Hillary Clinton 2016 Presidential Thread
By fonewear 2016-08-15 06:14:17
And you think they won't vote in the election...
Hillary Clinton's campaign on Sunday announced a program to recruit undocumented "Dreamers" into a voter registration army even though they are not allowed to vote.
Celebrating the four-year anniversary of President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, Clinton launched "Mi Sueno, Tu Voto" (My Dream, Your Vote), to rally and "secure commitments" from immigrants who can vote.
The DACA program created so-called "Dreamers," the children of illegal immigrants who the president has offered renewable two-year work visas and deportation deferral. The goal for many in the program is amnesty.
"We may not have the right to vote, but 'Mi Sueno, Tu Voto' will help ensure that our stories are heard and it will send a clear signal to Donald Trump that we cannot be silenced," said Astrid Silva, Nevada Dreamer and immigrant rights activist.
Server: Asura
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By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 08:18:03
Secret Service leaks that Hillary Clinton may have Parkinson's Disease (and / or other neurological health problems). Criminal acts aside, is she fit to be president? So? FDR had Polio, and that didn't stop him from running and being president.
Not that I believe you anyway, your information comes from Alex Jones, a man who can't tell a conspiracy from a hole in the wall with some sort of object that prevents anything from going through that hole in the wall, except when it's used to open a passageway by higher intelligent beings (hint: it's a door).
To him, it's a government conspiracy to keep him from going through the hole in the wall!
Server: Garuda
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By Garuda.Chanti 2016-08-15 09:12:18
Secret Service leaks that Hillary Clinton may have Parkinson's Disease (and / or other neurological health problems). Criminal acts aside, is she fit to be president? So? FDR had Polio, and that didn't stop him from running and being president.
Not that I believe you anyway, your information comes from Alex Jones, a man who can't tell a conspiracy from a hole in the wall with some sort of object that prevents anything from going through that hole in the wall, except when it's used to open a passageway by higher intelligent beings (hint: it's a door).
To him, it's a government conspiracy to keep him from going through the hole in the wall! Its a right wing fantasy and has been disproven.
But I REALLY like your answer King.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 10:08:57
Secret Service leaks that Hillary Clinton may have Parkinson's Disease (and / or other neurological health problems). Criminal acts aside, is she fit to be president? So? FDR had Polio, and that didn't stop him from running and being president.
Not that I believe you anyway, your information comes from Alex Jones, a man who can't tell a conspiracy from a hole in the wall with some sort of object that prevents anything from going through that hole in the wall, except when it's used to open a passageway by higher intelligent beings (hint: it's a door).
To him, it's a government conspiracy to keep him from going through the hole in the wall! Its a right wing fantasy and has been disproven.
But I REALLY like your answer King. It's not even right wing. Just because it's against Clinton doesn't mean it's automatically a conservative notion.
It's completely stupid, that's all.
By eliroo 2016-08-15 10:11:56
Can we just have another year of Obama not doing anything and actually pick presidential canidates that actually care about america?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 10:13:14
It's sad when Obama seems to be the better choice this year.....
Server: Shiva
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By Shiva.Nikolce 2016-08-15 10:28:41
Can we just have another year of Obama not doing anything and actually pick presidential canidates that actually care about america?
your choices are....get raped by a man with small hands that is squeamish about touching people or get raped by an angry shebitch with a huge strap-on the size of john holmes and no lube.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-08-15 10:31:49
I've figured it out. We'll choose our candidates by Presidential Olympics. Events include:
Truth Telling!
Positive Campaigning!
Bribery Rejection!
100-Meter Hurdles!
By Zululu 2016-08-15 10:56:17
Simple fact. Trump said if she wins, then the 2 amendment is only thing you can do.
I can't believe how people defend him and not her.
How many people want to shoot her? Or put her in a jail.
Men have done a lot worse things. Like sending armies with no reason.
Just for emails, people want to jail her.
By eliroo 2016-08-15 11:03:42
Simple fact. Trump said if she wins, then the 2 amendment is only thing you can do.
Da ***.
Trump says some stupid and ridiculous stuff but you have to be an absolute media sheep to believe that was the intention of his statement. It could have been taken in a billion different directions given the context and pin-point the most extreme direction and use the one that fits your agenda. Or you just listen to the media and can't think and rationalize on your own two feet.
Regardless, they will both make terrible presidents. We should not have to vote this year as both candidates are clearly not qualified. The people need to actually get together and find a way to make elections better than just voting this year.
I really think we need a revolution when it comes to our voting system. The two party system needs to be abolished and the media needs to be free of any presidential or other political ties.
Server: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-08-15 11:18:16
I can't believe how people defend him and not her.
Nobody is defended more than Hillary Clinton. She gets away with everything, Trump gets blasted for everything.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 11:59:13
I don't think she really gets away with anything, it's more a perception thing because Trump gets more coverage. You're kidding, right?
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 12:22:20
So what did she actually get away with that medias didn't cover yet? So that's what your play is.
"Sure, they covered it. Never mind most of these stories go straight to archives, because they did a story on it, they certainly did their justice on all of the issues with Clinton."
Never mind that Trump doesn't even have to say or imply anything and they will make a story about it.
Server: Bahamut
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Posts: 13641
By Bahamut.Ravael 2016-08-15 12:26:09
I don't think she really gets away with anything, it's more a perception thing because Trump gets more coverage.
You basically just said it yourself. One of the multiple ways that she gets away with things is that the media doesn't cover them to the extent that Trump's foibles get covered.
By eliroo 2016-08-15 12:26:27
I'm not an expert but wasn't an email just released that proved her campaign had a "Pay to Play" program that accepted illegal donations promising positions of power to said donors?
This was around the time people were crying about trump mentioning the second amendment.
Also she is also under scrutiny and got away with a crime that others have committed on a smaller scale and got a far worse punishment.
Willful ignorance is the worst type of ignorance. You can vote for whoever you want but don't sit there and act like your candidate is blameless and not critically examined. Hillary has most of the prime media outlets in her pocket (Not Fox), so they will most likely never publish these stories or even get deep into them.
Good example is the release of the DNC emails that contained a lot of information about how corrupt the DNC was and how unfair they ran their election process. Instead of examining this critically and raising awareness they sold it off as "Russian hackers" and proceeded to ignorantly blame the russians.
Hillary and the DNC gets off with a lot because all the media outlets are hopped in her pockets.
I'm all for the freedom of the press, given that the press isn't tied to a political agenda.
By eliroo 2016-08-15 12:30:19
So it's just a perception thing like I said, Trump gets a lot more coverage. How the medias see it is, nobody cares about what Hillary says, she's boring. Everyone wants to know what's the next outrageous thing Trump said.
Unfair? Yes. But that's the American way, it's business.
I do agree it has to with business but it is more-so that they are not covering anything Hillary does because their CEO has loaded her wallet in hopes that it benefits him and his business. It isn't that what she says is boring or uneventful, it is that they make it boring and uneventful.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 12:41:12
I'm not an expert but wasn't an email just released that proved her campaign had a "Pay to Play" program that accepted illegal donations promising positions of power to said donors? Several....hundred.
Why do you think the FBI/US Attorney General finally got off their *** and actually investigate the Clinton Foundation?
We already know the results anyway:
James Comey said: Our investigation has found several campaign, fraud, and bribery laws broke, but because Clinton and her staff didn't intend to break those laws, we do not intend to prosecute against her.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 12:43:05
So it's just a perception thing like I said, Trump gets a lot more coverage. How the medias see it is, nobody cares about what Hillary says, she's boring. Everyone wants to know what's the next outrageous thing Trump said.
Unfair? Yes. But that's the American way, it's business. They are going to the point of making ***up.
Remember that 3rd party telling the "expert" who then told Chris Mathews on MSNBC that Trump wants to nuke all of Europe? That story lasted a whole week, and all without evidence to support such story.
By Yatenkou 2016-08-15 12:53:31
I am imagining movements to impeach her the moment she takes office. I mean that's weird I'm thinking that right?
(Movements from angry citizens)
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 13:02:58
I am imagining movements to impeach her the moment she takes office. I mean that's weird I'm thinking that right?
(Movements from angry citizens) Same could be said of Trump.
Server: Valefor
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2016-08-15 13:16:21
Willful ignorance is the worst type of ignorance proceeded to ignorantly blame the russians FBI confirmed it.
I can't believe how people defend him and not her. On the other side, this doesn't seem based on reality lol.
Server: Asura
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Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2016-08-15 13:18:24
Well you are spinning the story. No, MSNBC is. All other major news sources are just spreading the lies.
They were saying he wouldn't rule out the possibility of nuking Europe if there was a conflict. Not the same thing as nuking all of Europe. Did he say that? Is there evidence? If so, why hasn't it been presented yet?
The backlash he got for that was so easily avoidable, I wouldn't be surprised if he just took the bait to get more coverage. He did the right thing (for once) and ignored what they are saying.
But at least you admitted that this was bait for something bigger. They wanted to see his response.
Still doesn't change the fact that they just committed libel.
By Skjalfeirdotter 2016-08-15 14:04:23
Well you are spinning the story. No, MSNBC is. All other major news sources are just spreading the lies.
They were saying he wouldn't rule out the possibility of nuking Europe if there was a conflict. Not the same thing as nuking all of Europe. Did he say that? Is there evidence? If so, why hasn't it been presented yet?
The backlash he got for that was so easily avoidable, I wouldn't be surprised if he just took the bait to get more coverage. He did the right thing (for once) and ignored what they are saying.
But at least you admitted that this was bait for something bigger. They wanted to see his response.
Still doesn't change the fact that they just committed libel.
Just read the actual stories, word for word and not spin it. This is the source of the issue, yes it's stupid Trump didn't actually say something completely outrageous, they were just baiting him and he certainly took the bait.
YouTube Video Placeholder
Conclusion, he wouldn't rule out using nukes in middle east and europe. Click bait articles.
This also does happen with Hillary, just look at the "What difference does it make" quote.
Hate to burst your bubble, but nuclear weapons have already been used in the middle east.
Hillary Clinton Presidential Race 2016
What She Stands For
Education: Make public college debt-free. Fund universal pre-K. Against No Child Left Behind. Position unknown on Common Core.
Guns: Ban several types of assault weapons. Repeal protections for gun makers. Create a comprehensive background check system and close loopholes.
Healthcare: Give the government a role is setting insurance rates. Expand Obamacare but do not attempt to create a universal healthcare system now.
Immigration: Continue DACA and DAPA programs to waive deportation and expand them. Give undocumented residents a path to legal status.
Jobs and Wages: $275 billion stimulus plan. Tax credits for jobs. Raise federal minimum wage to $12 an hour.
Marijuana: “Wait and see” on overall legalization.
Social Issues: Abortion should be legal. So should same-sex marriage.
Taxes: A series of targeted tax credits for the middle class. Raise capital gains taxes.
Israel: Work toward a two-state solution. Do not necessarily freeze settlement building.
Iran: Support framework for nuclear deal. Continue diplomacy efforts and some sanctions.
Islamic State: No boots on the ground. Use regional troops.
Trade: Clinton announced last year that she does not support the Trans-Pacific Partnership as it currently stands. The deal — the largest trade agreement in history — cuts trade barriers, protects multinational corporations’ intellectual properties and sets labor and environmental standards. ( in other works makes the US even more of a jobless nation compared to other "free trade deals"