any woman I marry to understand that it's a two way street.

Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-09-22 12:31:03
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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 12:32:01
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Nausi said: »
I wouldn't dump her for someone more perky, I view the commitment very seriously, but I certainly wouldn't be as attractive to her. I'm not going to apologize for that. It's ridiculous on it's face to expect someone to be physically attracted to anyone else no matter what happens. Any woman worth anything understands this aspect of biology.

I do find the concept that some people (men and women alike) expect their spouse to never find anyone else attractive ever again. Women get catty about it. Dudes get downright territorial. It's unflattering no matter who does it. Jealousy is ugly.

I'm not saying act on those urges or feelings, however. Acknowledging other people are attractive is just admitting facts. But learning to control yourself is part of being an adult. Fighting biological urges. Impulse control is a defining characteristic that separates us from ye olde beasts.

Well, I mean, that and opposable thumbs but Raccoons will catch up eventually and then we'll be in some ***anyhow.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:34:09
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Shiva.Nikolce said: »
How about looking for someone you have something in common with... for starters, maybe that you can relate to on an intellectual level, share common goals and dreams and ideas on where and when and how big you want to build a family together. where you see yourself in the future...
That's quite important too, but if there's no attraction, then can't we just be pals.

I understand that after umpteen years married to the same person, all that physical stuff sort of falls by the wayside, but pretending it's not important is well, DUMB.

For the record, I've tried to pretend it isn't important, so I know it's dumb from personal experience. You know what happens? SHE gets *** and leaves because she expects me to treat her as though I think she's a 10.
By 2017-09-22 12:36:00
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Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:37:04
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Ramyrez said: »
Nausi said: »
I wouldn't dump her for someone more perky, I view the commitment very seriously, but I certainly wouldn't be as attractive to her. I'm not going to apologize for that. It's ridiculous on it's face to expect someone to be physically attracted to anyone else no matter what happens. Any woman worth anything understands this aspect of biology.

I do find the concept that some people (men and women alike) expect their spouse to never find anyone else attractive ever again. Women get catty about it. Dudes get downright territorial. It's unflattering no matter who does it. Jealousy is ugly.

I'm not saying act on those urges or feelings, however. Acknowledging other people are attractive is just admitting facts. But learning to control yourself is part of being an adult. Fighting biological urges. Impulse control is a defining characteristic that separates us from ye olde beasts.

Well, I mean, that and opposable thumbs but Raccoons will catch up eventually and then we'll be in some ***anyhow.

If marriage has for you become the denial of all things male, then your wife has you on the end of a pretty short leash.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2017-09-22 12:37:32
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Nausi said: »
Breaking news, gay man shits all over the concept of a traditional family.
Awww hell naw...

First of all, I did not ***on the idea of a "traditional family". I simply stated that so rigid a concept is not going to be for everyone nor is it imperative on anyone to adhere to it. Second, tradition doesn't mean ***because they WILL inevitably change. The thinking that they way you were raised or the way you want to live your life is the single correct option is so hideously pompous when so many others exist that are just as viable. Your way is not THE way. My way is not THE way. They're simply different and shouldn't be imposed onto anyone unwilling.

Lastly, the apparent fact that women aren't lining up to incubate your seedlings is entirely on you and you alone. You enjoy the projection of victimization in almost every other conversation when the topic doesn't affect you directly but really love to wallow in it when it does. Nik is right. Your wishlist is shallow as ***. You seem to think the fact that your self rating is somewhat above average is a big selling point when the ***that comes out of your mouth helps contribute to a overall score that's in the negative range. It's not on any women to cater to your views and it's not on you to change to cater to any woman. However, that needs to come with the acceptance that you will be increasingly limited in your appeal. But at least when you're pushing 50 you'll be able to tell your 10 ferrets that you were never cucked.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:39:38
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Ramyrez said: »
Nausi said: »
I'm just curious. Have you ever considered the role your mother had in choosing you're father?


Does she bear any blame for your upbringing plight, or do you put the blame 100% solely at the feet of your father?

Plight? I had a solid 1.75 dads. I had it pretty good. My stepmom wasn't too bad either. A little flighty, a very "took an acid trip in the 70s and never came all the way back type woman" (my wife's description), but a very nice woman.

There was no plight for me. For my parents you could argue, sure. But not me. I had two Christmases, two birthdays, two Halloweens worth of candy. It was great.

Nausi said: »
On a related note, how can you be sure you see his side of the story from an impartial perspective

Because I am a functional adult and one of my very cultivated skills is putting myself in other people's shoes. Which is why you see me accepting your choices here, even though I don't really agree with them and my gut instinct is to go with Nik.

You'll note I've been pretty inactive in P&R for several months and you still don't see me chiming in about actual politics right now beyond observations. I've spent several months really just thinking about a lot of things and examining people's POVs.

Anyhow, my father has qualities. Adult responsibilities are not among them. I can go deeper into it if you really want to, but I really don't think that's necessary. Suffice to say he's not a bad person, just not great at...well, life. If we're being honest.

Nausi said: »
Why do you think (if you do) your mother was the saint? Have you considered that you may think this way (again if so) BECAUSE you grew up exposed to how she felt towards your father?

I in no way consider my mother a saint. I am not even any more sympathetic to my mother than my father. My mother is extremely honest, in fact, about everything. To this day she scolds me for not being in more contact with my father. My mother's unkind comments about my father were few and far between.

Follow up question.

What blame do you place at the feet of your mother for having a child with such an irresponsible man?
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 12:40:03
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Nausi said: »
If marriage has for you become the denial of all things male, then your wife has you on the end of a pretty short leash.

Wait, what?

Are you speaking figuratively or of my marriage?

Because I was pretty sure I just agreed with you there on this topic.
Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 12:41:46
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Nausi said: »
What blame do you place at the feet of your mother for having a child with such an irresponsible man?

How much blame?

Who is blaming anyone for anything?

I'm alive.

How do I place blame on people for making me BE?

I wouldn't condone their actions in anyone but I can't precisely condemn them and bemoan my own existence without expanding my collection of black clothing, mascara, and The Cult records.
Posts: 9772
By Zerowone 2017-09-22 12:46:05
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
But at least when you're pushing 50 you'll be able to tell your 10 ferrets that you were never cucked.

By 2017-09-22 12:48:40
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Posts: 24505
By Ramyrez 2017-09-22 12:48:45
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
However, that needs to come with the acceptance that you will be increasingly limited in your appeal.

FWIW he seems well aware of this, despite him feeling that precisely who is being unreasonable is debatable.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:48:54
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
Nausi said: »
Breaking news, gay man shits all over the concept of a traditional family.
Awww hell naw...

First of all, I did not ***on the idea of a "traditional family". I simply stated that so rigid a concept is not going to be for everyone nor is it imperative on anyone to adhere to it. Second, tradition doesn't mean ***because they WILL inevitably change. The thinking that they way you were raised or the way you want to live your life is the single correct option is so hideously pompous when so many others exist that are just as viable. Your way is not THE way. My way is not THE way. They're simply different and shouldn't be imposed onto anyone unwilling.

Lastly, the apparent fact that women aren't lining up to incubate your seedlings is entirely on you and you alone. You enjoy the projection of victimization in almost every other conversation when the topic doesn't affect you directly but really love to wallow in it when it does. Nik is right. Your wishlist is shallow as ***. You seem to think the fact that your self rating is somewhat above average is a big selling point when the ***that comes out of your mouth helps contribute to a overall score that's in the negative range. It's not on any women to cater to your views and it's not on you to change to cater to any woman. However, that needs to come with the acceptance that you will be increasingly limited in your appeal. But at least when you're pushing 50 you'll be able to tell your 10 ferrets that you were never cucked.

Being lectured by a gay man that my tastes in partners are shallow is hilarious. I thought people are born the way they are and thus shouldn't be shamed for their orientations? You misunderstand, it's not that there aren't interested parties, it's that the interested parties have nothing to offer, yet keep insisting they do.

It's always better to remain alone than be with someone who makes you feel that way.
Posts: 12129
By Nausi 2017-09-22 12:50:16
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Ramyrez said: »
Nausi said: »
What blame do you place at the feet of your mother for having a child with such an irresponsible man?

How much blame?

Who is blaming anyone for anything?

I'm alive.

How do I place blame on people for making me BE?

I wouldn't condone their actions in anyone but I can't precisely condemn them and bemoan my own existence without expanding my collection of black clothing, mascara, and The Cult records.

So your mom gets a pass because if she didn't act irresponsibly, you wouldn't be alive?
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